Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 206 Making Small Sparks

Chapter 206 Making Small Sparks

After digesting the information, Su Ye said it, and then he said, "Chu Wei, I have a bold idea."

"Do you want to exchange for the lowest 64 bottles of bronze quality evolution potion, and then use the scroll to upgrade to platinum quality?"


"It's a pity that it can only be upgraded to platinum quality now."

"And giving the highest reward is of epic quality."

Su Ye felt a little regretful.

Bronze corresponds to a first-level superpower with colorful eggs.

The black iron corresponds to the second-level colorful eggs and corresponds to the second-level superpowers.

Silver is Tier [-], Gold is Tier [-], Platinum is Tier [-], Diamond is Tier [-], and Epic is Tier [-].

According to the quality system in the Doomsday Currency Mall, the top of the epic is the legend, and the top of the legend is the colorful.

A seven-level evolution potion.
What will it evolve into if you drink it?
According to the information learned from Lin Yunxi before.

Evolution potions are related to gene locks.

Could it be that the second-order, third-order, and fourth-order gene locks will be opened?

After thinking for a while, Su Ye's little heart beat more and more violently.

At the same time, I also feel a little tangled about the bold idea just now.

How to choose?
"I recommend choosing 1."

At the critical moment, Chu Wei gave a choice suggestion.

"The logic is simple."

"If we choose according to what you said, we can obtain 64 bottles of platinum-quality evolution medicine."

"But we don't know whether repeated use will produce a superimposed effect. If not, then the extra evolution potion will become tasteless to you."

"So, choose one."

"At present, the most important thing is to improve your own strength to the extreme."

"it is good!"

Su Ye knew that he was a little greedy, so he said that.

Chu Wei didn't say this, but he knew it.

After a moment, he chooses one.

"The Epic Quality Evolution Potion has been exchanged, please check."

The next moment, a ray of light suddenly appeared in front of Su Ye, and a bottle of potion appeared in his eyes in the ray of light.

Subconsciously, he reached out and took it.

Immediately afterwards, a message came into his mind.

【Evolution Potion】

Quality: Epic

Explanation: Taking this medicine can promote the awakening of hidden genetic information fragments in the human body, and the promotion effect is 80%, until the promotion power is exhausted.

After Su Ye shared the information, he asked, "Do you want to drink later?"

Think of the state that happened when he was promoted to the fourth level.

Now, the game is over, those people outside may come after them, or they may not, but leaving is the first thing to do.

It fell with the sound in the ear.

Su Ye put away the evolution potion.

Flapping his wings, he came to the five rocket launchers and said to the three of Hoshino Kanna, "Let's go."

After putting away the five launch vehicles, Su Ye took out the remote control and pressed it.

In an instant, dozens of bomb drones that had been arranged before exploded, and buildings fell down with the sound of the explosion.

What followed was a thick cloud of dust and smoke.

Under the faint white moonlight, this area is shrouded.

"Damn, he blew up those buildings."

In the south of Su Ye, the expressions of nearly a hundred superpowers who chased after him suddenly changed when they saw this.

"Chase, I have already notified the higher-ups to send someone over, and they will arrive soon. We must not lose his track."

Someone in charge quickly gave orders.

And in the dust and smoke.

Su Ye hugged each other, and hugged Hoshino Kannai and Tang Yi tightly.

Below, Chen Dongkui tightly hugged the captain's feet.

In this way, Su Ye, who was in the third area of ​​the belt, flew towards the northwest direction at the maximum speed.

Soon, the four escaped from the dust and smoke, and disappeared into the abandoned high-rise buildings.

Four people left 10 minutes later.

A group of superpowers appeared in this direction, and then those with ashen faces were divided into three or four teams to chase in different directions.

on a national highway.

Su Ye landed on the ground.

"It's almost there!" He murmured, opened the points mall, and bought a car.

"Dongkui, I'm sorry to trouble you!"

The driver, of course, was Chen Dongkui.

Then, Su Ye told him the direction of the route.

"Go and rest, Captain!" Chen Dongkui sat in the driver's cab knowing the times.

Su Ye nodded, and then Hoshino Kannai and Tang Yi, who were calm and flushed, walked into the car.

in the live room.

"Uncle Chen: A tool man, a worker, sooner or later he will become a master!"

"Poor Uncle Chen, Brother Huohua, please find a woman for him in the future, ahaha!"

"Why, it's not bad to be able to bring him alive,"

"Look, the camera is in."

"I hope you don't close the live broadcast room!"

The last bullet screen just floated by.

In an instant.

The studio is dark!
Lying, trough! ! !
In the live broadcast room with a black screen.

"Believe it or not, it's time to hehe!"

"Make little sparks."

"Create a little agent!"

"Create a **** king!"


"Uncle Chen: Why is there a vibration? Is there an earthquake?"

"I tipped Rocket, I'm a paying user, why don't you show it to me?"

main battle room.

Inside the Financial Building.

A room on the No. 12th floor.

A group of people are waiting anxiously.

After a while.

Chu Wei walked in with Qin Ying.

On the way back, Qin Ying had already explained the situation.

These people are the direct descendants of the dean's family who raised Su Ye.

"Hello! Let me introduce myself, my name is Chu Wei, and I am currently the second person in charge here."

"Minister He must have made it very clear to you just now."

"We have no malicious intentions, we just want you to talk to him."

Listening to the words of the man in military uniform with four stars on his shoulders.

This group of people has obviously settled down a lot.

"Just chatting?" someone said.

"That's right, take a good rest tonight, and I'll notify you to come over tomorrow morning."

After Chu Wei said a few more words, he took Qin Ying away and stood at the door of the next room.

"The woman inside is named Song Yu. From junior high school to the end of high school, she was in the same class as Su Ye."

"According to our investigation, she is the most beautiful girl of the same age that Su Ye has come into contact with."

"It is not ruled out that Su Ye may have a crush on her."

"She is still single now, but there is a rich second-generation son who is pursuing her."

On the side, Qin Ying explained to Chu Wei the information about the girl inside.

"The second generation of dude? Is it really pursuing or just playing for fun?"

"It's more troublesome. That young master fell in love with her and has been chasing her for two years."

"The son hasn't dealt with it yet, has he?"


"Talk to someone who can be the master of their family, and give a little warning. If you don't know the current affairs, then deal with it."


Chu Wei adjusted the gold-rimmed glasses on his face, opened the door and walked in.

"Song Yu, hello!"

"My name is Chu Wei!"

A hand was stretched out in front of Song Yu who was in a trance, and it immediately caught her attention.

"Chu Wei, I heard your name in the live broadcast room." Song Yu was slightly taken aback, then said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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