Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 195 Wonderful Voice

Chapter 195 Wonderful Voice

With the death of Choi Seung-heon, the power of the tornado began to gradually weaken.

At the same time, the bloody screen that blocked the area disappeared in an instant.

"Channa, the three of you look for Choi Seung-heon's space watch at the place where the tornado dissipated, and then find a place to hide."

After confirming that Cui Seung Heon was dead, Su Ye stopped immediately, took out the communicator and gave an order.

Then he flew to the top of a high-rise residential building very quickly according to the instructions from his ears.

"Look, the bloody screen has disappeared." Hundreds of superpowers were observing the battle inside.

After the tornado appeared and was then rushed into by the Thunderbird.

In an instant, they found that the bloody screen had disappeared.

"Only if one of them dies, the bloody screen will be released."

Some superpowers who had heard of the bloody duel Rubik's Cube looked horrified, and murmured to themselves, and the words came out, which immediately made the people around them gasp.

This also means.

Lim Yunxi, Choi Seungheon, Lee Chanyeol, and Zheng Junhao, four powerful and important figures with extraordinary identities, all died.

Thinking of this, the superpowers from the small and medium-sized survivor base broke out in a cold sweat.

Where did the ruthless people come from, to dare to start a war against so many powerful forces!
That's right.

In their thinking, if this person dares to kill him, it is undoubtedly incompatible with the survivor bases of these great forces, and there is absolutely no possibility of compromise.

In particular, the long-famous Lin Yunxi, Miss Lin from the Samsung Survivor Base died.

If this person does not have a big background, he will face the endless pursuit of these big forces.

The next moment, an endless stream of voices sounded in the ears of everyone in this area.

"I'm Cui Jincheng, whoever catches the black-robed birdman will be rewarded with five third-level colorful eggs."

"Whoever kills the black-robed bird man will be rewarded with ten third-level seven-eggs."

"I am the leader of the Fit Team of the LG Survivor Base. I will reward you with seven third-level colorful eggs for killing the black-robed birdman."

"I am a survivor base in North Korea."

There was a sound of rewards, and the three-level seven-color egg mentioned in it suddenly made everyone's breathing intensified and their faces flushed.

However, these superpowers and lone rangers from small and medium-sized bases are not stupid, and they are naturally not impulsive people who can survive until now.

And the leaders of the four major forces who issued the rewards suddenly looked a little ugly when they saw that these superpowers didn't come forward immediately.

The purpose of saying these words is to let them, superpowers, be used as cannon fodder.

As a result, only sporadic two or three people rushed out.

Frustrated, the leaders of the four major forces gave orders one after another without waiting any longer.

They sent their subordinates to surround him from west to east. Just like Lin Yunxi's plan before, they wanted to completely block the black-robed bird man's escape route.

Behind the black-robed birdman is the game blocking screen in the southern region.

They never believed that the black-robed birdman could resist so many of them.

And outside the blocked screen in the southern area, many superpowers from the five forces smashed the communicators in their hands at this moment.

"Damn, there is a blocked screen, and they cannot be contacted."

They want to alert their companions inside.

Remind them that the black-robed birdman has a big killer.

The companions inside came late, and they didn't see the scene where the black-robed birdman took out the rocket launcher at all.

Now, just hope that the black-robed birdman has no shells.

Presumably, with this level of weapons, the shells are also very rare!

Just thought so.

The next moment, someone exclaimed, and everyone's expressions changed drastically.

"The black-robed birdman took out the rocket launcher!"



The roof of a residential building.

Su Ye's expression was dignified, and as far as he could see, the moment the blood light screen disappeared, four groups of superpowers gathered in an orderly manner rushed towards him from four directions.

Although important, but not much to worry about.

"let's start."

"From northwest to due east, twelve rocket shells have already planned their firing locations."

"According to the analysis, each shell can cause maximum damage."

"Not surprisingly, [-]% of them can die."

Following Chu Wei's words, Su Ye sat in the cab.

Longitude and latitude coordinate setting, various parameter settings, start the rocket launcher, start the high and low direction machine turning device, start the launch ignition control device, start the aiming device.
After some operations.

On the back of the rocket launcher, the launcher with twelve pitch-black holes began to lift up.

next second.




in the ears of all mankind.

That sounded very beautiful.

The extremely excited voice came out one after another.

"It doesn't matter if there are too many people, let's try the cannons of our Xia Kingdom, haha!"

"Crisis? No, this is here to give Doomsday coins and accumulated evolution points, hehe!"

"There are so many people, how can we save them later?"

"I don't know how much twelve shells can kill."

"I remember hearing Brother Huohua say that the higher the rank, the more doomsday coins will be provided."

"The three 400 people don't know how strong they are. If they are of a higher rank, they will get rich, haha!"

"See, this is the price for daring to call Brother Huohua a nickname, calling him a black-robed birdman, haha!"

"You did it on purpose. In fact, you just wanted to call out those four words."

"I also think it's time to report it. (The dog's head is funny)"

"I saw it, and I have reported your barrage (funny dog ​​head)."

"Fuck, trough!!!"


Everyone is talking about it.

Everyone was very excited, and no one was worried.

In the darkened sky.

The superpowers who rushed over quickly discovered that the thing with a long flame was flying towards this side.

"What it is?"

"Why is it a bit like... the one that appeared in military shows before?"

Some people swallowed hard, some couldn't believe it.

Someone fired a flare into the sky, trying to see what was coming.

The moment after the flare was lit.

In an instant, the four strands gathered together, and the superpowers surrounded from four directions were all stunned.

At this moment, there was an unusual silence.

Immediately afterwards, everyone's pupils shrank involuntarily, their lips trembled, and they felt cold.

Many people even couldn't control their bodies at all and kept trembling.

"Sibba, run, run!"

"Axi, run, run, why are you staring blankly, Xiba."

Someone reacted and hurriedly yelled and fled.

Someone took out a shield and held it above his head.

Someone opened the magic shield and looked for cover.

next moment.

In the eyes of the whole world.

Against a black night background.

First the first rocket hit, then the second, the third
Group after group of flames rose.

Terrifying shock waves shot out in all directions.

The sky-shaking sound continued to bombard everyone's ears.

Behind the superpowers of the four forces.

Those small and medium-sized bases and Lone Ranger superpowers who held back their greed and were very cautious looked at the scene in front of them in horror, feeling very grateful in their hearts.

On top of Su Ye's head.

The cumulative evolution points are beating crazily.

On his doomsday currency mall, the balance of doomsday currency is the same.

(End of this chapter)

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