Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 205 The game is over, the rewards are settled

Chapter 205 The game is over, the rewards are settled

"What happened after you were promoted to the fourth rank?"

Then, Chu Wei asked this again.

Immediately, Su Ye spoke about the changes at that time.

The words fell, and the ears fell into silence.

"Anything to say?"

After waiting for a while, Su Ye asked.

"It's nothing, just record it for now, let's talk about it later."

"What are your thoughts on the next step?"

"Wait until the game is over!"

"and then?"

"Do you want to get rid of those superpowers outside?"

Chu Wei shook his head, "Su Ye, there's no need, not to mention whether they dare to come up after knowing that you have a rocket launcher."

"Even if you dare to come up, then the backup of the major forces has arrived."

"If the leaders of the five large survivor bases come here and use our analysis to deduce their hypothetical strength, it will be difficult for you to deal with it."

"Even if there is a high probability of winning, as long as there is a slight risk, I suggest you not to go hard against them."

"In the Black Rain game, we have no choice."

"However, with the Black Rain game out, the most important thing is to play steadily and cautiously."

"Most critically, we don't even know if they have large thermal weapons, such as nuclear missiles."

Su Ye pondered for a while, "What stage of strength are the leaders of the five major forces in your analysis and speculation?"

"Either the fourth-order four-time strengthening is critical, or it has reached the fifth-order level."

"In addition to their status, weapons, equipment, skills, props, potions, etc., are no worse than what you have."

Su Ye thought for a while and asked again: "Isn't the Xintiandi sect occupying the US military base? I didn't offend the Xintiandi sect this time, did I?"

The implication is that there should be no strategic weapons such as nuclear bombs.

"How do you know that Xintiandi Church will not trade with the five major survivor bases?"

"Also, according to our investigation, the relationship between the Bang Kingdom on the main world side, the five chaebols and the Xintiandi Sect is pretty good."

"This means that their six major survivor bases are likely to form an alliance of interests and a strategic alliance."

Su Ye: "Then after the game is over, I will use the bomb drone that was arranged before to blow up the surrounding buildings and create dust and smoke to cover my whereabouts."

Chu Wei: "This is one of them. The next step is the Chinese embassy in the country where Tang Yi's father is located."

Su Ye: "Is it right to explore and understand the situation in the motherland?"

Chu Wei: "That's right, we've already planned the route. However, according to the information obtained from the previous torture of Li Zhuxian, you just happened to pass through the base of the High School Survivors Alliance."

"So I suggest stopping by to take a look inside and find out about the time bank and game consoles."

Seeing Su Ye nodding, Chu Wei continued: "But before that, you need to deal with Hoshino Kannai, Tang Yi and Chen Dongkui."

Su Ye: "Are you invited to become an official team member?"

Chu Wei: "My suggestion is, before strengthening and improving the three of them, put on a show and force the three of them to see if they can be stimulated to enter the first-order state of gene lock."

"We conducted an experiment with death row prisoners last night. The results of the experiment showed that under the stimulation of certain means, people who are on the verge of death can indeed be stimulated to enter the first-order state of gene lock."

Su Ye pondered for a while, "How many death row prisoners were tested, how many died, and how many survived?"

There was silence in the ears for a while, and after more than ten seconds, Chu Wei's voice came back.

"100 people, 1 person survived, 99 people died, and the person who survived was successfully activated to enter the first-order gene lock state!"

Seeming to know what Su Ye was thinking, Chu Wei continued: "You have a strengthening system over there, so there is a healing potion, so don't worry too much."

"Furthermore, if you don't mobilize the three of them with certainty now, then in the future, the three of them will only be mobilized when they are facing a life-and-death crisis."

"It's hard to say whether it can be stimulated, whether it can survive in the end, because you can't take care of the three of them in real time."

Su Ye: "Okay, I see, tell me the specific plan."

Chu Wei: "The plan is still being worked out, I'm waiting for a while."

"If the three of them successfully activate the gene lock, I suggest that the three of them undergo combat training and will training."

"After a series of training is successful, you will strengthen and improve the three of them, and invite Tang Yi and Chen Dongkui to become full-fledged team members to deactivate the bombs in their bodies."

"Of course, Tang Yi doesn't have a bomb at all!"

Facing Chu Wei's last joke or cold joke, Su Ye ignored him.

After pondering for a while, he said, "What about the time and space secret realm?"

"Do you want to go and have a look!"

The current strength is not what it used to be. After learning from Lin Yunxi before, Su Ye really wants to see it.

Chu Wei: "No need, as Lin Yunxi said, the function of the space-time secret realm is to reward time coins, and you are not short of time coins and need to use time coins now, you need to come back later."

Is it because there is no life synchronization? ?
Su Ye knew very well why he said that.

If it appeared, maybe Chu Wei would suggest him to explore the secret realm of time and space again.

In that case
A gleam flashed in Su Ye's eyes.

"What do you think of what I said above?"

"No problem, you have thought about it in detail, so come on like this!"

Chu Wei: "Su Ye, a smart person is not talking about how to draw a good hand, but knowing when to leave the table."

He's a little bloated!
Chu Wei is very clear that even in the real world, if a person suddenly becomes rich or powerful, he will easily lose his mind.

This is unavoidable even for those in their 40s and [-]s who have experienced social training, let alone a young man of Su Ye's age.

Therefore, he reminded him as tactfully as possible.

He sighed inwardly.

Be a father and a mother again!

It's easier said than done!

Su Ye did not respond to Chu Wei's last words, but came to the window and looked at the rocket shells that kept firing.

Looking at the flame tail that filled the sky, it disappeared under the skyline.

After a while.

A special voice resounded in Su Ye's ears.

"In this area, there is only a single species left, the species battle royale is over, and the rewards will be settled."

Hearing this voice, Su Ye was stunned for a moment, and then looked over his head. The accumulated reward points that were originally nearly 4 were changed to 7 through rocket bombardment.

Open the Doomsday Currency Mall.

In the few rounds of bombing just now, Doomsday coins increased by more than 2.

next second.

In Su Ye's mind, a special voice sounded again.

"Please select a reward settlement method."

"One: 7 accumulated evolution points can be exchanged for a bottle of epic quality evolution potion."


(End of this chapter)

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