Chapter 202 Fan Club

"Zheng Yuan, be sensible when you go out, and don't give up on your studies. To become a useful person to the country and society, don't play with your mobile phone every day. It's not easy for your parents to set up a stall to sell pancakes and fruits. If you mess around like this, you will It's just the day to mess with you."

Facing the endless preaching of the police uncle in front of him, Zheng Yuan obviously didn't pay attention to the content of his words.

Is this going to let you out?
He guessed based on his past experience, but that experience was for the school.

Now he was in the police station, so he wasn't sure.

After being brought here from the afternoon.

Zheng Yuan discovered that he was not the only one who was brought together.

After meeting many people of the same age, his uneasy mood was greatly relieved immediately.

Just like in school, the mentality is obviously different when one person commits a crime and is caught by the teacher than when a dozen people commit a crime and are caught.

"Zheng Yuan, did you listen to what I said?"

A young policeman who had just entered the internship yelled at Zheng Yuan with what he thought was the most fierce and dignified tone and appearance.

Zheng Yuan, who was in a trance, trembled instantly when he heard the loud shout, and quickly said obediently: "Uncle policeman, I promise I won't cause trouble again in the future."

"Come on, I'll take you home."

"Ah!?" Zheng Yuan was a little surprised.

"Why, do you still want to stay?"

"No, how can it be!"

Sitting in the police car, the young policeman drove, and Zheng Yuan sat in the co-pilot.

"Zheng Yuan, your parents are very good at cooking. I have to eat pancakes made by your parents every morning."

After leaving the police station, the car started, and the young policeman's expression suddenly eased a lot.

"The higher authorities originally formulated relevant measures to send you to the frontier troops for three months."

Yu Guang noticed Zheng Yuan's frightened expression, he laughed, and then told Zheng Yuan what Su Ye said in the live broadcast room just now.

Not only Zheng Yuan, but the same scene happened all over the country during this period of time.

Su Ye's heart warmed as he watched the bullet screens constantly drifting past in the live broadcast room.

Do you want to make friends?

From childhood to adulthood, the term "friend" was a luxury for him.

He said, "Actually, if I didn't have any free time these days, I really want to chat with you and make friends."

"Brother Huohua, don't talk about it. I've made a deal with you as a friend. When you come back, I'll treat you to a drink and barbecue!"

"Brother Huohua, come to my place. I'm in Mongolia. You can eat whatever you want, and drink whatever you want!"

"I'm in Hu Jian, Brother Huohua is here, and you can eat any seafood you want!"

"By the way, Brother Huohua was right just now. Some people are really stubborn, hate the anchor very much, or have a perverted, dark and twisted heart. Everyone should pay attention."

"Then whoever speaks too much, we will report it."

"Yes, that's right, report the barrage!"

"Well, I suggest forming a fan group, how about calling it the Spark Army?"

"Spark Army? It's so ugly, it's better to call them the Werewolf Gang."

"Just eat alone boy group!?"

"Hey, that's fine, that is, there is no face-to-face meeting!"

"That's called the King's Brigade? I can set up the Henan King's Team here!"

"It's not as good as the one just now!"


Seeing the second-year atmosphere in the live broadcast room, Su Ye couldn't laugh or cry.

Close the live broadcast room and let them play by themselves.

At this moment, Hoshino Kannai came to the front with a bag covered in blood, followed by Tang Yi and Chen Dongkui.

"Oni-chan, this is all the space watches the three of us can find!"

At this time, Hoshino Kanna looked extremely embarrassed, with blood all over her body and a lot of vomit remaining.

Under the faint moonlight, her face looked very pale.

Tang Yi and Chen Dongkui behind her were not much better, and the same was true.

After receiving the bag, looking at the appearance of Hoshino Kanna and the three of them, Su Ye said, "You guys are doing well, let's take a rest."

After getting the captain's affirmation, it was obvious that the three of them immediately relaxed.

Then, he took out several buckets of water and a large towel and handed them to the three.

Then he took out the flamethrower and came to the pile of corpses ahead.

Immediately afterwards, under the watchful eyes of all mankind, the first step of the funeral service: burning the body, start!
As Su Ye pressed the button of the flamethrower, an extremely dense fire covered the pile of broken corpses in an instant.

Under the searchlight, the fire is bright.

It shines in the eyes of all superpowers outside the closed screen in the southern region.

"Is he burning dead bodies?"

"Axi, are you worried about the corpse change or the plague?"

"The aftermath has been done very skillfully and it's clearly not the first time."

"Is this the habit of Taoists?"

"Murder and burn the corpse, and then save it?"

A group of people watched the scene in the telescope and talked endlessly.

The flame lasted for a long time before it disappeared.

In the eyes of everyone, the bird man in black robe made another move.

"What is he going to do again, is he going to bury his ashes?"

"That seems to be dozens of generators!"

"Axi, a dozen electric fans?"

"Could it be... want to blow the ashes?"

"Siba, why did he do this!? It's too cruel!"

"Looking at his deft movements, it's clear this isn't the first time he's done this."

"Burning the corpse, throwing the ashes, and saving the body."

In an instant, everyone's faces changed, becoming extremely ugly.

Especially those members of the five major forces, thinking that the young master and Miss Lin Yunxi might be treated like this.

Some are angry, some are apprehensive, some are frightened
After Su Ye connected all the lines and put on the N95 mask, he signaled to Hoshino Kanna and the others to put on the N95 mask as well.

Then, with the equipment running.

Dozens of electric fans started spinning.

Under the gusts of wind, ashes filled the sky all at once.

"Su Ye, it's time to start."

In the ear, the voice of the old Taoist master came, Su Ye nodded slightly, took out the Taoist scripture disc that had been prepared, and then put it into the speaker.

next second.

"Taishang Dongxuan Lingbao Rescue Suffering Sutra", "Yuanshi Tianzun Said the Sutra of Rebirth in Heaven", "Taishang Daojun Explained the Wonderful Sutra of Resolving Injustice and Eviction of Sins" successively resounded in this area.

'Overcoming the difficulties of the three realms, whispering the solution to the five sufferings'

'It's hard to find the gods who save the suffering, and they have been repaired repeatedly in Xiayi'

"The nectar in the bowl is often sprinkled, and the willows in the hands don't count the autumn"

"Hey, why doesn't it seem to be a Buddhist scripture this time?"

Not far away, Hoshino Kanna was a little puzzled when she heard the voice coming into her ears.

"This seems to be a Taoist scripture for salvation." Next to it, Tang Yi felt a little familiar, and answered her doubts.

And in the main world.

in a room.

A group of apprentices of the old Taoist master were holding a long copy of the book, facing the statue of the Sanqing God, chanting non-stop.

"Daoist Master Xuxuan, do we also need to carry out a supersedation here? Is it effective?"

Qin Ying was a little puzzled.

"The divine power of the Three Purities manifests the worlds of the ten directions, and it is everywhere."

The old Taoist priest was unpredictable and smiled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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