Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 191 [Rebirth Chapter]

Chapter 191 [Cross Chapter of Rebirth]

Soon, he discovered Lin Yunxi who was intertwined with lightning like a spider's silk.

At this moment, she kept drinking the potion and kept opening the magic shield.

At the same time, in front of her, a full moon continued to rotate, absorbing the surrounding lightning.

There were also a lot of thunder and lightning bombarding her.

But relying on the source of healing provided by the awakening and the healing provided by the soul imprint, she stubbornly resisted.

Seeing Shura appear, she moved her mouth, but her voice was covered by thunder.

She stopped talking, and stared at Shura with a pair of cold eyes.

Su Ye remained expressionless, and flapped his wings to approach her, ignoring the surrounding thunder and lightning that had no effect on him.

At this moment, the lightning and thunder gradually dissipated.

And when he arrived in front of Lin Yunxi.

As the clouds cleared.

Disappeared with lightning.

Under the gray sky, under the gaze of all mankind.

Su Ye was less than ten meters away from her again.

Seeing that the thunder and lightning had dissipated, Lin Yunxi breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that Shuoma was about to approach her, she raised her staff.

In the next second, a full moon appeared above Su Ye's head.

At the same time, she took out the magic book, and then a chain of energy was shot out quickly.

Facing her actions, Su Ye snorted coldly, and a teleportation appeared in front of her.

But it directly hit the energy chain.

at the same time.

'Thunder net'!
A lightning net appeared around Lin Yunxi in an instant, then shrank very quickly, wrapping towards her.

Completely ignoring the entanglement of energy chains, Su Ye gritted his teeth and used teleportation again, broke free from the chains, and appeared directly in front of Lin Yunxi.

At this moment, the two looked at each other face to face, less than half a meter away.

Su Ye's sudden appearance also made Lin Yunxi, who was about to use the scroll, pause for a moment.

That was the meal, she was directly tied up by the thunder net.

The slightest arc was entangled, and in the next second, she let out an extreme scream.

Su Ye panted slightly, after recovering from the tearing feeling of the power of space.

Looking at the shaking body of the opponent.

under the watchful eye of all mankind.

In the shocking observation of all superpowers outside the closed screen.

With a blank expression on his face, Su Ye stabbed Lin Yunxi fiercely with the lightning gun that was already very hot.

"Ah ah ah ah ah"

With the screams, it stopped abruptly.

The thunder gun pierced Lin Yunxi's body directly, and the half of the gun appeared behind her.

Lin Yunxi stared at Su Ye, moved her lips, wanted to say something but couldn't.

Her eyes were full of incomprehension, doubt, unwillingness, and hatred.
In the next second, there was a bang from the thunder gun, and the ultimate thunder erupted, forming several thick arcs that wrapped around Lin Yunxi's body.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Yunxi melted under the unknown heat!
In the blink of an eye, her whole body was gone!
Completely gone, not even ash!

All that was left was a silver ankh that fell from where she had disappeared.

Then, the ankh fell into the palm of Su Ye, and he observed it.

Then a message came into his mind.

【Chapter of Rebirth Cross】

Quality: Bronze

Explanation: After the wearer dies, as long as more than 80% of his body remains, he can be resurrected within ten seconds. This item cannot be damaged.

As Su Ye spoke out the information in his mind.

"No wonder, it seems that she is really dead, but it's a pity that her space watch is gone!" Chu Wei felt a little regretful.

In his opinion, with Lin Yunxi's identity, her space watch can be said to be a great treasure.

However, under the lightning gun that Su Ye had strengthened dozens of times, the space watch was obviously melted by the high temperature in the lightning.

Su Ye was normal-hearted, "Being able to obtain this rebirth item is already the biggest and best harvest."

"Besides, she has used a lot of weird props and items in the battle with me, so it seems that the value of the space watch is not that great."

"Don't worry about this anymore!"

Chu Wei continued.

"The first is the value of the Cross of Rebirth. With Lin Yunxi's identity, there are only bronze quality crosses of rebirth, so the black iron, silver, and gold qualities on it must require higher game points to exchange."

"As the quality improves, the role of the Ankh of Rebirth must also be further strengthened, perhaps because the proportion of the body is further reduced, and the resurrection time is shortened."

"The second is the three people just now. They beat them in the same way and won the Cross of Rebirth."

"Well, be careful this time, find a way to get the space watch before them."

"By the way, there is one more thing. After killing four people, set up an altar for salvation. Remember to use the Taoist scriptures for salvation this time. Master Xuxuan asked me to suggest it to you. I think you won't refuse, right?"

"This, of course, is no problem!"

Just when Su Ye was flapping his wings slowly, he stopped in mid-air to discuss with Chu Wei.

Not far from the street.

A group of Lin Yunxi's subordinates were stunned in place at the moment, their lips trembling, and they felt a biting cold that penetrated to the marrow of their bones.

Looking at the eldest lady who disappeared without a trace, they couldn't believe that the eldest lady died like this, but they had to accept this fact.

Especially when I saw that Shura picked up Missy's Rebirth Ankh.

Everyone's complexion is ashen, and there is nothing to love.

The western region of the game area.

In an RV heading south.

General Cui Jincheng is sitting in front of the healing superpower who is bound to Lin Yunxi with a soul imprint.

Watching her continue to release healing skills.


The movement of the healing power user stopped suddenly.

A look of astonishment immediately appeared on her face.

"What's wrong?" Cui Jincheng asked hastily with a bad premonition in his heart.

"Miss, she, she, and my soul imprint have been interrupted!"

"What?" As soon as the words fell, Cui Jincheng's face changed drastically, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead in an instant.

There are two possibilities for the interruption of the soul imprint.

The first is that one of the parties took the initiative to remove the soul imprint.

The second is that one of them dies, and the other party will naturally not be able to sense the soul imprint.

With the current situation, Lin Yunxi doesn't have to think it's the latter.

She is dead!

"How did you did you die."

"Who is the other party?"

"Didn't she have the Ankh of Rebirth?"

"Except for a few other base characters, there are no superpowers who can kill her!"

Cui Jincheng kept murmuring to himself, and couldn't believe that Lin Yunxi died like this.

He is the Grand General of the Samsung Survivor Base.

Before the apocalypse broke out, he was an important management of Samsung Group.

After the apocalypse broke out, he had excellent combat talent, good luck, and loyal performance, so he was directly appointed by the base leader Lin Jianxi to the post of general.

Offscreen in the southern region.

When a group of superpowers with observation equipment saw the winged man in black stabbing into Lin Yunxi's body.

Everyone was stunned!
At first, they thought it was the Winged Goddess.

Later, after careful observation, it was discovered that it was not the Winged God at all.

However, it is certain that the black-robed man's wings are exactly the same as the Winged God's.

Immediately afterwards, they had a bold guess, wouldn't this person also kill the Wing God?

As this speculation blurted out, the expression of the Lotte Survivor Base personnel who were watching with gusto suddenly changed.

The Winged God might have been killed by him!
So what about the young master?
(End of this chapter)

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