Chapter 185 Battle ([-])

"If the four rocket shells can replace the resurrection props of the four of Lin Yunxi, that would be the best. If not, at least they can force the four of them to save their lives." '

'As for the eight rocket shells that shoot time and space creatures, it is to ensure that you can harvest two third-level colorful eggs as much as possible, and then use the fourth-level seven-color eggs to advance to the fourth level. '

This was Chu Wei's best decision after quick thinking after Su Ye told the attribute data of the two space-time creatures.

Thinking back to Chu Wei's analysis just now, Su Ye stepped out of the cab, put away the rocket launcher, and looked ahead at the situation at high altitude.

Since it has a cooldown launch time of 10 minutes, it is temporarily unusable.

Lin Yunxi and Zheng Junhao separated to the left and right to avoid the incoming rocket shells.

It's just that what made the faces of the two of them change drastically.

The rocket shell actually followed them around a corner and came after them!
In an instant, Lin Yunxi thought of the scene where Shura shot the Winged God with a bazooka in the morning.

How long has it been! ?

Now it's my turn to get shot by him!

From the launcher! ?

From the colorful eggs?
But I have never heard of anyone opening this from colorful eggs.

However, there is no military base here!

No longer entangled in why, she thought of another possibility in an instant.

Wouldn't it be infinite shells?

In just a short moment, her thoughts were complicated, and her expression was unprecedentedly dignified.

She was terrified and hurriedly looked at the hotel parking platform.

Seeing that the launching vehicle disappeared, she immediately felt relieved.


However, it is not good!

Because behind her, the rocket launcher was continuously accelerating.

How to do! ?

Resist with a magic shield?

No, if you can't bear it, you will be seriously injured if you don't die.

Although it is the strength of the fourth level, the attributes are far beyond ordinary people.

But she didn't have the confidence and confidence to resist the shell.

If the rocket launcher was launched, she would have the confidence to use the magic shield to resist it.

She tried her best to accelerate the surfboard under her feet, thinking about the countermeasures.

You can't fight it hard, you can only find a way to detonate it!
After noticing the surrounding buildings receding from sight, she suddenly had a plan.

The next moment, she turned the corner instantly and rushed into a high-rise office building on the left.

With the sound of glass shattering, Lin Yunxi quickly turned around in this office floor.

Like walking a maze, after a few minutes, she flew out from the other side.

Looking at the rocket shells that are still chasing after him.

She is crazy!
Axi, you are just a rocket shell, not an intelligent robot!
"Haha, I underestimated the automatic tracking feature of this bazooka!"

"Me too. I thought it would be like in the movie, but it was detonated by her design. I didn't expect this rocket shell to be so intelligent, just like a dog."

"Lin Yunxi, don't run away, your mother is calling you to go home for dinner!"

"Ah, I almost didn't realize it, what a cleverness!"

Around Su Ye, dozens of drones were deployed.

At this moment, Xia Guo's audience was laughing at the scene of Lin Yunxi being chased and killed by rocket shells on the tablet screen in Su Ye's hand.

On the monitoring tablet, not only the picture of Lin Yunxi was displayed.

in the other three squares.

Jung Junhao, Lee Chanyeol, and Choi Seungheon were also being chased and fled by rocket shells.

Among them, the rocket shells chasing Choi Seung Heon were closest to him.

"The eight rockets are about to hit the two time-space creatures!"

"You can get closer, ready to pick up the third-level seven eggs."

"If you don't die, you can hurry up and make up the knife!"

Su Ye was watching with relish, when Chu Wei's reminder came from his ear, he immediately looked up.

In front of him, about 500 meters away.

Chu Wei's words just fell.

The monster on the left is the first to be hit by four rockets.

Four consecutive rockets hit and exploded, and there was an earth-shattering bang in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the four rockets on the right hit the monster.

Under the sound of bangs, roars of monsters, and roars of pain.

Su Ye put away the tablet, flapped his wings and flew forward.

And downstairs in Hoshino Chana's residence.

A group of Lin Yunxi's four people just arrived here, some of them walked into the residential building, and some scattered outside the residential building.

Those who entered the residential building did not rush into the stairway, but instead installed bombs in the rooms on the first floor.

Similarly, outside the residential building, some people began to take out bombs and began to install them.

"The bomb is installed, miss, do you want to detonate it?"

"Don't be in a hurry, go up and grab Shura's three companions, no matter the cost."

"Don't go up to the person holding the remote control, hide in the dark, protect yourself and wait for my order."

"Okay, Miss!"

After listening to the eldest lady's order, a group of people quickly started to act.

Su Ye's speed is very fast.

After being lifted into the air, the monster's body did not fall down as the smoke gradually dissipated.

He pressed the button of the strength evaluator next to his ear.

When he saw that the fighting power of the two space-time creatures was less than three hundred points.

A flash of excitement flashed in his eyes, and he took out the eight-star enhanced Gauss gun.

As long as you kill them, pick up the third-level seven eggs and absorb them.

Then you can absorb the fourth-level seven easter eggs snatched from Lin Yunxi to advance to the fourth level.

Flapping his wings and slowing down slowly, he excitedly raised his Gauss gun and took the lead in aiming at the head of the monster on the left.

"They are so big that I don't know if they can be killed with one shot."

He muttered, told Chu Wei, and pressed the trigger.

After one shot, he looked again at the lens of his left eye.

"There are more than 50 combat points left."

Opposite him, the monster on his left, a blood hole the size of a basketball pierced through the monster's head.

The monster also gradually lost its balance and pressed towards the nearby building.

It was another shot, but this time Su Ye hit the head of the monster on the right.

As a result, just as he thought, the monster didn't die all at once, and there were more than 40 combat points left.

Two more shots, let's get it done together!
Thinking like this, Su Ye approached the two space-time creatures.

After waiting to kill them, get the colorful eggs as quickly as possible.

Su Ye is 800 meters away to the east.

At this moment, Lin Yunxi was concentrating all the magic power in his body to create a magic shield.

Then she took out a bottle of healing potion, poured the liquid in the bottle into her mouth, and held it in her mouth.

Turning around, looking at the rocket shells that were less than 20 meters behind her, a flash of determination flashed in her eyes.

Swinging the staff, followed by the formation of a huge Chuyue magic blade.

A moment later, there was a loud bang.

Accompanied by thick black smoke and flames rising.

A beautiful figure was shot into a building by the shock wave.

Lin Yunxi's body broke through layers of walls and reached the bottom.

She was scorched black and miserable, with blood gushing from her mouth.

However, from the time when her slack gaze gradually began to focus, one could find that the healing potion was continuously healing her.

Not just the healing power of the Healing Potion.

In a certain place, in a certain room.

The healing superpower who bound her soul imprint was also crazily releasing the healing ability for herself.

(End of this chapter)

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