Chapter 190

In the astonished eyes of the four people.

The dust and smoke gradually faded until they disappeared.

The next moment, Shura surrounded by electric arcs appeared in the eyes of the four of them.


How can this be?

Promoted to the fourth rank and completed the job change! ?
Seeing this scene, the four were stunned.

Su Ye looked at the four of them, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, without any nonsense, he directly pointed at Lin Yunxi with his starlight staff.

As all the magic power in his body was instantly emptied, a thick thunderbolt struck down in the blink of an eye.

Lin Yunxi stopped in an instant, stagnant in the air, her injuries are unknown.

Two bottles of mana recovery potions emerged from his left hand and sent them to his mouth.

In the next second, he replaced the starlight scepter in his hand with a Gauss gun, aimed the gun directly at Zheng Junhao and pulled the trigger.

There was a bang.

The moment Zheng Junhao's pupils were locked to the extreme, his left half of his body disappeared instantly, and his figure fell straight down.

With the mana in his body fully restored, Su Ye once again replaced the Gauss Spear with the Starlight Scepter.

'Lei Yin'!
Point the staff at Cui Seung-hyun and release Lei Yin.

Su Ye pumped out all the magic power in his body, and a delicate Thunderbird instantly appeared in front of his eyes.

Thunderbird roared, and in the blink of an eye, it rushed in front of Cui Seung-hyun, and with his miserable scream, his trembling body fell down.

the last one.

Just now when Su Ye looked at Li Canlie, the other party came back to his senses and raised his sword.

Witnessing the other party's actions, he put away the starlight scepter.

In the next second, he was holding a 'seven egg' that was as tall as a person in both hands, and threw it directly at the opponent.

After the colorful egg was released, Su Ye quickly incited to retreat, and at the same time drank the mana recovery potion to open the magic shield.

As tall as a person, the "seven eggs" set as level five by the main world quickly approached Li Chanyeol.

Look at that huge colorful egg.

Watching the rich light emanating from the colorful eggs continue to flow on the surface.

For a moment, Li Chanyeol held his breath, his face full of disbelief.

Such a big colorful egg?

What level of colorful egg is this?
Fifth grade or sixth grade?

His mind was full of these questions, and the next moment, he subconsciously put away the big knife, and took the huge colorful egg with both hands.

next second.

A streak of blazing light shot out from the colorful eggs, immediately illuminating the gray sky.

It also illuminated Lee Chanyeol's bewildered expression.

With a bang.

Li Chanyeol's body was directly submerged by the white light.

Just a few seconds.

Zheng Junhao, Choi Seungheon, and Lee Chanyeol were seriously injured, and their life and death are unknown.

At the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room who watched this scene were stunned!

The perfect combination of means and strategies!


On the other side, Lin Yunxi had just escaped from the paralysis, seeing this scene, she went crazy.

With a piercing cry, a few white hairs appeared in the middle of her long dark red hair.

She is awake!

next second.

She raised her staff, and a full moon appeared above Su Ye's head.

Immediately afterwards, one after another magic blades condensed out from in front of her and shot towards Su Ye quickly.

Facing her attack, Su Ye snorted coldly, and when the full moon was about to illuminate the moonlight, he teleported aside.

Seeing Su Ye dodging, Lin Yunxi took out the magic book, and an energy chain quickly shot towards Su Ye from the magic book.

The former's control method is nothing more than forcing Shura to hand over the displacement technique.

The latter's energy chain is Lin Yunxi's real move to control the opponent.

Facing the extremely fast energy chain, Su Ye, who had already seen this move, was already prepared.

Bright Archangel Wings has its own ability: Acceleration!
Enables the wearer to increase flying speed in a short period of time.

As the pure white wings behind Su Ye radiated a rich light, and the speed increased sharply, Su Ye quickly approached Lin Yunxi, while also avoiding the energy chain.

At the same time, in his right hand, he was holding an incandescent long spear made entirely of lightning, which continuously burst into crackling sounds.

And his right hand kept taking out bottle after bottle of mana recovery potion to drink.

The thunder mage profession comes with skills: Volt enhancement.

It can transform the magic power in the body to continuously strengthen the volt value in the thunder and lightning.

Every time the mana is fully recharged, Su Ye will output all the mana to strengthen the volt value of the thunder gun in his hand.

As the volt value continued to increase, the temperature of the Blazing Lightning Gun rose rapidly.

Lightning is alternating current.

On the other side of the main world, 220 volts of alternating current can kill people.

In the doomsday world, even if the body has been strengthened and its attributes are many times higher than that of ordinary people, it is still resistant at best.

Now, Su Ye doesn't know how many volts the thunder gun in his hand has.

But much more than 220 volts for sure.

Seeing that Shura wanted to get closer to him, Lin Yunxi controlled the surfboard under his feet to retreat quickly.

At the same time, she raised her staff and pointed it at Shura.

A series of skills were displayed, but Su Ye dodged one after another.

Feeling the thunder gun in his hand getting hotter, Su Ye was only less than ten meters away from Lin Yunxi.

Once again, he drank a bottle of mana recovery potion, took out the starlight scepter with his left hand, and pointed it at Lin Yunxi.

'Thunder net'!
In the blink of an eye, a bondage net made entirely of lightning emerged, and then shrunk the package towards Lin Yunxi.

How could he have so many second-rank skills?
The thought flashed by, and I saw the thunder net outside the body shrinking.

Lin Yunxi put away her staff, and a scroll appeared in her hand.

Too late to feel bad, use it quickly.

The next moment, her body instantly disappeared from the surfboard and appeared in the sky 100 meters away from Su Ye.

After her figure appeared, she floated and landed slowly.

This is levitation!
Su Ye's eyes were fixed, and he didn't chase after him in a hurry. Instead, he handed over the thunder gun to his left hand, and a Gauss gun appeared in his right hand, aiming at Lin Yunxi.

After a gunshot.

Lin Yunxi's magic shield shattered directly, and a piece of armor was also damaged.

In an instant, she vomited blood and her face changed drastically!
Why is it so powerful?
Before she could think about it, she quickly took out her staff, and a full moon appeared in front of her.

After 1.5 seconds, Su Ye stopped in the air and pulled the trigger again.

After the second shot.

The full moon didn't know what skill it was, but Lin Yunxi who was behind the full moon was unscathed.

Seeing this, Su Ye switched the thunder gun to his right hand, and a starlight scepter emerged from his left hand to aim at Lin Yunxi.

'Thunder and lightning'!
Within a range of 200 meters, guide the lightning elements to gather, and blast down several lightning bolts within a range of ten square meters at an extremely fast speed;

After outputting all the magic power in the body.

Above Lin Yunxi's head, a dark cloud suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, countless criss-crossing violent thunderbolts poured down instantly, completely enveloping Lin Yunxi.

Drink another bottle of mana recovery potion to fill it up, and then continue to output mana to strengthen the volt value of the thunder gun.

Drink, consume, strengthen, drink, consume, strengthen.
Maintaining this operation, Su Ye flapped his wings and flew towards the minefield ahead.

Accompanied by the roar of thunder and lightning.

The next moment, he plunged in.

(End of this chapter)

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