Chapter 196 He is here!
"Su Ye, facing all this, how do you feel!?"

"It's a little uncomfortable, but it's not that I can't bear it, I just feel sorry for them."

"As I said before, there are no good or bad people who stand against me, only enemies."

"They're not wrong, and neither are you."

"The unknown existence established a new world rule. Under this rule, you can't change but adapt, and then continue to strengthen yourself to reach the end of the rule."

"Strengthening is bound to step on countless bones, but if you don't do this, you are weak and can only wait to be killed and plundered, unable to protect or save."

In the main battle room, beside Chu Wei, Qin Ying was holding a notebook and a black pen, analyzing each of Su Ye's answers.

This is analyzing his psychology, and Chu Wei is giving him psychological counseling.

in the wars of the last century.

The first occurrence of psychological trauma of war is often in the first killing and participating in a war of hundreds of people.

Not to mention, Su Ye personally slaughtered hundreds of people.

"I see!"

"Hey, I really want to ask that unknown existence behind the scenes, why did I choose me?"

"At this time last year, others were holding hands, and I was holding my dog, walking around and seeing who would take a bite."

"Of course, because I'm afraid I won't be able to pay, I always end up pulling the dog desperately."

"I miss you so much!" Su Ye was in a daze for a while, and then opened the Doomsday Currency Mall.

After clicking on the interface, a scroll appeared in his hand.


Category: Requires Concentrated Casting
Quality: Gold

Price: 2000 doomsday coins

Description: It can guide the gathering of thunder elements in an area of ​​5000 square meters within a range of 5 meters, blast down lightning at an extremely fast speed, and destroy everything in the target area; the minimum guiding time for gathering is [-] minutes, and the longer the gathering time, the greater the output The more magic power, the higher the volt value of the thunder and lightning.

Like the Plus version of 'Lightning and Thunder'.

Three thousand square meters, half the size of a football field.

After digesting the information from the scroll in his hand, Su Ye let out a long breath.

The next moment, the scroll turned into a stream of light and rushed into his body.

After talking about the skills he had learned, he walked to the edge of the roof of the building, holding the Starlight Scepter and spreading his hands.

The wind at night was very cool, and the black robe that was blowing around his body trembled slightly.

in the live room.

"It's getting more and more ruthless, and I have to be punished by thunder, but I like it, and I can sleep well at night again."

"Who isn't, three thousand square meters, tsk tsk tsk, it's too powerful, will the scope get bigger and bigger in the future!?"

"Who knows!"

"Brother Huohua misses the old days, and I miss it so much. Others lead dogs, and I lead my girlfriend. We walk around and see who doesn't like kissing."

"So, it's a breakup now?"

"No, I'm already married, I just miss my first love at that time."

"Brother Huohua is still too young. His ruthlessness is actually forced out, not in a subjective sense."

"But I like Brother Huohua more like this. If he is really cruel and cruel, I'm afraid!"

In the eyes of everyone in the world.

Looking at the back of the open hands standing on the edge of the roof in the live broadcast room.

Some people sigh, some look forward to it, some feel relieved
"What is that bird man in black robe doing?"

"What magic is he going to unleash?"

Outside the blocked screen in the southern area, a group of members of major forces with ashen faces were shocked after observing the actions of the black-robed bird man.

And in front of Su Ye's residential building.

The situation has become extremely dire.

There were corpses and limbs all over the ground, and the superpowers who were lucky enough to survive were wailing non-stop.

The superpowers with the healing ability are running crazily, constantly healing the seriously injured superpowers.

Some took out the healing potion and drank it by themselves, but those who did not have the healing potion could only wait for others to rescue them.

Howls, screams of pain, cries of urgency
At the same time, behind them, many people from small and medium-sized bases and Lone Ranger superpowers are rushing forward.

They were shocked by the tragic scene.

There is also no shortage of people who want to gain the favor of the four major forces and seek rewards.

"General, more than seventy brothers died, and the rest were either seriously injured or slightly injured. We are treating them."

Beside Cui Jincheng, an adjutant was reporting to him.

The adjutant continued: "The casualties of the other three forces are similar to ours, with heavy losses."

"It is certain that even if he is not a member of the Xintiandi Sect, he is still related to the Xintiandi Sect."

This level of super-heavy thermal weapons and rocket launchers, they can't think of anything else except that the Xintiandi Sect, who occupies the base of the Inter Milan Army, can take it out.

Because, in their identities, they have never heard of people with superpowers opening such weapons from colorful eggs.

At least, there are no colorful eggs below level four.

"Did someone from Xintiandi come in this time?"

After listening to the adjutant's report, Cui Jincheng, who had an extremely ugly face, gritted his teeth and asked.

"I haven't found it!"

"With the temperament of people like Xintiandi, it is impossible for Black Rain Games not to send someone in. Therefore, this man in the black robe with wings is a member of Xintiandi."

"It's just that I still can't figure out why the Xintiandi Sect maintains trade with these five bases of ours and never goes to war. Why did it suddenly kill Miss Lin Yunxi and other important figures of several other forces this time?"

"It may be the member's own actions, or it may be instructed by the high-level Xintiandi sect." The adjutant shook his head and analyzed with some uncertainty.

"No matter what, report to the leader immediately when you go back, and contact the other bases. If the Xintiandi sect is really like this, we must join hands to destroy them."

While Cui Jincheng was discussing.

Just as the leaders of the other three parties were discussing.

No one noticed that in the dark night, above their heads, patches of dark clouds began to condense.

On the roof of a residential building.

Su Ye took out bottle after bottle of mana recovery potion and drank it.

Drain, restore, drain, restore.
After using up ten bottles of mana restoration potions.

It's been more than 5 minutes.

10 minutes should be there! ?
Su Ye thought about it, he didn't count it, he just felt it roughly.

In his eyes, it was above the area that had just been bombarded by shells.

The muffled sound of rumbling thunder was constantly being emitted from the dark clouds, as if telling Su Ye that it was already full and he couldn't bear it anymore.

At the same time, the psychic below had also noticed it and began to flee in panic.

come on!

Let the world know that nothing can stop me!
Against the background of the night, with the scepter of beautiful starlight shaking.

next moment.

Hundreds of extremely thick sky thunder blasted down in an instant.

Light up the world.

Outside of the thick thunder and lightning trunk, there are tiny spider-like lightnings that fill the dark sky and appear in everyone's eyes.

Su Ye seemed to be announcing to this world.

he came!
(End of this chapter)

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