Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 203 Counting the Harvest

Chapter 203 Counting the Harvest
High altitude in the game area.

The bright red countdown is being revealed in everyone's eyes.

Su Ye listened to the supernatural scriptures, read them quietly for a while, turned his back to Hoshino Kanna and the three and moved his lips slightly, "The game can be over."

"Well, let's get started, just in time for harvest counting."

"Let the three of them operate the rocket launcher."

"I want to know what happened during the period of time when you were promoted to the fourth level."

Chu Wei was very curious. During that time, it can be said that it almost led to the death of all human beings.

Su Ye, what happened! ?

"Well, I'll tell you later."

As the ears fell into silence, Su Ye said a word to the three of Hoshino Kanna and then flapped his wings and took off.

"You wait here for my return!"

According to the second rule, as long as there is only one species left in the Black Rain game area, the game can be ended early and the evolution point reward settlement can be done.

Su Ye's way of ending is naturally to bomb the game area with five rocket launchers.

But this requires him to fly around the blocked screen in the game area first to determine the size of the game area.

Under the faint moonlight, the white wings exude a faint light, which is very conspicuous.

From a distance, it looks like only a pair of wings are flapping.

At least, that's how it looks to the off-screen superpowers blocked in the southern region.

"Look, he's flying over!"

"What is he doing?"

People are puzzled.

With a blocked screen, is it possible that this black-robed birdman still wants to rush out?
They saw Su Ye.

Su Ye naturally noticed them too.

Nearly six to seven hundred people with superpowers.

Appeared in the eyes of everyone in the world.

"They should be superpowers who rushed here, but they didn't have time to enter the game!"

Su Ye and Chu Wei quickly identified the identities of these people.

Watching them, watching their strange appearance, watching some people shouting at him, but no sound came.

Su Ye flew back and forth in front of the screen, waiting for the main world to record their appearance.

"That's it!"

Hearing the voice in his ears, Su Ye immediately flew east along the blocked screen.

"Do you want to catch up?"

Seeing the black-robed birdman flying eastward along the edge of the screen, many leading superpowers of the big forces immediately decided to follow.

Just like that, Su Ye was flying inside, and a large group of superpowers followed outside.

And the two look at each other from time to time.

Following Su Ye's flight, a group of staff in the main world also began to quickly record map data.

The bombing plan will then be formulated by military experts.

After more than ten minutes.

This group of superpowers, Mu Ran, discovered that starting from the east, they returned to the same place from the west to the south.

"Axi, is he teasing us?" Some people looked angry, feeling like they were being tricked.

"Could it be to determine the scope of the game area?" Someone looked thoughtful and guessed the purpose of the black-robed birdman.

the other side.

Su Ye returned to the side of Hoshino Kanna and the others.

After falling to the ground, he took out five rocket launchers and arranged them neatly in front of the three of them.

Seeing the five huge and ferocious rocket launchers at such a close distance, the three of them immediately showed shock.

"I'll teach you how to use these five launch vehicles!"

After briefly explaining his purpose, Su Ye led the three of them to the cab of the launch vehicle.

The parameters of the bombardment coordinates should be set by him according to the instructions from the main world.

What needs to be taught to Hoshino Kanna and the others is just a simple operation.

"This is the ignition device."

"This is the launcher button."


As Su Ye explained the teaching to the three of them one after another, the expressions of the three gradually became excited.

"Captain, where did these come from!?"

At the critical moment, Tang Yi suddenly said something.

For a moment, Hoshino Kanna's expression froze.


Forgot to tell sister Tang some things that need attention.

Hoshino Kanna remembered the warning Su Ye gave her on the rooftop.

For a moment, she cautiously peeked at O'Neill's face.

Although, Oni Jiang did not order her to be responsible for warning Tang Yi and Chen Dongkui.

However, she felt that this was what she should do.

After all, Oni-chan has worked so hard to deal with the enemy!

Just when she was thinking wildly.

Su Ye said calmly, "(in Chinese) don't ask if you shouldn't."

For some things, it is better to wait for the two of them to become full-fledged players, and then discipline them properly.

And this is coming soon!

Then he stepped out of the cab.

"Then, I'll leave it to you!"

Watching the three people operate it in turn, after feeling that there was no problem, Su Ye went to a room in a nearby building.

Just walked into the room.

The next moment, the sound of rocket launchers came from outside one after another.

"Start to count the harvest!"

After muttering something, Su Ye took out a lot of space watches and placed them in front of him.

"Send it!"

"A lot of space watches, visually there are fifty or sixty, right!?"

"I think everyone should not be too happy, after all, most of them should be young people, and only a small part is worth looking forward to."


under the watchful eye of all mankind.

Su Ye began to count the space watches one by one.

at the same time.

Chu Wei also got a suggestion report on the use of doomsday coins.

Beside him, a young staff member was quietly standing aside, waiting for Colonel Chu to ask questions.

"Go down, I've read the report, the suggestion is very good." Chu Wei handed the report to the staff beside him.

Looking at Su Ye on the screen, he was still integrating and harvesting.

A graph of Su Ye's strength growth shown in the report just now appeared in his mind.

The first is group attack ability.

1. Ultra-long-range physical bombing capability: rocket launcher vehicle.

2. Long and short-range magic bombardment ability: Thunderbolt
3. Long-range and short-range physical bombing methods: Bomb drones

4. Long and short-range physical bombardment capability: Gatling

5. Short-range magic bombardment ability: lightning and thunder

6. Short-range physical bombardment capability: liquid nitrogen injector, flamethrower
7. Short-range magic bombardment ability: thunderbolt, lightning chain
The second is the single attack ability:
1. Ultra-long-range physical single attack capability: Gauss electromagnetic sniper rifle
2. Long-range and short-range physical single-target attack capability: bazooka

3. Long-range and short-range magic single-target attack ability: Thunderbird
4. Short-range magic single target attack ability: lightning strike

5. Short-range physical single attack capability: AKM
6. Short-range magic single attack ability: thunder gun

7. Short-range physical single-target attack ability: Desert Eagle

The third is control ability:
1. Tiger Roar: Vertigo
2. Thundernet: Bound

3. Lightning strike: paralysis

4. Dungeon: Prison

5. Spell - Freezing
The fourth is the ability to avoid: teleportation
The fifth is defensive ability: the wrapping protection of the wings of the Archangel of Light, magic shield, metal armor,

The sixth is the resurrection hole card: Rebirth Ankh

While Chu Wei was thinking.

After a full 15 minutes.

Su Ye took a long breath.

Opening the live broadcast room, he looked at the whole world with a happy face.

"Brothers, the harvest is not small!"

(End of this chapter)

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