Chapter 182
"Twelve three-level colorful eggs!"

On the rooftop of Lin Yunxi and the others.

Choi Seung-heon shouted these three words trembling all over.

Then he successfully won the income of the first girl.

The point is that this is the first girl, and he has already emptied all the third-level seven eggs in the space watch.

Give each of Lee Chanyeol and Zheng Junhao six of the third-level seven eggs.

Next, the bidding for the second girl began.

Then, no surprises.

In the case that he does not have a third-level colorful egg.

The second girl was finally auctioned by Lee Chanyeol.

He wanted to take out some rare high-value props.

But he hesitated.

As a result, he hesitated.

Time waits for no one, and was auctioned by Lee Chanyeol.

"Okay, hurry up, let's do it."

After the auction was completed, Lin Yunxi took the time to say something, and then looked at his subordinates beside him.

"His companion is still in the room, while Shura flew out of the building and wandered around, as if looking for something."

The subordinates at the side hurriedly reported the situation with winks.

At this moment, the monster has approached them.

As long as Shura is not blind or deaf to the movement caused, he must have discovered it.

Lin Yunxi pondered for a while, and some couldn't figure out why Xiu Luo was wandering around instead of escaping.

She thought about it and said: "I want to emphasize again, Shura's strength in the battle against me before, I predict that it is likely to be at the third level, but now it is very likely to break through to the fourth level."

"None of you should take it lightly. Even if so many of us deal with him together, it is inevitable that he will not have any tricks."

"Next, Chanyeol, Seungheon, you go to deal with his companions, Junhao, let's go and contain Shura."

"After Chanyeol and Seungheon finished off his companions, we followed the original plan to force him to the south."

Lin Yunxi gave an order, and immediately, several people on the rooftop left quickly.

the other side.

Su Ye is looking for the specific location around the residential building that Chu Wei said about the east longitude and north latitude.

It's not hard to find, given the real-time location information provided by Chu Wei.

Su Ye quickly landed on the roof of a hotel, which is a helicopter lift.

As soon as he settled down, he narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the two flying towards the sky in front of him.

Except for the old acquaintance Lin Yunxi on the left standing on the surfboard and flying towards this side.

On Lin Yunxi's left is a young man with hair dyed brown and exquisite shape.

The young man was carrying a rocket-assisted aircraft on his shoulders.

Thick flames sprayed out from the bottom of the rocket-assisted aircraft, pushing the young man towards this side at high speed.

"His name is Zheng Junhao, the third-generation heir of the modern chaebol, but he is not in line. Above him is a half-brother named Zheng Junshuo."

Looking at the two, Su Ye heard information about this young man.

And just as Chu Wei's voice fell.

Lin Yunxi's voice sounded next to his ears.

"Sura, no one can snatch something from me and escape alive."

"You are the first and the last!"

"Since you like to save others, let me save you later!"

At this moment, there is still a distance of several hundred meters between the two sides.

After she finished using the trumpet, Zheng Junhao who was beside her took out the trumpet one after another.

"Sura, right? A lucky bastard, does he know our identities?"

"Let's not talk about the present, before the end of the world breaks out, you are not even qualified to be my dog."

"Now, I'll give you a chance to kneel on the ground and cut off your hands, and beg us for mercy. When I'm in a good mood, I might give you a decent way to die."

He looked a little excited.

Humiliation of the powerful Lone Ranger is one of his sources of happiness.

And on the barrage in the live broadcast room, after hearing the two people yelling and cursing, everyone was boiling for a while.

"Damn it, you dare to call me Brother Huohua like that, I really don't know how to write the words "depressing bones and raising ashes!"

"He might want to listen to the sutra scriptures, Brother Huohua, let him be fulfilled, poor boy!"

"If you lose, don't lose. Don't be weak. Brother Huohua, tell us some secret embarrassing things about them, and let us satisfy our curiosity!"

the other side.

Confronted with the words and actions of the two men trying to provoke him.

Su Ye's face was calm, calm and unmoved.

However, in the face of the humiliation of the two, how could he remain indifferent!

"Lin Yunxi, remember what I said before, your mother was killed by your father, do you know why your father Lin Jianxi did this?"

"Because Lin Jianxi found out that your mother cheated on his brother."

"Tsk tsk tsk, the rich and powerful families really know how to play!"

After the words fell, a gleam flashed in Lin Yunxi's eyes, and then he snorted coldly, but he didn't believe what Shura said at all.

Seeing Lin Yunxi's appearance, Su Ye naturally knew that she would never believe what he said just now.

However, I have a way to prove it.

Su Ye took out more than a dozen speakers again, picked up one and put it to his mouth.

"Don't believe it, do you?"

"Your mother's name is Qiu Suying, born in"

"Your mother's family background is not bad, and you are married to your father Lin Jianxi"

"After giving birth to you, your mother saw Lin Jianxi neglecting her more and went out to mess with other women, so..."

"It was a crisp autumn afternoon. Your father Lin Jianxi came home and saw an interesting story between your younger brother Lin Tianmin and your mother."

As Su Ye explained more and more details, Lin Yunxi's expression changed.

Even if the story is made up.

However, many details are true.

For example, the detailed information of his mother, so specific that he even knows that there is a mole on a certain part of his body.

And Uncle Lin Tianmin, how did he know about the birthmark on his left chest?
And father Lin Jianxi, father's perennial habit, father's.
On the other side, after Su Ye finished talking about the information and stories, he paused for a while, and continued to tell the most critical information that could prove these.

"Your mother apparently committed suicide and left a suicide note."

"But that's just your mother's means of preparing in advance. She was afraid that something would happen if things were revealed, so she prepared a suicide note in advance."

"You will definitely not forget the contents of your mother's suicide note."

"Recall carefully, the first word on the first line of the suicide note, the third word on the second line, the fifth word on the third line, and so on with odd numbers."

"See what words can be connected into one sentence!"

Su Ye looked at her in the distance high in the sky with playful eyes.

Seeing that she really had a thoughtful look in her eyes, a trace of teasing flashed across Su Ye's eyes.

"You bastard, what nonsense are you talking about, Shiba, you bastard!"

Hearing Zheng Junhao yelling, Su Ye looked at him.

"Zheng Junhao, you are really not as good as your brother Zheng Junshuo. At the very least, Zheng Junshuo can eat with your father without changing his face after messing with your mother."

As Su Ye uttered more and more detailed information.

As Lin Yunxi recalled the content of the suicide note, he finally connected the odd numbers in each line into a sentence.

In an instant, the faces of the two changed drastically, and their faces were horrified!

(End of this chapter)

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