Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 187 He Was Quick Before

Chapter 187 He Was Quick Before

Hearing Lin Yunxi's gnashing of teeth threat.

Su Ye glanced at her, and chuckled very disdainfully.

Even if you want to blow up the planet under my feet, I have to advance to the fourth level first.

The next moment, in front of Lin Yunxi, he pressed his thumb on the fourth-level seven colored egg.

At this moment, the world is watching!
All the staff in the main battle room stopped what they were doing and were attracted by the pictures on the screen.

In the live broadcast room, no one was posting barrage, and everyone looked nervously at the live broadcast room.

When the thumb touches the shell of the fourth-level seven-easter egg that is half a person tall.

The moment when the blood is touched by the colorful egg shell.

In an instant, the eggshell shone brightly.

What followed was a bit of light that was more intense than the third-level seven eggs emerged, and then floated towards Su Ye's body, then merged into it, and disappeared.

The fourth-level colorful egg disappeared, and in its original position, a pile of items quietly appeared in the sight of all human beings.

Looking at Su Ye beside this pile of items, watching him close his eyes and enter a certain state strangely.

Everyone is waiting.

In Su Ye's body, the light of the colorful eggs turned into some kind of mysterious substance, which was strengthening every cell in him.

Activate, enhance, fission, split.
And in his mind, one after another, strange pictures are constantly pouring in. This is the hidden information from the depths of genes.

It is the scene of ancient humans fighting wild beasts with weapons, fighting against natural disasters, and resisting the invasion of wild beasts.
Without exception, the human beings in the pictures are incredibly powerful, but they do not have extraordinary strength, only their bodies.

"I have been promoted to the fourth level. I really hope that I have the strength to synchronize this function, and it will appear soon. I also want to be extraordinary!"

"Hehe, only one person is extraordinary, and everyone is extraordinary. That's considered extraordinary!?"


As soon as these words came out, the fiery barrage in the live broadcast room disappeared in an instant.

at the same time.

In the sky around Su Ye, four figures were flying towards Su Ye quickly.

It was Choi Seung-heon in robes, Lee Chan-yeol in metal armor, Jung Jun-ho in rocket-assisted aircraft, and Lim Yoon-hee standing on a surfboard.

Looking at Shura in the middle of the ruins, I saw that he absorbed the fourth-level seven eggs.

Lin Yunxi's face turned livid with anger, and his breath fluctuated violently.

She took out the communicator, "Blow up that building for me!"

Gritting her teeth, she continued, "Hurry up while he's in a breakthrough state."

"This person's methods are weird and mysterious, don't hold back."

These words were naturally addressed to Cui Seung-heon and the other three.

After the words fell, she immediately raised the staff in her hand.

Looking at Shura in the ruins.

The light in her eyes was bright, and the mocking color became more and more intense.

With so many gold-quality weapons and equipment.

Not only the strength has not been promoted to the fourth rank.

He didn't even know that he would enter the breakthrough state for more than ten minutes after being promoted to the fourth level.

Shura is really strange.

Now he must be digesting those pictures that suddenly flooded into his brain!

Just now that threatening words were spoken, Lin Yunxi just wanted to see if he could stimulate him.

Let's see if he dares to absorb the fourth-level seven eggs, so as to make a breakthrough in front of her.

As a result, this calculation went smoothly beyond her expectations.

As for whether Shura knew this and did it on purpose.

Regarding this point, Lin Yunxi did not believe it at all.

With the strength of the four of them, if they want to stand still without dying, unless the opponent is a fourth-order and four-time strengthened superpower, or a fifth-order superpower.

But obviously, Shura is not!

In the air in several other directions.

Choi Seung-hyun began to cast spells with his staff in hand.

Lee Chanyeol took a big knife and started to swing it.

Zheng Junhao gripped a heavy weapon of unknown style with both hands, aiming the gun at Shura in the middle of the ruins.

"What's wrong with Oni-chan?" Hoshino Kanna looked at Su Ye in the middle of the ruins with her eyes closed and motionless.

Noticing the actions of Lin Yunxi and the other four in mid-air in different directions, she immediately raised her heart.

"We want to prevent them from attacking the captain. The captain seems to have entered a certain state."

Although Tang Yi was also worried about Su Ye, she quickly realized what the three of them should do now.

"Channai, Tang Yi, you use rocket launchers to shoot shells at the man with the technological gun and the man with the knife, and I use Gatling to shoot the man with the staff."

Following Chen Dongkui's voice, the three each took out their corresponding weapons.

And downstairs of the three of them, Lin Yunxi and others' subordinates were quickly evacuating the building.

It is estimated that in another 2 minutes, when people withdraw, they will detonate the bomb.

"Su Ye, they are going to attack you, what are you doing? What happened?"

"Su Ye, no matter what you see now, when you hear my words, come back to your senses and take care of your eyes."

In the main battle room, Chu Wei kept calling.

He stared at Su Ye, his brain was analyzing frantically.

Before Su Ye absorbed the power of the eggshell of the colorful egg, it had never taken such a long time as it does now.

Something must have happened that he didn't know about.

Is it related to promotion to Tier [-]?

A gleam flashed in his eyes, and he started shouting again.

And in his hands.

A document that he had just read was being tightly held in his hands.

The content of the document is that Su Ye has been promoted to the fourth rank, after completing the second rank of the Thunder Mage profession.

Priority purchase of the second job skill selection.

At this moment, as time went by, more and more people discovered something was wrong.

"What's wrong with Brother Huohua? In the past, it only took two or three minutes to absorb and strengthen. Why did it take so long this time?"

"Yes, he used to be very fast, why did he suddenly become persistent?"

"Upstairs, something is wrong with you!"

"Shaking your mother's wit, the four of Lin Yunxi have made a move, look at that huge magic blade, look at the attacks from the other three directions, are you still in the mood to be shrewd?"

"Damn it, can it be possible that Brother Huohua will succeed in one move?"

"With the identities of the four of them, it is really possible to directly come up and magnify the move."

"Whether it's a big move or not, the key is that Brother Huohua is motionless now, and he doesn't know what he's doing. He doesn't dodge or dodge. Any attack can kill him!"

One after another, everyone became anxious.

Some people even started to sweat coldly on their foreheads.

When seeing the three of Hoshino Kanna make a move, although everyone was slightly relaxed, they still held their hearts tightly.

Hoshino Kanna and the three of them could only restrain the three of them, but Lin Yunxi, who was farthest away from the three of them, could not be taken care of.

Seeing Su Ye in the ruins with his eyes closed, the barrage became less and less.

Everyone is still running and forming a group, staying together, waiting to be able to treat each other after being injured.

In front of Lin Yunxi, a half-moon-shaped magic blade that was bigger than last time condensed and flew towards Su Ye.

At the same time, the speed of the surfboard under her feet didn't slow down at all, accelerating towards Shura.

Three other directions.

Cui Seungxian condensed wind blades and shot towards Shura.

Li Chanyeol swung his big knife and slashed out a huge sword aura.

Zheng Junhao pressed the trigger of the technological gun in his hand, and a laser beam shot out in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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