Chapter 181
On the roof of a residential building east by south of Su Ye.

Lin Yunxi and the others were watching the monster advance.

"In about 5 minutes, the movement of the monster will probably be discovered by Shura."

Beside several people, a subordinate spoke to explain the situation.

"Once Shura finds two time-space creatures, he will probably react immediately and guess that we lured them here."

Cui Chengxian narrowed his eyes slightly, and continued: "In this case, Shura will definitely choose to escape. We'd better go ahead and block his retreat."

"According to the original plan, force him to the south."

"By the way, his companions can be dealt with first."

"Leave the two girls to me!"

After Choi Seung-heon finished his last sentence, Lee Chan-yeol immediately shouted at him in a somewhat high-pitched voice: "Why did those two girls give it to you?"

"Why don't you go find that man!?"

"No matter what, I want at least one of those two girls, Siba Smecta, I haven't touched a fresh and beautiful girl for a month."

It's been three months since the apocalypse broke out.

The wasteland theory analyzed by Chu Wei before is true.

The weak and beautiful women have long been snatched away by powerful superpowers.

So far, the beautiful women who can live to this day and still be single are either strong in their own strength or have a deep background.

And when they observed Shura just now, they found that there were actually two beautiful girls beside Shura.

This is a species rarer than beautiful women!

For a moment, apart from Lin Yunxi, the three young masters from the top chaebols were instantly jealous.

With their identities, there is no shortage of beautiful women.

But a beautiful girl, in their circle, is a symbol of comparison and competition.

The more beautiful girls he has, the more handsome he is, the more enviable he is.

This is a new comparison gameplay that evolved from the peaceful era to the doomsday era.

A lone ranger, a superpower with no background, actually has two beautiful girls.

How could they not be jealous, how could they not want to grab it.

"Then I want the remaining one!" Zheng Junhao hurriedly shouted after he was not to be outdone.

Two beautiful girls, three people!

How to do?
After hearing Zheng Junhao and Lee Chanyeol's yells, Cui Seungheon's eyes flashed a trace of sullenness.

"Zheng Junhao, you already have seven girls."

"Li Chanyeol, you're going too far, there are already eleven girls."

"Only me, Shiba, just three Smectas!"

"No matter what happens today, I'm going to settle for these two girls. If you still rob me, then don't blame me for not giving you face!"

Choi Seung-heon was very annoyed. After the outbreak of the apocalypse, he was unlucky. The few girls he found were very staunch, and he was so angry that he killed a few of them.

There were only three girls left, which made him very embarrassing in the circle.

"Cui Seung-hsun, you think everyone doesn't know, you played too pervertedly, played those girls to death, who's to blame!"

For the sake of the girl, Lee Chanyeol also went all out, telling his secret directly.

Otherwise, usually the few people seem to be kind on the surface, giving each other face.

"Haha, this is the first time I've heard of this, Choi Seung Heon, this is your fault."

"These girls are given something to eat and drink casually, and then let them see how people live outside. Compared with it, they will soon be grateful to us."

"You can play how you want, and give it some colorful eggs to strengthen it. It doesn't matter how crazy you play. What are you doing, really!"

Zheng Junhao laughed. The Hyundai chaebol survivor base he was in was the furthest from Choi Seung Heon’s North Korean survivor base, and this was the first time he had heard of him being so secretive.

He couldn't understand Cui Seung-hyun, the future is long, how nice it is to play slowly, what a shame!
With a chuckle, he continued: "So, Cui Seung-hyun, you killed the girls by yourself, and there are only three left, but now you want to use this to win over these two girls. It makes me laugh so hard."

"That's right, it's really incomprehensible, why should we let you!?" Li Canyeol showed disdain.

Hearing the cynicism and sarcasm of the two, Cui Seung Heon's face became extremely ugly, and his anger became more and more intense.

Just when he was about to open his mouth to argue with them again, he heard Lin Yunxi scold him angrily.

"What's the fuss?"

"The three of you can bid with colorful eggs or items of equal value."

"Whoever bids the highest will take away those two girls."

"Let me notarize. If anyone breaks the contract, don't blame me for being merciless."

After listening to Lin Yunxi's words, the three of them were silent for a moment.

Among them, Zheng Junhao, who was in the most peaceful mood, was the first to suggest: "Don't bother together, there are multiple opportunities, just come one by one."

"I agree!" Li Chanyeol nodded immediately, took out a cigarette and lit it, and began to puff away at Cui Seung Heon.

Want two girls! ?
Yes, it depends on whether you are willing to part with it!
His thoughts are the same as Zheng Junhao.

"I'll give you four grade-three eggs!" Cui Seung-hyun's face was gloomy, watching the two directly shout the price.

"Come on, come on, I'll give you eight, go to the major survivor bases and buy me two girls of the same level as Shura's subordinates!"

"Look, you can still earn four, how great!"

Hearing Choi Seung Heon's outcry, Lee Chanyeol suddenly became angry.

How dishonest!
Given the beauty of the two girls who were Shura's companions, he estimated that they would be auctioned at the base, and at least six third-level seven-eggs would be auctioned.

As for the final successful bidding price, he conservatively estimated that it would not be less than ten third-level seven eggs.

Hearing Lee Chanyeol's eccentric mockery, Choi Seung Heon's breath began to fluctuate violently.

Obviously very angry.

"Stop talking, keep asking the price, hurry up!" Seeing this, Lin Yunxi said immediately.

She is the biggest among several people in terms of strength and background.

Furthermore, these people have known her since she was a child.

No one would dare not give her face!
the other side.

main world.

The city of Haner, the country of sticks.

Soldiers from baseball and the United States are currently clearing out a high-rise residential building and everyone within 500 meters of the building.

Soldiers with guns guarded the edge of the cleared area to prevent anyone from sneaking in.

And in this cleared area, top experts and scholars from all over the world are frantically busy.

The area corresponds to the area where Su Ye is located in the doomsday world.

"According to the calculation results reported over there, your Guardian-2D rocket launcher is launched at 56° east longitude, 141° north latitude, and the angle is 68° vertically and 21° horizontally."

Su Ye heard the calculation data from Chu Wei.

This is after they accurately calculated the distance between the two monsters and Lin Yunxi and the others.

The best launch location and launch angle for the Defender-2D rocket launcher.

Under the attack of twelve Guardian-2D rocket launchers, it can cause maximum damage to both sides.

"Okay, it's almost time to act."

Su Ye turned around, turned his back to the three of them, moved his lips, and continued: "Channai, the three of you are waiting for me in this room, protect yourself, I will go out and deal with them."

Watching the back of Oni Jiang and the captain leaving until he disappeared at the door of the room.

The three of them looked at each other for a while, and then looked at the monitoring panel again.

(End of this chapter)

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