Chapter 183 I will be back!
"Fuck, is it true or not, are Korean chaebols so messed up!?"

"Don't talk about it, as far as we know, the Korean entertainment industry exposed on the surface is so dark, and the rich and famous are definitely not that clean."

"Is your brain used to highlight your height? These things must be true. You can find out if you arrest people in the main world and investigate."

Xia Guo's audience in the live broadcast room were discussing excitedly.

Second only to the audience of the Xia Kingdom are the people of the Bang Country.

Especially those working in the news media.

This is big news, enough for them to shock the whole country tomorrow.

Although the live broadcast room is open to the whole world.

But in the baseball country, apart from the young people, the middle-aged, elderly and teenagers seldom watch live broadcasts.

In addition, Su Ye didn't interact with them, and ignored them.

People in Bangguo are paying less and less attention to the live broadcast.

After all, when things endanger your own life, everyone has something to do with it.

Then it doesn't matter.

As for breaking the news and publicizing these things, will the chaebol deal with them!
These news media workers are not worried. Now the country of baseball is not what it used to be.

In the past, the chaebols of the Bang Country were the local emperors, but in the current Bang Country, the top management is no longer from their own country.

Furthermore, not long ago, the five big chaebols had just been arrested and a large number of people were arrested. I heard that the entire family was uprooted and taken to Xia Guo.

Everyone in the remaining chaebols is in danger, so how can they care about journalists like them.

the other side.


As Su Ye revealed their secrets, the credibility was high.

The speed of Lin Yunxi and Zheng Junhao could not help but slow down.

Who is he?
How did Shura know these things?

Which organization does this person belong to! ?
At this moment, the two of them didn't believe that Shura was an ordinary superpower.

However, he is not a high-level figure in the six major survivor bases.

Is it
Is there a secret organization?
Having doubts in their hearts, the two of them who came back to their senses naturally had to find a way to figure it out.

Lin Yunxi, with suspicious eyes, took out the loudspeaker again.

"Sura, tell us why you know all this, and which organization you are a member of!"

"Be honest, I will spare your life later!"

Whether he really spared his life is a matter of course, but at this moment Lin Yunxi wanted to use this to force him to reveal the intelligence information.

"That's right, dog bastard, if you don't tell me, I'll make you experience endless pain later, life would be worse than death!"

After Lin Yunxi finished speaking, Zheng Junhao followed her and took out the loudspeaker, and said in agreement.

He had ferocious eyes and a cruel expression, staring intently at Shura on the helicopter lift.

Facing the threat of the two, Su Ye didn't take it seriously at all.

After seeing the body of the monster emerging from behind the two, the huge head appeared behind the two.

Su Ye smiled slightly, and picked up the horn: "Stop talking nonsense with you, take a look at what I have prepared for you!"

After finishing speaking, he took out the miniature version of the rocket launcher-Guardian-2D rocket launcher from the space ring, and it appeared in the palm of his hand.

The main world, the main battle room.

Chu Wei took a document that had just been delivered, and quickly browsed through it.

The content of the document is the B-level combat plan.

The original A-level battle plan was for Lin Yunxi and the others to stay put and wait for two space-time creatures to approach them.

After getting close, use twelve rockets to cause maximum damage output to Lin Yunxi and the space-time creatures.

However, the expected changes appeared.

Lin Yunxi and the others took a step forward and appeared in front of Su Ye.

On the roof of the hotel, on the parking platform.

After Su Ye took it out, he immediately operated it according to the usage method in his mind.

next second.

In the astonished eyes of Lin Yunxi and Zheng Junhao.

A bazooka launch vehicle crowded with parking platforms was quietly parked beside Shura.

As the distance between the two sides gradually narrowed.

The specific appearance of the launch vehicle appeared in the eyes of the two of them more clearly.

Looking at the big body like a heavy truck.

Look at the countless wheels under the cart.

Look at the twelve pitch-black launch ports on the back of the cart.

For a moment, the two were stunned!

Immediately afterwards, his mind tightened, his spine felt cold, and he gasped for air.

And on the opposite side of the two.

Su Ye was sitting in the driver's cab under the guidance of the military experts in his ears.

"Damn, there are so many buttons, why do you have such a complicated design!"

As soon as he got into the cab, Su Ye was stunned by the rows of buttons next to the steering wheel.

"If you are interested, I will explain to you later."

The speaker was Xu Guofeng, a professor from the National University of Defense Technology.

Hearing the vicissitudes of the old man's words, Su Ye was a little embarrassed, "I'm just a little surprised, after all, it's the first time I've seen it."

"It's okay, when you go home, I will show you around our National University of Science and Technology, show you the cutest people in our country, and show you those important weapons that can make us stand upright."

Are you going home?
Hearing the professor's deep voice, Su Ye was silent for a while, and then said: "I will be back!"

"I believe you!"

"I'll be waiting for you at UCAS, it's a deal!"

"Okay, let's get started!"

Under Professor Xu's guidance, Su Ye activated the rocket launcher with ease.

Activate the bazooka launcher.

Start the high and low steering gear turning device.

Activate launch ignition controls.

Activate aiming device
As one by one the indicator lights light up.

In the eyes of Lin Yunxi and Zheng Junhao.

When the two saw the launcher on the back of the launch vehicle slowly rising, the twelve dark holes were gradually aimed at themselves.

In the next second, the two of them felt the bone-piercing cold, which penetrated into the bone marrow.

What are you still doing?

Wait to die! ?

As the thought arose, the two quickly turned around and flew in the direction they came from.

It's just that they didn't fly very far, and the two were stunned again.

Watching the two space-time creatures being attracted to look over.

Dazed for a moment, the two looked at each other, and then scattered to the left and right.

On the barrage in the live room.

Seeing the two fleeing in a panic, everyone burst into laughter for a moment, feeling very happy.

"Don't run if you have the guts, weren't you very arrogant just now!?"

"Brother Huohua, hurry up and launch, don't be really run away by the two later."

"Don't worry, have you forgotten the characteristics of this launch vehicle that Brother Huohua said before? Automatic tracking, it is probably the same as that bazooka, haha, wait and see!"

"Then why do you need to adjust the angle!? Hurry up and launch!"

"Fuck, for the first time, who knows what automatic tracking is like, you must be more careful when aiming and launching."

"It's also possible that Brother Spark is looking at the attribute data of the two space-time creatures to decide how to allocate the twelve rockets."

"I just don't know how many rockets were allocated to Lin Yunxi and Zheng Junhao."

"I think, just for the arrogance of those two people just now, at least eight of them will be eaten, and the remaining four will be given to the two space-time creatures."

Some people guessed right, after adjusting the angle of the launcher, Su Ye and Chu Wei discussed how to launch the twelve rocket launchers.

But Chu Wei was already prepared, after a few words.

Su Ye reached out and pressed the ignition button.

next moment.



(End of this chapter)

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