Chapter 188
That laser is coming!
It's too fast, run away!

Su Ye, open your eyes quickly!
This is not a barrage, this is the voice of everyone.

Among the four attacks, the first beam of incandescent light emitted from Zheng Junhao's technological gun surpassed the other attacks at an extremely fast speed and struck very quickly.

Attack on everyone's heart!

"Su Ye, what the hell are you doing, come back to your senses!!!"

After Chu Wei shouted a few times at the beginning, he began to frown and think.

This loud cry came from Qin Ying's mouth behind him and echoed in the main battle room.

When she saw that blazing white light was about to hit Su Ye, Qin Ying closed her eyes subconsciously.

Not only her, most people closed their eyes subconsciously.

The surprise came too suddenly.

No one thought of it!
At this critical time.

After Su Ye absorbed and strengthened the four-level colorful egg to advance to the fourth level, he stood there strangely, motionless as if he had been released by some kind of spell.

Seeing that Shura still had his eyes closed, a smile appeared on the corner of Lin Yunxi's mouth.

My things are so easy to get! ?

Three other directions.

Seeing that Shura was still standing there, Zheng Junhao relaxed a little, and a gleam of pleasure flashed in his eyes.

But when he thought of the lost Rebirth Ankh just now, his face changed again, and his heart was bleeding.

Hearing the movement behind him, he turned around and pressed the trigger on the rocket.

Choi Seung-heon glanced at the ball emitting blue light above his head again, his expression slightly relaxed, but then he noticed the metal storm shot from behind.

Assy, come again! ?
Li Chanyeol didn't continue to attack Shura. Seeing the rockets coming from behind him, he turned around and chopped it down.

The ruins among the four.

The laser arrived, setting off a cloud of dust and smoke.

For a split second, the person who didn't close his eyes in the main world touched his whole body.

When he realized that there was no injury, the next moment, his expression was ecstatic.

Then, they hurriedly looked at the screen in the live broadcast room.

Filled with dust and smoke.

The huge wind blade and the half-moon magic blade followed closely.

The last thing that arrived was the huge saber aura that Lee Chanyeol slashed.

Lin Yunxi looked at the dust and smoke, and immediately looked at the top of Li Chanyeol's head.

no change!

She looked at Choi Seung Heon and Lee Chanyeol again.

Still the same.

Finally, she looked up at the bright red number above her head.

No increase!

Shura is not dead! ?
But he was seriously injured even if he didn't die!
While thinking, she looked solemn, and the speed of flying towards Shura was accelerated again.

"The first attack is the laser beam, quickly use teleportation to dodge."

"Open the magic shield immediately after dodging, and at the same time use the wings behind you to wrap yourself forward"

"Don't forget the things that came out of the fourth-level seven eggs on the ground."

In dust and smoke.

Just when the laser was about to hit Su Ye, he woke up at a critical moment and heard a voice ringing in his ear.

Without thinking, a teleportation flashed aside, and then quickly circulated all the magic power in the body to open the magic shield.

Then, he wrapped himself with the wings of the Archangel of Light just like the birdman did when he reached the rocket.

After doing all this, he immediately put away the items on the ground.

The next moment, the wind blade arrived and hit his magic shield.

The magic shield rippled for a moment and then shattered.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yunxi's magic blade and that saber energy came.

Two attacks hit the pure white wings outside his body fiercely.

With a huge impact, the ruins on the ground were dragged out a long trace by Su Ye.

A few seconds later, he stopped, his expression relaxed, and he was relieved.

The indestructible characteristics of the wings of the Archangel of Light resisted the opponent's attack.

He was unharmed.

Quickly calming down the throbbing in his heart, Su Ye quickly opened the Doomsday Currency Mall.

Click to open the corresponding interface as quickly as possible.

Find the second-turn scroll of Thunder Mage and buy it successfully.

With the balance of doomsday currency minus five hundred.

A scroll with a simple temperament appeared in Su Ye's hand, and he used it one after another.

[Thunder Mage Professional Second Turn Scroll]

Description: After using it, it will be transferred to Thunder Mage and get the corresponding ability of this profession.

In the next second, the scroll turned into a stream of light and rushed into his body.

Immediately afterwards, traces of electric light began to appear on his body surface, making crackling noises non-stop.

"You still have 2000 doomsday coins. On the doomsday coin mall, there are dozens of second-rank professional skills for Thunder Mage, and you can't buy them all. I suggest you buy them first."

Inside the wing wrap, after using the scroll, Su Ye drank two bottles of mana recovery potion, which fully restored the mana in his body.

Then a stream of information came to his mind.

【Thunder Will】

Category: Passive Ability

Explanation: The main consciousness sea will not be affected by factors such as hypnosis, guidance, suggestion, charm, bewitchment, etc.

【Volt enhancement】

Category: Passive Ability

Description: It can transform the magic power in the body to continuously strengthen the volt value in the thunder and lightning.

After digesting the information about the skills of the two professions, Su Ye thought deeply.

After hearing Chu Wei's words in his ear, he clicked on the mall interface.

According to his prompt, he quickly bought a few skill scrolls and used up 2000 doomsday coins.

【Thunder and lightning】

Category: Instant

Quality: Gold

Price: 400 doomsday coins

Explanation: Within a range of 200 meters, guide the lightning elements to gather, and blast down several lightning bolts within a range of ten square meters at an extremely fast speed; the number of lightning bolts, the intensity of lightning voltage, and the duration of lightning will depend on the output of this ability. High or low mana.

【Thunder Gun】

Category: Instant

Quality: Gold

Price: 400 doomsday coins

Explanation: Guide the gathering of thunder elements, condense a thunder gun, and use the thunder gun to display other lightning abilities. The duration and strength of the thunder gun will depend on the level of mana output by releasing this ability.


Category: Requires Concentrated Casting
Quality: Gold

Price: 400 doomsday coins

Explanation: Guide the gathering of thunder elements, and condense a thunderbird to attack targets within 300 meters. The duration and volt strength of the thunderbird will depend on the mana value output by releasing this ability.

【Lei Yin】

Category: Instant

Quality: Gold

Price: 400 doomsday coins

Explanation: The lightning mark is applied to the target within 300 meters, and the non-directional and directional lightning ability will give priority to attacking the target with the lightning mark.

【Thunder Network】

Category: Instant

Quality: Gold

Price: 400 doomsday coins

Explanation: Instantly condense a shackle net made entirely of lightning. The duration and volt strength of the shackle net will depend on the mana value output by releasing this ability.

[Lightning Evolution Scroll]

Category: Instant

Quality: Gold

Price: Free

Explanation: Evolve the mastered lightning strike into lightning strike, and the strength of lightning strike voltage will depend on the level of mana output by releasing this ability.

[Chain Lightning Evolution Scroll]

Category: Instant

Quality: Gold

Price: Free

Description: Evolve the chain of lightning you have mastered into a chain of lightning, from a horizontal attack to a vertical attack. After hitting the first target, jump to nearby targets until the lightning volts are completely exhausted. The higher the volt intensity , the more targets of the jump attack, it depends on the mana value output by releasing this ability.

(End of this chapter)

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