Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 197 Combat Power: 3+!

Chapter 197 Combat Strength: 3+!

"That is!"

"Is it released by the captain?"

"Captain, isn't he too powerful?"

The three of Hoshino Kanna looked at the thick thunder and lightning that kept coming down in front of them.

The blazing white light produced by the thunder and lightning illuminated the shocking expressions of the three of them.

The rumbling thunder that resounded through the sky and the earth.

Every time the violent thunder sounded, Hoshino Kannai and Tang Yi would tremble subconsciously and instinctively.

That is the instinctive fear engraved deep in the genes from the human evolution to this point, facing the might of nature countless times.

And on Hoshino Kanna's right hand, she was holding a space wrist watch, which she found from Cui Seung-heon not long ago.

As for Cui Seung-hyun's charred, fleshy-smelling corpse, it was lying at the feet of the three of them.

Hoshino Kanna was thinking about Ernie-chan's act of destroying corpses and destroying traces on the rooftop in the afternoon.

After thinking for a while, she asked Chen Dongkui to take the body, planning to ask O'Neill sauce what to do with it later.

on the rooftop.

After Su Ye released the Thunderbolt, he didn't move, but quietly watched the scene of divine punishment in front of him.

On the lens of his left eye, his current attribute data is being displayed.

Main biological individual: Su Ye
Status: normal
Power: 218
Agility: 219
Stamina: 217
Stamina: 219
Intelligence: 248
Spirit: 271
Combat evaluation: 3189 points

(Note: Only calculations for attributes, skills and holding a starlight scepter are counted)

(Note: fourth-order zero-time reinforcement)
At his feet, a volt measuring device purchased from the Points Mall was running quietly.

For relevant experts in the main world to collect data, analyze and compare.

On the top of his head, the cumulative evolution points began to beat again as the thunder descended, and soon exceeded [-].

And at the moment of the breakthrough, the space-time creatures from all over the black rain game range seemed to sense it, and roared towards this side one after another.

Within Su Ye's sight.

In the area of ​​thunder and lightning that illuminated the sky and the earth.

Huge flashes of light tore through the darkness again and again.

There was a series of rumbling roars.

In the eyes of all mankind, in the eyes of Su Ye.

Several figures are climbing up again and again with extreme stubbornness, and then rushing out of the lightning area.

They are not willing to be destroyed.

They want to escape.

They exhausted all means, all potions, all hole cards.

But under the constant thunder and lightning.

Several figures lay down one after another, and never got up again.

Fell on the edge of the minefield area.

With a few more steps, they could actually break away.

But, very helpless!
Several figures are using this method to describe their misery.

"I sympathize with them, but death may be a relief for them."

On Twitter, someone posted a sentiment, which immediately received countless retweets and likes.

"They are sad because they stand on the opposite side of all human beings. There is no right or wrong in misery and sorrow, only helpless choices. God bless your dead soul!"

A cardinal archbishop said this to the believers.

"Killing power can solve everything, but it is not the only means to solve the problem. I hope he uses it with caution."

The International Red Cross issued an announcement, but the next second, they deleted the announcement after a phone call from He Zhengwei.

In the main battle room.

Qin Ying walked in again with the help of Daoist Xuxuan.

"Daoist Xuxuan, I'm going to trouble you again!"

"A lot of people died this time. The idea of ​​Su Ye and I is whether there is a way to arrange a large-scale transcendence scene and complete a large-scale transcendence."

Chu Wei turned around and faced Daoist Xuxuan with a smile, a glimmer of admiration flashed in his eyes.

Although Daoist Xuxuan's face has aged a bit, it also makes the appearance of the fairy-like bones even more impressive.

After hearing this request, he raised his long beard and said to himself: "Of course it is possible, but I still need to make some preparations. I will wait for the old Taoist to ask someone to write a supernatural essay."

"If the Taoist priest has any request, just say it, Qin Ying, you assist the Taoist priest to make preparations."

"Okay, Colonel Chu!"

The game is blocked off-screen.

There is an argument going on.

One of the twelve apostles of Shincheonji who came to hear the news, faced everyone's suspicious eyes.

He was arguing with the rest, denying that the black-robed birdman inside was a member of their congregation.

Until, that day the penalty thunder and lightning fell.

Countless lightning tore through the darkness.

After illuminating the world in their eyes.

Everyone was silent.

The apostle of the Shincheonji Sect took out a trumpet, "One last thing, our Shincheonji Sect has always remained neutral and will not wage war against any force."

"Our Xintiandi Sect has never had a superpower who uses lightning."

"You can send someone to investigate this point."

"As for this person, I will teach you how to find out his identity and where he obtained the rocket launcher he owns."

After the Shincheonji apostle finished speaking.

Not far away, a Shincheonji believer is recording the dictation of a superpower who has witnessed a rocket launcher vehicle.

After a while, the believer came to the apostle, "I'm sure, it's not American, it's more like the Guardian-2D rocket launcher from Xiaguo."

"Xia Guo?"

The puzzled look on the faces of the Xintiandi apostles deepened.

Why did Xia Guo's rocket launcher appear here?

While he was thinking.

In the eyes of everyone, the devastating thunder and punishment finally stopped.

The thunder between heaven and earth disappeared, and the world fell into silence.

The sky fell into darkness again.

Seeing that the lightning stopped, Su Ye asked, "How long did it last?"

"Two ten minutes."

"How long have I been preparing?"

"In 10 minutes, drink ten bottles of mana recovery potion."


Just when Su Ye nodded and was about to jump off the edge of the roof and fly towards the venue.

The communicator in his pocket vibrated suddenly.

As soon as he picked it up, he heard Hoshino Kanna's eager voice.

"Oni-chan, there are seven or eight space-time creatures coming towards us."

"Okay, I see, don't run around, protect yourself, and wait for me to solve them."

"Okay, Oni-chan!"

After hanging up the communication, Su Ye stood still, with a calm expression and no worries at all.

"As you said, Chu Wei."

"Then do as I said before, just buy a few more launch vehicles and solve them to speed up the end of the game."

"it is good!"

Chu Wei had discussed the fifth rule of the game with Su Ye before.

The description of rule five is very vague, it only says that time and space creatures will give priority to attacking those with the highest accumulated evolution points.

It did not elaborate on whether the space-time creatures will actively seek out the one with the highest accumulated evolution points.

So, if this possibility exists, it must be prevented.

As for the preventive plan, Chu Wei had already informed Su Ye.

That is to buy a few more rocket launchers.

First, it can deal with the incoming time and space creatures.

Second, after the space-time creatures are eliminated, a few more rocket launchers can also speed up the process of bombing the entire game area, thereby speeding up the end of the game.

(End of this chapter)

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