Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 198 Platinum Quality

Chapter 198 Platinum Quality
With a thunderbolt over.

The lightning strike area of ​​500 meters was completely cleared.

Only the ruined rocks and potholes on the ground remained, indicating that the place had just suffered horrific devastation not long ago.

This empty area also happened to be the location for the rocket launcher.

Su Ye flapped his wings and watched the monitoring tablet in his hand descend to the ground.

On the light green screen on the tablet, there are a total of eight time and space creatures appearing.

To the northwest, there are three time-space creatures that are as huge as monsters.

In the north-east direction, there are three medium-sized space-time creatures that look like insects.

In the southeast direction, two space-time creatures of humanoid size.

Being able to appear on the monitoring tablet naturally means that it is already very close to Su Ye.

The drones used to monitor them were previously deployed to escape the pursuit of Lin Yunxi and the four and blow up the buildings.

"Seeing these monsters, I remembered what happened yesterday morning."

"Yeah, yesterday morning, all of us human beings experienced a catastrophe of life and death, and almost ceased to exist."

"Don't worry, it's only been a day, our brother Huohua is no longer the brother Huohua of yesterday, a mere space-time creature, why not be afraid!"

"Besides, crises and risks often pay off in the end. In Brother Huohua's world, crises are everywhere. Just get used to it."

"Brother Huohua, come on!"

"come on!"

It seems that the almost life-and-death experience of fighting against the giant worm on the roof of the hospital yesterday morning really left a big shadow on all human beings.

They are cheering themselves up, saying a sentence of imposing words like a rainbow.

Cheer up Brother Spark!

Cheer yourself up!
the other side.

Su Ye looked at the account balance on the Doomsday Currency Mall interface, the figure as high as 5.17, and a bright light flashed in his eyes.

"The [-] worth of doomsday coins have released more powerful weapons!"

"Another point is that after being promoted to the fourth level, the Doomsday Currency Mall refreshed the platinum quality."

He clicked on the technological weapon interface, checked the options available for purchase, looked at the top few weapons and said.

The top weapons are the first-generation missiles of the Dongfeng series.

【Dongfeng-2】, 【Dongfeng-3】, 【Dongfeng-4】.
"You can buy it, but there is no need to buy it now!"

"Ok, I know."

Chu Wei and Su Ye are not reluctant to use Doomsday Coin.

Rather, there is currently no need to increase capabilities in ultra-massive destruction attacks.

As for the 5.17 doomsday coins, how to use them still needs to be carefully planned.

Skip the Dongfeng series of missiles.

Su Ye's gaze stayed on the Guardian-2D rocket launcher.

【Bazooka Launcher-Guardian-2D Rocket Launcher (Unlimited Shells, Enhanced Power, Enhanced Distance, Automatic Tracking, Pro, Max, Puls top-equipped enhanced version)】

Quality: Platinum

Price: 2000 doomsday coins

Description: It can launch 16 1000mm rockets at the same time, equipped with high-explosive bombs, armor-piercing and anti-personnel dual-purpose sub-cluster warheads, cloud-explosive bomb warheads, anti-explosive bomb warheads, and anti-detonation bomb warheads. The effective killing radius is about 400 Meter.

Rocket launcher body length: 9800 mm.

Diameter: 800mm.

Maximum range: 600 kilometers.

Warhead (warhead) weight: 500 kg.

Hit error: 30 meters.

Launch cooldown: 25 minutes.

Compared to the Gold Quality Guardian 2D Bazooka Launcher.

There are four more muzzles, and 16 can be fired at the same time.

The effective killing radius has been increased by 200 meters.

The parameters of the entire gun body have become larger.

Range increased by 100 km.

The hit error has been reduced by 20 meters.

Cooldown reduced by 5 minutes.

Is this the power of platinum quality!
All aspects have been significantly improved, but the price is also twice as expensive.

But for the doomsday currency that Su Ye currently owns, it is a trivial matter.

Immediately afterwards, he bought four without hesitation.

With the doomsday currency minus eight thousand.

On the palm of his hand, four miniature models of Guardian 2D rocket launchers suddenly appeared.

The next moment, he placed the four launch vehicles in his hands on the wide open space in front of him.

Without closing the interface, he went to the mall again, clicked on the scroll interface, and found the platinum quality improvement scroll.

[Platinum Quality Improvement Scroll]

Price: 1000 doomsday coins

Description: Items can be upgraded to Platinum quality.

I only bought one, in order to upgrade the gold-quality rocket launcher.

In this way, the five launch vehicles are all of platinum quality.

Otherwise he feels uncomfortable.

Taking out the gold-quality rocket launcher, after upgrading, Su Ye was surprised to find that the cooling time had also been refreshed.

Looking at the five mighty rocket launchers in front of him, he immediately smiled.

Five units, each with sixteen rounds, can fire a total of eighty rounds in one round.

Exactly eight space-time creatures, one with ten rounds.

I don't know if there is enough for them to eat!
Under the watchful eyes of all mankind, he sat in the cab of the No. [-] launch vehicle.

Fortunately, the quality of the launch vehicle has improved, but the control panel has not changed.

After some start-ups, set it to launch after five minutes, with the launcher on the back of the No. [-] launch vehicle raised.

He walked out of the cab of the No. [-] launch car and entered the cab of the No. [-] launch car.

In the same operation, the launch time is set to 4 minutes.

After a while.

When Su Ye got off the fifth launch vehicle.

Xia Guo's audience couldn't wait.

Everyone looked at the clock, counting down.

When entering the last five seconds.

Many people shouted.


Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom
On the backs of the five launch vehicles, the launchers with 2 pitch-black launch holes are shooting out one after another Guardian [-]D rapidly.

Like a meteor reversing, the 2-shot Guardian [-]D continued to lift off into the sky with a fiery flame tail.

Very conspicuous in the dark.

This scene once again shocked the three of Hoshino Kanna.

It once again shocked all superpowers watching outside the closed screen in the southern region.

"This is a rocket launcher?"

Someone had a face full of disbelief, swallowed hard, and spoke softly.

"The rocket launcher just now?"

Someone's eyes were glazed over, and they were muttering to themselves.

"Assi! So fast, so many, he came from there!"

Someone knew that only ten, twenty, ten minutes later, seventy or eighty rocket shells rose again from the place where the black-robed birdman was.

"Did he rob some military base?"

Someone looked at the Xintiandi Sect not far away intentionally or unintentionally.

"Impossible, even if this kind of cannonball can be found in the colorful eggs, it is impossible for him to get so many."

"The fourth-level colorful egg, I never knew that someone had opened this thing, unless he opened it from the fifth-level colorful egg."

"With such a large number, how many five-level seven eggs has he opened?"

Everyone is at a loss!
Confused and puzzled, he looked at the rocket launchers that arced out in the dark sky, his eyes were horrified.

(End of this chapter)

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