Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 186 Oni-chan has two wives?

Chapter 186 Oni-chan has two wives?

Just when the rocket shells chasing Lin Yunxi exploded, a huge cloud of thick black smoke rose.

In several other directions, a huge explosion sounded immediately.

That was Choi Seung Heon's rocket shell.

Not long after that, the third rocket shell sounded.

Li Chanyeol's figure was directly engulfed by the flames.

Then came the fourth round, the rocket shells chasing Zheng Junhao exploded.

Inside the residential building where the three of Hoshino Kanna are located.

A group of Lin Yunxi's four men.

Several of the leading men watched the explosions in different directions.

All of a sudden, their faces changed drastically, they stopped and kept shouting, expecting the voices of the eldest lady and the young master to come from their ears.

Su Ye also noticed the explosions around him.

But not too much attention.

It is best to blow up and replace their resurrection props.

If they can't be killed by the explosion, at least they have used the means to save their lives.

The most important thing right now is to advance to Tier [-].

Then turn two and learn skills!
under the watchful eyes of people all over the world.

Su Ye flapped his wings and came over two space-time creatures that were seriously injured and on the verge of death.

The next moment, he held a starlight scepter in his left hand and a Gauss gun in his right hand.

Spell - Fragmentation!

Then it can be seen that the bright red number above Su Ye's head started beating wildly again, and finally stopped at the value of 1.6.

At the same time, on his Doomsday Coin Mall interface, the account balance of 1402 jumped to 2502 Doomsday Coins.

Gazing at the corpses of two time-space beings.

Su Ye smiled lightly and waited for the appearance of the third-level seven eggs.

East direction, 900 meters away.

Lin Yunxi slowly flew out from the dilapidated building.

Standing on the surfboard, she had long fiery red hair hanging around her waist, and her expression was strangely calm.

"Are you all right!?"

She took out the communicator and asked about the situation of the other three.

It's just that there is no sound coming from the ear.

She frowned, put away the communicator, and looked 800 meters ahead.

She saw that it had become a ruin, and the original high-rise buildings were completely gone.

The two huge space-time creatures disappeared along with the building.

Seeing Shura flapping his wings, his figure quickly landed on the ground.

For those two third-level colorful eggs?
Of the twelve rocket shells, eight of them were aimed at attacking space-time creatures.

Regardless of himself and others, killing time and space creatures in such a hurry.

why! ?
From Lin Yunxi's point of view, if he just had one more shell, his Ankh of rebirth would be used up.

As a result, those two space-time creatures were the main targets of Shura's attack.

Two three-level colorful eggs.

Plus the fourth-level seven-egg that I was robbed before.
So, does he want to break through to Tier [-] in a hurry! ?
This is not difficult to analyze and infer.

Thinking of this, she chuckled disdainfully.

So what about the fourth order!
There is no occupational second turn scroll, no occupational second turn skill scroll.

Your rocket launcher just now can scare me a little bit.

Lin Yunxi didn't believe that Shura would prepare the professional second-turn scroll and professional second-turn skill scroll in advance.

These can only be opened from the four-level seven eggs!
If Shura could prepare in advance, why didn't he reach the fourth level?
The existence of this contradiction is the main basis for her judgment.

His rocket launcher is estimated to have relatively harsh conditions of use.

Either the inventory of rocket shells is insufficient, or there are other reasons.

The surfboard under her feet started to move and flew towards Shura.

At the same time, she took out the communicator and asked about the other three people again.

However, after a while, her expression changed slightly.

In the communicator, there is still no response.

Impossible to die!
All three of them have resurrection props!

Lin Yunxi knew this.

Therefore, they are afraid of Asura! ?
want to run away! ?

Are you scared?
Her chest began to rise and fall violently, and anger appeared in her eyes.

She has never had such a huge hatred for a person.

So Shura must die!

You must help me too!

In the next second, a blood-red Rubik's Cube appeared in her hand.

It was the [Bloody Duel Rubik's Cube] that was previously traded from Cui Seung-hyun.

Without thinking, without the slightest hesitation, she quickly used it according to the information that came into her mind.

As the blood-red Rubik's Cube in his hand turned into a blood-red light, it rushed to the sky.

The anger on her face disappeared, and a smile was slightly outlined on the corner of her mouth.

The next moment, the sky above her head.

A huge semicircular barrier is slowly appearing.

Within 1000 meters of Lin Yunxi as the center.

In just a few seconds, a semicircular blockade emitting a faint blood-red light was formed, covering the area within 1000 meters.

The semicircle blocks the west direction of the barrier.

Cui Seungxian looked at the blood-red barrier in front of him, and punched it with an angry face.

Seeing that the blood-red barrier did not move at all, this was within his expectation.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his head with a premonition and looked above his head.

Seeing a round bead floating above his head emitting a faint blue light, Cui Seung Heon's face turned livid.

At the same time, Lin Yunxi's playful voice came from the communicator in his pocket.

"Can I talk now?"

Listen to this voice.

Li Chanyeol and Zheng Junhao on the other side suddenly changed their expressions.

Choi Seung Heon, you bastard.

no solution anymore!

On the other side, Hoshino Kanna and the three in the high-rise room of the residential building were looking at a round bead that appeared above their heads.

It exudes a faint red light, which is extremely strange.

"What is this!?"

After looking around for a while, the three found that nothing bad happened.

Looking at each other, Hoshino Kana subconsciously blurted out the question.

"Why don't you ask the captain!?" Tang Yi reminded her that she could take out the communicator to contact Su Ye.

Hearing the ringing of the communicator in his pocket, Su Ye picked it up and put it back in his pocket after saying a few words of comfort.

Looking at the two third-level colorful eggs in his hand, Su Ye looked a little excited, and then poked his thumb.

The next moment, all human beings subconsciously took a deep breath.

It turned out that Su Ye was too excited and poked a little hard.

As the blood gradually melted into the eggshells of the two third-level colorful eggs.

Two beams of starlight floated towards Su Ye one after another and merged into his body.

After a while, Su Ye came back to his senses trembling, and took a long breath.

The third-order and fourth-time enhancements are critical!
He didn't care about what appeared in the colorful egg at all, Su Ye put everything into the space ring.

Then, he took out the fourth-level seven-egg, placed it in front of him, and looked at it emotionally.

In mid-air to the east, Lin Yunxi, who came on a surfboard, saw that his fourth-level seven-egg egg was still there, and he was impatient!
"Sura, if you absorb this fourth-level seven-egg, I will blow up your two little wives!"

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar fourth-level colorful egg, her eyes were red, and she used a horn through gritting her teeth.

In a room in a residential building.

Hoshino Kana froze when she heard the voice in her ear.

Nani! ?
Oni-chan also has two little wives! ?
Tang Yi was also taken aback for a moment, but she reacted quickly, and then her face blushed slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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