Chapter 199

After eighty rocket launchers were launched.

Su Ye took out the tablet and watched the situation change.

At the same time, he stowed five rocket launchers, flapped his wings and took off into the sky.

On the tablet screen, in three squares.

In the first square are the three huge monster-like space-time creatures in the northwest direction.

Thirty rounds of Guardian 2D rocket launchers are extremely fast.

Under the watchful eyes of all human beings, they hit the huge bodies of the three monsters one after another in rapid succession.

Followed by the second grid picture.

In the direction of north to east, three medium-sized space-time creatures that looked like insects were hit one after another.

Finally, due east by south.

Two space-time creatures of humanoid size.

After a series of deafening noises.

With the billowing black smoke rising from the flames.

The cumulative evolution points above Su Ye's head jumped instantly, and finally stopped at 3.75.

The value of Doomsday Coin has increased by 2000.

Although the doomsday coins and cumulative evolution points have increased.

But Su Ye and the main world couldn't be sure that the space-time creature in that direction was still alive.

However, even if he is alive, Su Ye believes that he will be seriously injured if he does not die.

Flapping his wings, he quickly came to the explosion area in the northwest direction.

When he arrived, everyone saw the three third-level seven-color eggs in the center of the flame at a glance.

After rushing into the flames, putting away the three colorful eggs, Su Ye continued to increase the altitude and flew towards the north-east direction.

A few minutes later, after reaching the explosion area.

Su Ye saw two colorful eggs, and a dying insect-like space-time creature with a combat power of less than [-].

It looks a bit like the one I met on the hospital rooftop yesterday.

"Could it be the same kind?"

"Well, it might be the father of yesterday's one!"

"Haha, Brother Huohua, hurry up and make up the knife."

Naturally, there was no need for the audience in the live broadcast room to remind them of this.

Take out the gauss gun, with a bang.

After a while, three three-level seven-color eggs were quietly placed on the ground.

There is one last area.

Putting away the three colorful eggs, Su Ye flew into the air and headed towards the east by south.

the other side.

Following the movement caused by Su Ye.

Outside the closed screen in the southern region, more and more superpowers came from other directions.

Some superpowers are attracted by the movement of large groups of superpowers in the game area.

Some people with superpowers come here because of the news from other people with superpowers.

When someone tells what happened just now.

For a time, the thousands of superpowers gathered here were all shocked.

at the same time.

A rather tangled choice was placed in front of the superpowers led by the five major forces here.

After the game is over.

Do you want to hunt down and kill that black-robed bird man!

This is a dilemma.

"I don't want him to have so many rocket shells!"

The lead superpower from the LG Survivor Base roared ferociously.

At the same time, they sent someone to contact the superpowers at the Samsung Survivor Base, wanting to join forces.

"We will wait and see how the other forces respond. If they all go, we will go too, and vice versa!"

The superpowers leading the team from the Survivor Base in North Korea decided so.

For a time, the wind was surging.

And in the black rain game area.

After a few minutes of flying, Su Ye flew in front of the explosion area due east by south.

At this moment, he was stagnant in the air, looking at the two humanoid space-time creatures stagnant in mid-air in front of him, with a slightly dignified expression.

"This is a bit like Piccolo in Dragon Ball."

Audiences from Neon Kingdom and Xia Kingdom exclaimed.

"No, it's just that the skin is a bit similar. The shape and face are completely different. It's not a creature at all."

Someone took a closer look and denied it.

On the lens of Su Ye's left eye.

The attribute data of the two space-time creatures are displayed one after another.

The strength of the fourth level.

The combat power is about 2000, and it is constantly rising. Obviously, it is recovering from injuries.

At this moment, the space-time creature on the left suddenly yelled out a strange language.

"It has intelligence and language, and it is likely to be an intelligent civilization creature!"

In a short moment, Chu Wei made a judgment.

With wisdom and civilization, it shows that these two space-time creatures are not easy to deal with.

The space-time creature on the left watched Su Ye finish speaking, then quickly stretched out his left hand.

In the next second, a ball of light gathered in its palm, and immediately shot a thick light towards Su Ye.

Su Ye's figure appeared in the sky above the rays of light, but then he used the acceleration ability of his wings again to hide to the side.

At his original position, another ray of light shot through, and it was the attack from the space-time creature on the right.

"Thunder and lightning"!
Holding the starlight scepter, Su Ye aimed at the two space-time creatures, exhausting the magic power in his body.

The next moment, thunderclouds appeared, and there was a muffled thunder.

In an instant, the thick thunder and lightning struck.

Leaning on the two space-time creatures below.

"Their injuries have not recovered, so hurry up and solve them."

Without Chu Wei's reminder, Su Ye also planned to do the same.

"Brother Huohua, use your big move directly!"

"I don't know what abilities the opponent has at all. Now that the opponent is injured, I will kill them in seconds."

"Brother Huohua has already planned this way, and you need to remind me!?"

Xia Guo's audience was shouting.

Su Ye has already drank the potion and condensed the thunder gun, which is constantly strengthening the volts.

The move is still the same move, but it works.

After drinking five bottles of mana potion, the thunder gun was strengthened.

Su Ye released Thunderbird again.

Or five bottles of mana restoration potions.

A moment later, just as he was done.

Ahead, the lightning and thunder gradually dissipated, revealing the two space-time creatures inside.

Su Ye glanced at their combat power values.

Just dropped by more than 200 points.

"Go!" With a light drink, Thunderbird instantly attacked the space-time creature on the left.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the potion and drank it, while flapping his wings and flew towards the space-time creature on the right.

Thunderbird's speed was still as fast as usual.

In less than a second, it hit the space-time creature on the left.

In the next second, the Thunderbird detonated and turned into a thick arc that wrapped around the body of the space-time creature.

Under the blazing high temperature, under the crackling thunder.

The space-time creature kept shaking its body, and let out a piercing cry soaring into the sky.

The cry lasted only two seconds before it stopped abruptly.

Under the eyes of all human beings, this space-time creature is just like Lin Yunxi and the others before.


Completely melted away!

As for the space-time creature on the right, it was stunned for a while, then quickly turned and ran away.

Su Ye looked at the fleeing space-time creature, and while chasing it, he took out a Gauss gun.

After a gunshot.

There is a big hole in the body of the space-time creature.

After 1.5S.

Another shot was extremely brutal.

I saw this time and space creature fell directly.

And the speed at which it fell was not even as fast as Su Ye could fly.

After just a few seconds.

Su Ye arrived in front of it, then stabbed the thunder gun into his body fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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