Chapter 200
"I thought it was a big battle, but I didn't expect it to be crushed one-sidedly."

"That's right, I sleep better and better at night now."

"In just seven or eight days, who would have thought Brother Huohua could be so powerful!?"

"Yeah, just yesterday, I was still on tenterhooks."

in the eyes of all mankind.

Su Ye picked up six level [-] colorful eggs and two level [-] colorful eggs and returned to the original land of thunder and punishment.

"Kana, where are you!? Come to me."

After some communication, Su Ye put down the communicator and looked at the stumps and flesh all over the floor, thinking about it.

After the thunderstorm passed, most of the corpses were directly blasted away.

But there are still a small number of remains of the corpses left.

Although it is a small part, it is compared with the majority.

Su Ye sized it up a little, and there were no less than a hundred corpses in his eyes, which were very permeating in this dark night.

Fortunately, it was night, otherwise the audience in the live broadcast room might not be able to sleep at night.

As for these broken limbs, Su Ye planned to let Hoshino Kanna and the others deal with them.

The intention, of course, is to temper the psychological qualities of the three of them.

"Chu Wei, please make an announcement over there, let the young people of Xia Kingdom rest early, it's getting late!"

Su Ye planned to get some lighting equipment and arrange it later, and then start to carry out the large-scale transcendence work after Taoist Master Xuxuan is ready.

Therefore, after considering the activation of lighting equipment, this cruel scene is afraid to scare the flower teenagers in the motherland.

So he reminded him in a friendly way, as for sleeping or not, it has nothing to do with him whether he will be frightened later.

And in the live broadcast room.

After hearing that Su Ye told them to go to bed early, everyone was stunned!
"Go to bed early? Doesn't exist. If you don't stay up late, you are still young?"

"Well said, I must have wanted to do something embarrassing, in the middle of the night."

"Stupid or not, I need to remind you not to watch the embarrassing things? Just shut down the live broadcast room."

"It makes sense, but I'm still very curious, and no one can stop me."

One minute later, the Tianmo command center issued a global announcement: "The audience in Xia country go to bed early, and people in other countries had better not watch the live broadcast."

People from Western countries:

do not look?
This is my freedom, do you care?
No one can interfere with my pursuit of freedom!

Su Ye didn't care about them, and opened the Points Mall to buy more than a dozen searchlights.

Then quickly start setting up.

After a while, Su Ye stood still and was about to press the remote control in his hand to turn on the headlights.

Not far away, a voice suddenly came.

"Oni sauce!"

"team leader!"

After a while, Hoshino Kanna and the others rushed to Su Ye.

"Oni-chan, you are too powerful, you have eliminated so many enemies!"

Hugging Su Ye lightly, Hoshino Kana said with admiration and a little excitement.

"I've always been so good!"

Under the faint moonlight, Su Ye looked at her and blinked.

"Captain!" Tang Yi smiled slightly at Su Ye as a greeting.

"Thank you for your hard work!" Su Ye nodded to her.

Immediately afterwards, he noticed Chen Dongkui standing behind Hoshino Kannai and Tang Yi.

"Dongkui, what are you carrying?"

Su Ye looked curiously at the big bag behind Chen Dongkui and asked.

Chen Dongkui put down the big bag sideways, and grinned: "It's Cui Seung-heon's body."

"Shana wants to ask you how to deal with it."

"Oh, throw it to the front."

Su Ye said something casually, then turned around and pressed the remote control button in his hand.

next second.

Two screams resounded in Su Ye's ears!

The main world is also synchronized.

Many teenagers lose their mobile phones in an instant.

Some even smashed the computer.

So terrifying!

The visual effect of the bloody stump instantly stimulated them.

And this moment.

On the left and right of Su Ye, Hoshino Kannai and Tang Yizheng hugged him with their eyes closed.

"I think the spark must be intentional, hehe!"

"Yes, doesn't he know what might happen when the lights are turned on?"

"Uncle Chen, don't be too polite, hug me up, haha!"

Some young people who often watch ghost movies and have a strong psychological quality don't care about the sight at all, and continue to shake their wits.

"Damn it, look at Huo Huan's hands, one on the left and one on the right!"

"Fuck, take advantage of others!"

"Take advantage of the opportunity!"

"Do whatever you want!"


Looking at the picture in the live broadcast room, everyone was stunned for a moment, but only for a moment, not too surprised.

After all, the image of Brother Huohua is no longer a simple boy in their hearts.

Maybe it has evolved into an LSP!

Su Ye felt the two small heads on the left and the right pressed against his chest, and subconsciously hugged them.

After realizing the uncontrollable trembling bodies of the two.

Su Ye sighed helplessly.

Who let you survive!
Also met me!
That being the case, there are some things that you will have to face and experience sooner or later.

Enjoy a moment in silence.

No, it was waiting for their trembling bodies to calm down.

He said: "Okay, you have been with me for a few days anyway, and you have killed people before, so be stronger."

Hear the words of Oni-chan/captain.

Hoshino Kanai and Tang Yi opened their eyes slightly.

Then, the two girls blushed and let go of Su Ye.

"Oni-chan, Snimasa (sorry)!" Hoshino Kanna took a step back, bowing and apologizing to Su Ye for her actions just now.

Girls are always delicate.

The actions just now also showed that her heart is not strong enough.

She knew that O'Neill must be very disappointed when he saw this.

Among the three, she was the first to follow O'Neill.

She should have set an example.

But in the end, the rooftop murder incident in the afternoon, and the scene just now.

Hoshino Kanna bit her lower lip, her eyes were full of tears.

very sorry!
Ernie sauce!
Chanel is progressing too slowly!

Tang Yi did not apologize, but looked at Hoshino Kanna in surprise.

Don't understand why you have to apologize.

Being frightened, subconsciously hugging the most secure person in my heart, it's nothing!

Besides, the hateful captain didn't even remind him, it was obviously on purpose!
Su Ye is facing Hoshino Kanna right now.

She looked at Su Ye's back and raised her small powder fist in protest.

On the side, seeing this, Chen Dongkui hurriedly looked away.

Su Ye looked at Hoshino Kanna's expression at the moment, and didn't understand it at first.

With the voice of psychologist Qin Ying next to his ear, he understood.

Su Ye remained calm, took a few steps back, faced the three of them and said, "Now, I will conduct a second test on you."

"I want you to go inside and look for the space watch on the stump, and then pile up all the broken corpses together."

"I hope you can do it, don't let me down."

For the last sentence, he looked specifically at Hoshino Kanna and said.

(End of this chapter)

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