Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 201 Arranging the Sacred Ceremony Site

Chapter 201 Arranging the Sacred Ceremony Site
Compared with the fierce wave when killing people.

At this moment, after hearing the request from Captain Su Ye.

The faces of the three of them suddenly turned pale.

Very unexpected!
The three of them never thought that they would encounter such a scene.

But it makes sense!

The three of them understood the captain's request and intentions.

This is an irrefutable forced acceptance!
Seeing the silent three people, Su Ye came to Hoshino Kanna, held her small face in his hands, stared at her and said, "Do you still remember what you said before!"

"You said, on your stage, I will always be cheering for you!"

"However, if you can't do it, how can I cheer for you!?"

Looking at Hoshino Kanna who was stunned, Su Ye smiled slightly and came in front of Tang Yi.

"Tang Yi, when your father sees you again, I think you must want him to see a strong and independent daughter!?"

"Just like he brought you here to study abroad, he believed that his daughter is independent and strong."

"You won't let him down, will you!?"

Having said that, he didn't say anything more.

Turning his head to look at Chen Dongkui, Su Ye regained his composure and retreated behind the three of them, waiting for them to act.

in the live room.

"Uncle Chen: What? Don't you treat me like a human being?"

"Hahahaha, ask for Uncle Chen's psychological shadow area!"

"You can eat as much dog food as you want, and you don't even have a word of comfort. Uncle Chen: Believe it or not, I'll commit seppuku later?"

"Make no mistake, this is Bang Country, not Neon!"



Leaving aside the psychological entanglement and ideological struggle of the three of them.

Three minutes later, Chen Dongkui took the first step.

Another 2 minutes later, unexpectedly, Hoshino Kana left second.

Not long after she left, Tang Yi gritted his teeth and followed.

"Awesome real person, are you ready!?"

The three started to move, and Su Ye was about to start.

Start large-scale over-the-top site layout.

"The old man is already ready."

Hearing the stinky boy call him awesome again, the old Taoist's expression remained the same this time.

I don't know whether someone persuaded him or comforted him, but he accepted the title anyway.

"Then, let's get started!"

After speaking softly, Su Ye opened the points mall and began to purchase relevant materials according to the prompts from his ear.

"Wow, is the awesome real person going to make a move again?"

"If there is no accident, it is necessary to save these dead people, right?"

"Is it still necessary to save? Most people have no bones left!"

"Actually, I kind of understand Su Ye's thoughts. Transcending them doesn't turn them into ghosts exactly like what you said."

"Compared to our world, these people are actually very pitiful. They are not persecuted by that world!"

"That's right, they are us in the future, even if they are Chinese, they are still human beings!"

"I really want to know the situation in the motherland, how are they doing now!"

The southern game area is blocked off-screen.

"What are those four people doing?"

"The lights are so bright, are we afraid we can't see what's going on?"

"Clean up the mess? Clean the battlefield?"

"Those two women and one man are doing this, but who can tell me, what is he doing with all those weird things around?"

There was a news gap, and they didn't know what Su Ye had done inside before.

Now, witnessing his behavior, everyone is full of doubts.

As time passed, Su Ye's arrangement gradually came to an end.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of gasping for air one after another.

"That's... the Taoist Altar of Transcendence!" A well-informed superhuman who understands Taoism recognized the things arranged by the black-robed bird man, and his expression was horrified and extremely incredible.

Taoism was introduced to Goguryeo, which is now Bangguo, through exchanges in the Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, in Bang Country, there are actually quite a few people who believe in Taoism.

"That's right, this is the altar for the salvation ceremony." A true Taoist believer concluded immediately, and then his expression was extremely complicated.

"This person. This person actually wants to carry out a large-scale ritual ceremony!"

"Is he a Taoist?"

"It's possible that Taoists are famous all over the world for the power of thunder. There are palm thunder, nine-day god thunder, etc., which can be seen in Taoist classics."

A superpower who understands Taoism said and looked at the Taoist who had just revealed his identity not far away.

As if asking for confirmation.

The Taoist nodded, "What my friend just said is correct, but I only believe in Sanqing, not a Taoist priest, so I don't understand it very specifically."

After discussing and communicating, the identity of the black-robed birdman has been further confirmed!
After Su Ye finished the arrangement, he waited for Hoshino Kanna and the others to finish.

He had no intention of helping.

He just stood in the distance and looked at the three of them.

Taking advantage of this fragmented time, he opened the live broadcast room, wanting to understand the movements of the audience in the motherland in the live broadcast room.

After watching the barrage for a while, he asked strangely: "Chu Wei, why are those sophomores so sensible!?"

He had doubts before, but he didn't pay attention to it, and he was busy at that time, so he didn't think about it.

In the main battle room, Chu Wei did not speak.

Behind him, Qin Ying stepped forward with a wink, "Brother Huohua, considering that they talked too much, we arrested him and educated him."

"Before they gave you all kinds of nicknames, don't take it to heart!"

Qin Ying is very smart.

Before knowing what Su Ye was thinking.

In the end, do you mind these second-year youths taking nicknames before the incident?

She just said to catch up and educate.

Instead, arrest on charges against humanity!

There is room for relaxation.

There is room for manipulation.

After being quiet for a while, I saw Su Ye in the live broadcast room and said, "It's not easy for them!"

Su Ye was full of emotion, thinking that if he was five or six years younger, he would know that life and death could happen at any time.

Not sure what to do.

Thinking in another way, they nicknamed themselves to relieve their inner pressure.

"Actually, it's nothing. If you scold me, I definitely can't accept it. After all, it's not my subjective intention to tie you and me together."

"The real culprit who caused all this is that unknown existence, and I am also looking for it to settle accounts."

"However, after all, I have assumed this responsibility. You can only watch helplessly, helpless and anxious. I understand."

"Let's let them go after a little education. It's okay to get nicknames or something. I can accept it."

"They can do this, doesn't it also mean that they have a good mentality!?"

"By the way, if there is really that kind of perverted, twisted and dark heart, you still have to control it, and don't affect my mood every day in the live broadcast room."

"Okay!" Qin Ying's light voice sounded.

She continued: "We arranged for people to release them. The education has already been done."

in the live room.

"Young King's atmosphere is open and bright!"

"Not much to say, even though I know that Brother Huohua has no shortage of points, I still can't help but want to give a reward, and send it directly to express my love for Brother Huohua."

"Agent Spark is forcing the king boy, I like you like this, you can take a joke, to be honest, I also look at this when making friends, I can't take a joke, I usually ignore it."

(End of this chapter)

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