Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 189 We have to trust him

Chapter 189 We have to trust him
10 minutes ago.

The southern area of ​​​​the Black Rain game is blocked off the screen.

A group of superhumans who are waiting for the end of the game.

When the twelve rocket shells fired by Su Ye exploded.

Through the transparent blocking screen.

When you see the billowing black smoke rising one after another.

With the rumbling sound came.

The next moment, all the superpowers present took out their observation devices and looked forward.

And after seeing clearly what happened in the explosion area.

In the next second, the sound of gasping for air came out one after another, in an endless stream.

"I am not wrong, right!?"

"That... is that Goddess Lin Yunxi?"

"What did I see, Assi, is that a rocket launcher?"

"Who is that black-robed man, do any of you know or have heard of it, unexpectedly."

"Oh my god, that's Chung Jun-ho from Hyundai Survivor Base!? Lee Chanyeol from Le Jin Survivor Base!? Choi Seung-heon from North Korea Survivor Base!?"

When they clearly saw the four people in the sky, all the superpowers present were stunned for a moment, and then there was an uproar.

"With the strength and identity of these four people, they actually want to deal with a superpower at the same time. Who is that black-robed man?"

Someone looked shocked and muttered to himself.

"It's very unfamiliar. In the film and television materials that have been circulated, I have never seen this face. It can be confirmed that it is not the first generation of superpowers."

Some people are frantically asking the surrounding major forces and well-informed lone rangers.

Finally draw a conclusion and announce it to the rest.

As for the first-generation superpowers.

It refers to the absorption of colorful eggs in the early stage after the doomsday outbreak to become a superpower.

Therefore, it was well known to the rest of the public in the network that had not been disconnected at that time.

"This person's strength must have reached the fourth level, otherwise he wouldn't be besieged by Goddess Lin and the other three dignitaries."

A person with superpowers who knows the situation is judging.

"Go and tell them to come back here, and when the block screen disappears, we have to rush to meet the eldest lady as soon as possible."

Lin Yunxi's subordinates from the Samsung Survivor Base immediately ordered to call back his companions who were searching for colorful eggs in this area.

The same is true for the other three forces.

Only the people in the Lotte base were calm and relaxed, watching all this as if watching the fire from the other side, without moving.

After all, their young master did not appear.

The western region of the game area.

In a room of a residential building.

In front of everyone, a person with healing superpowers suddenly had very serious injuries all over his body, and his blood flowed profusely.

"Miss is injured!"

Seeing this, the people on the side immediately reacted, their expressions were shocked, it was incredible.

"Quick, give treatment!"

"Go and inform General Cui Jincheng, and tell him that the eldest lady has been injured as if she was dying and is in a critical condition!"

the other side.

A group of Lin Yunxi's subordinates had completely evacuated at this moment.

As a leading man pressed the remote control in his hand, a deafening explosion sounded instantly from the bottom of the building where Hoshino Kana was located.

After a while.

After the explosion.

Dispersed with the dust and smoke rising from the bottom.

Several of Lin Yunxi's subordinates were horrified to find that the residential building did not collapse!

It also tilted slightly!
The quality is too good, right?

The leading man cursed angrily, and quickly led people towards the building.

And the upper floors of residential buildings.

The three of Hoshino Kanna are shooting at Choi Seung Heon, Lee Chan Yeol and Jung Jun Ho.

Suddenly, there was a sense of weightlessness.

The three of them shook for a while.

And when he heard the explosion sound from below.

Tang Yi reacted instantly, "Someone is going to blow up this building, let's evacuate here first."

How to evacuate?

At the beginning, Su Ye followed the advice of the main world and told the three of them how to deal with this situation.

At the same time, Su Ye also prepared corresponding equipment for them.

That is three parachutes per person and three wingsuit dive suits.

Just as Tang Yi's words fell.

Hoshino Kannai and Chen Dongkui immediately took out relevant equipment and began to put it on.

After a while, the three of them put on their wingsuits, and immediately jumped out of the room.

"Captain, they flew out from above!"

Under the residential building, one of Lin Yunxi's subordinates immediately shouted when he noticed the three figures gliding in mid-air.

"Siba, hurry up!"


The height of the three of Hoshino Channai is slowly descending, and finally landed on a street.

Although they had never formally learned wingsuit gliding, but with the attributes of the three of them surpassing ordinary people, they completed the gliding abruptly and landed on the ground without any injuries.

"Shall we go to the captain to help him fight or find a place to hide!?"

After landing, Chen Dongkui took a look around, cleaned up a few attracted zombies, and immediately looked at Hoshino Kanna and asked.

Hoshino Kanna frowned, thought for a while and said, "Find a place to hide, let me concentrate on providing Oni-chan with healing power."

"The strength of those few people is not bad. If we go to help, they are likely to be injured and affect O'Neill sauce."

She explained why she chose the latter.

Tang Yi immediately continued: "Let's go and help the captain. Those four are obviously the strongest. In addition to the four, there is also the group of superpowers who wanted to blow up the building just now."

"The group of superpowers may be the subordinates of the four of them. They are responsible for cleaning up the three of us. If they can't find us, they will turn to cooperate with the four of them to deal with the captain."

"Facing the siege of a dozen or so superpowers, I'm worried that the captain will not be able to handle it."

"Besides, the launch vehicle that the captain took out just now probably has ammunition restrictions, so it can't be used again."

The three of them walked into a building while discussing.

After hearing Tang Yi's suggestion, Hoshino Kana suddenly showed hesitation in her eyes, and she was a little shaken!

"How about I go to help the captain, Tang Yi, you come to protect Chanel."

Chen Dongkui saw that Hoshino Kanna was still unable to make up her mind, and immediately gave a compromise suggestion.

"No!" Hoshino Kanna vetoed Chen Dongkui's suggestion.

Before, Oni sauce told her very solemnly that the three of them must act together under any circumstances.

After pondering for a while, Hoshino Kana finally made a decision.

She looked at Tang Yi and said, "The starting point of your suggestion is to worry about the captain, but I have full confidence in O'Neill, and I believe in his strength!"

"We protect ourselves, and at the same time secretly provide his healing, you two will protect me!"

"This is the best choice!"

"We have to trust Oni-chan!"

She said something again and confirmed the next action plan.

the other side.

In the center of the ruins where the four of Lin Yunxi quickly approached.

The dust and smoke gradually faded away.

The vague figure with wings inside was revealed.

The fuzzy figure remained motionless, standing in place.

When the four of Lin Yunxi saw this, a gleam of light flashed in their eyes.

"Even if he doesn't die, he is seriously injured. Take control and let him live. I want to ask something."

She opened her mouth and made a point to the other three.

But the voice just fell.

next moment.

In the astonished eyes of the four people.

In light dust and smoke.

I saw that figure flapped its wings and flew up.

(End of this chapter)

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