Chapter 192 1V3
Northwest of the Bloody Duel Cube area.

Cui Jincheng is rushing here with a hundred or so superpowers holding all kinds of hot weapons.

These superpowers are very organized, neatly arranged, wearing uniform military uniforms.

due north.

Nearly a hundred superpowers from the Modern Survivor Base, under the command of Zheng Junhao, also hurried towards this side after receiving the news of the young master's crisis.

Northeast and due east.

A large group of superpowers is rushing over.

It was Lee Chanyeol's men from the LG Survivor Base and Choi Seung Heon's men from the North Korean Survivor Base.

The movement caused by four groups of forces and hundreds of superpowers also alarmed those superpowers from the small and medium-sized survivor bases.

And some powerful Lone Rangers are all paying attention, looking at the direction they are going, muttering to themselves, guessing and analyzing.

Some followed curiously, while others were still frantically killing zombies.

In the bloody duel Rubik's Cube area.

Lin Yunxi's death did not cancel the effect of the Rubik's Cube.

The screen boundary that emits a faint red light still exists.

At the same time, there are also red and blue round beads on the top of each person's head, exuding their corresponding bewitching light.

Zheng Junhao was the first to recover.

Judging from the wound exposed on his shattered left half body.

Broken electronic components and metal parts can be seen inside, and there are sizzling sounds from time to time.

He is obviously a cyborg, the fusion of machinery and flesh and blood.

After a brief period of unconsciousness, he regained consciousness.

how so! ?

How could Shura be so strong?

Lin Yunxi lied to me!
The moment he woke up, many thoughts flashed through his mind.

At the first moment, he showed complete regret, regretting that he agreed to Lin Yunxi's action to encircle Shura.

And that damned Cui Seung-hyun, the dog, what's wrong with it, he insisted on bringing out the Bloody Duel Rubik's Cube to her.

Now that I've paid it back, I can't even leave if I want to.

While thinking, he took out the potion and drank it.

At the same time, pieces of metal parts appeared in his hands as he repaired the left half of his body.

Looking up at the high sky in front of him, the figure illuminated by the red light was stagnant in the air, and he didn't know what he was doing.

He was a little surprised why Lin Yunxi's figure disappeared!

Is it dead! ?
In an instant, his face changed drastically.

Impossible, Lin Yunxi's strength is the strongest among them.

Shura has just been promoted to the fourth rank, even if he completes the second rank, it is impossible for him to learn so many second rank skills corresponding to the profession.

Even if he was lucky with that fourth-level colorful egg, he could only develop one or two second-rank skills.

The second-turn skills can only be obtained from the fourth-level seven eggs.

And if Shura had prepared the second-rank skill scroll in advance, why didn't he advance to the fourth rank?

With the same logic as Lin Yunxi, this contradiction also confuses him.

I can't figure it out, and I don't have time for him to think about it.

Now, the only way is for the three of them to join forces with Choi Seung-heon and Lee Chan-yeol and try their best to kill Shura.

The injuries on his body gradually healed, he took out the communicator, and called for Choi Seung Heon and Lee Chanyeol.

Called for quite a while.

Only then did I hear Cui Chengxian's weak voice.

"It's a good thing I didn't get caught!" These were the first words he spoke.

It seems that his Ankh of rebirth has been used up!

A conclusion flashed across his mind, and Zheng Junhao hurriedly said, "How are you doing now?"

"I have entered the awakening, the source of healing and the imprint of the soul are constantly providing me with healing, and I can heal within 30 seconds at most."

"Okay, I'll contact Li Canlie right away, I hope he's not dead, now only the three of us work together to deal with Shura, Lin Yunxi is gone, he probably killed him."


Without waiting for Cui Seung-heon's exclamation, Zheng Junhao hastily hung up the communicator, and then called out Li Chanyeol's name.

"I'm fine, damn it, that colorful egg will explode, Axi!"

Li Chanyeol's voice quickly rang through the communicator.

"Where are you, we need to join forces to deal with him and get together as soon as possible."

"His second job should be a mage who masters the thunder system. Do you have any equipment and items to restrain him?"

Zheng Junhao was actually the most disturbed, his semi-mechanical body was most restrained by lightning attacks.

If the Thunderbird that Shura used to condense just now attacked him instead of Cui Seung-hyun, he probably had already used up his Rebirth Ankh.

After rejoicing, it was unprecedented dignified.

At the critical moment of death, he, Lee Chanyeol, and Choi Seungheon frantically thought about ways to solve each other.

A moment later, a sound resounded in the area.

"Sura, I don't know what your background is, but you must know the identities and backgrounds of the four of us."

"Kill us, you will offend the forces of the largest survivor bases in Haner City, and you will face endless pursuit."

It was Zheng Junhao who spoke, wanting to use verbal threats to make Shura feel scruples.

As long as there are scruples, the opponent will definitely be affected in the next battle.

After the words fell, the figures of the three began to rise into the air, until they stopped in the three directions of Shura, looking at him in a semi-enveloping manner.

I don't know if Shura has any scruples.

But the three of Hoshino Kanna were astonished.

It turns out that the enemy the captain is facing now has an extraordinary background, and the background is so powerful! ?

In Su Ye's ear, Chu Wei's voice sounded.

"First try to find out which of the three opponents whose Rebirth Ankh was used in the rocket launch just now."

"Also, never underestimate your opponent. A lion fights a rabbit with all his strength."

Then, Chu Wei explained the method of testing.

The next moment, Su Ye suddenly raised the Starlight Staff in the direction of the three of them.

Did not deliberately point to anyone.

the next moment.

Zheng Junhao and Cui Seungxian's expressions changed slightly, their pupils shrank slightly, and their bodies shook.

Only Li Canyeol raised his sword with his expression unchanged, thinking that Shura was going to attack.

The subtle changes of Zheng Junhao and Cui Seungxian naturally cannot escape the observation of the main world.

"Attack Zheng Junhao first."

Following the reminder from his ear, Su Ye's magic power was completely emptied.

Under the rumbling sound, a white and thick thunderbolt directly hit Zheng Junhao.

It's so fast that there is no response.

Zheng Junhao's gaze was slightly distracted.

He couldn't feel the existence of his body at all.

The whole person fell down again.

And the other side.

Li Canlie's attack was unleashed, the big knife swung down, and a huge knife aura formed above Su Ye's head and chopped down.

Cui Seung-heon stepped back while holding up his staff, and a wall of wind blocked Shura's eyes.

It stopped Shura's plan to chase Zheng Junhao.

Su Ye dodged the saber air, bumped into the wind wall, and was stunned for a moment.

Then his face changed slightly, seeing Cui Seung-heon who was constantly retreating and casting spells, the next second, his figure disappeared in place.

Using teleportation to cross the wind wall, Su Ye threw away the empty bottle of mana recovery potion in his hand, and then used the acceleration ability of his wings to fly towards the opponent very quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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