Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 207 All Humanity Kidnapped Him

Chapter 207 All Humanity Kidnapped Him
main world.

It was the early morning of the ninth day when the celestial events started.


"Li Chen, are the pancakes made by my parents delicious?"

Zheng Yuan nudged Li Chen beside him, chewed the last bite of breakfast, and threw the bag into the trash can beside him.

"It's okay, it's pretty good, and the free breakfast is delicious."

"By the way, you suddenly came to me and invited me to breakfast. Tell me, what's your plan?"

Facing Li Chen's suspicious gaze, Zheng Yuan's expression suddenly changed, and he said with high spirits: "Does the Werewolf Gang know, it's the Brother Huohua support group that I set up online after I came out yesterday."

"I want you to help recruit people to join the werewolf gang at school."

'What the hell name is terrible. '

Li Chen pursed his lips and said in secret, but at least Zheng Yuan invited him to have breakfast, but he didn't say anything.

"There are a lot of Huo Huan fan support groups established on the Internet, why don't you find one to join?"

"Do you think it's troublesome to do it yourself?"

"Like what kind of secret agent youth regiment, the Spark Army, and the Wang Wang Brigade are famous for their large number of people."

Zheng Yuan chuckled, "You can only decide if you do it yourself. Now I am the only one in the gang. If you join in, I will appoint you as the deputy gang leader. Will you come?"

"If you come in, I'll treat you to a big meal another day."

"you sure?"


"Okay, it's a deal."

After finishing Li Chen with a few breakfasts, Zheng Yuan became more confident.

I, Zheng Yuan, have the qualifications of a great emperor, no, I have the qualifications of a gang leader.

At that time, when Brother Huohua comes back, I will recruit a group of helpers to support him. As the leader of the gang, I will definitely be able to get in touch with Brother Huohua at close range.

Then, autographs, group photos, and handshakes.
If Ms. Chanel comes back, maybe I can take a photo with Ms. Hehe.
Very simple motive.

But the same scene is being staged one after another across the country at this moment.

The two walked to the school.

Zheng Yuan was imagining, but Li Chen took out his phone and swiped to vibrato.

Just clicked on.

The first short video, accompanied by the soul-stirring BGM.

In an instant, his blood was boiling.

BGM: HowYouMakeMeFeel
In the screen, the first scene of Su Ye fighting against the rat tide appeared.

Then there was a battle against time and space creatures on the roof of the hospital, and then the night ambush of the Women's Self-Help Club, the battle against Birdman, the fierce battle against the magic vine, and the battle against Lin Yunxi
Under that super-skilled editing, this short video received more than 3 million likes and more than 1 million comments.

Li Chen looked at the publisher on the right, and a verified account appeared in his eyes: Brother Huohua Global Fan Support Club.

From the corner of the eye, he glanced at Zheng Yuan who was still floating in the sky beside him, and Li Chen suddenly snickered.

There is a long way to go~ boy!

The figures of the two gradually walked into the school gate.


Next to a breakfast stall.

An old man wearing presbyopic glasses was holding a newspaper and asking the young man beside him.

"Young man, please help me, I have bad eyesight, can you read what is written on it for me?"

The young man heard the news and looked at the newspaper in the old man's hand.

For a short moment, his eyes were fixed.

"Government Published Article: Tribute to Comrade Su Ye who fought in a different world"


Douyin, Kuaishou, QQ, Pipi Shrimp and other short video platforms.

The government released a short video titled "The Cutest Person in the New Era".

In a short time, it became popular all over the Internet.



A heavy voice resounded through the audience.

"Ladies and gentlemen, comrades."

"In today's world, human civilization, our country is undergoing unprecedented changes."

"The world has entered a period of turmoil and change."

"Facing a sudden disaster in another world."

"There is such a person who is not afraid of hardships and dangers, life and death, goes against the wind, and fights desperately."

"His achievements will never be forgotten by the country, the people, and history, and will always be engraved on the monument of the Republic."


The official overseas edition published an international article: "All Humanity Kidnapped Him"

In just a few minutes, the article caused shocking waves all over the world.

At this moment, everyone turned their eyes to the far east, that mysterious ancient country.

For a time, the world focused on it.


Magic City Astronomical Command Center.

In the office, He Zhengwei was walking back and forth with some headaches.

Opposite him, Chu Wei was sitting calmly on the chair in front of the desk.

"You have to wake him up no matter what!"

He Zhengwei looked at Chu Wei suddenly, and said with a solemn expression.

"Since the live broadcast room was closed last night, it has not been opened until now."

"He also shut down the voice and the communication between me and him."

"what can I do?"

Chu Wei spread his hands helplessly and said.

"You said he wouldn't really play with those two girls last night?"

"Otherwise, it's not like I haven't woken up yet."

He Zhengwei said vaguely as if predicting.

Chu Wei adjusted his glasses, "It's hard to say, it's possible."

"However, this is human nature and we should not blame him."

"The main responsibility is on our side. We didn't notify him last night, so we said hello to him first."

Hearing this, He Zhengwei let out a long sigh, feeling very regretful.

"The above is also the same, please inform him earlier, so that I can say hello to him."

"If it weren't for this, I wouldn't choose to join the military for initial development."

A trace of helplessness flashed across Chu Wei's face.

Just last night, the higher-ups informed that Su Ye would be awarded an honorary title this morning.

But when the notification came, the live broadcast room had already been closed.

But fortunately, the communication with Su Ye in the main world is still there.

And He Zhengwei and Chu Wei were very busy last night, thinking that the communication was still there, they planned to notify Su Ye again this morning.

Get up in the morning and take a look.

Not only was the sound of the live broadcast room turned off, Su Ye also didn't know when the communication was hung up.

For a moment, the two were dumbfounded.

Now, the Great Hall of the People has already started.

At the critical moment, the chain broke with them.

How to do?
"We can only wait. Besides, how is the progress on your side?"

He Zhengwei sat back at his desk, lit a cigarette and asked Chu Wei.

"The plan on how to act to inspire the three of Hoshino Kanna has been preliminarily drawn up, and I need to communicate with Su Ye to improve it later."

"Then when we have free time, let's let the dean's descendants and Song Yu chat with him."

"The last one is the taking of the evolution potion."

"In our analysis and speculation, the second-order is likely to be turned on, and the second-order turn-on will inevitably lead to new functions in the system."

"In addition to the previous injury synchronization and healing synchronization, functions such as life synchronization, gene synchronization, strength synchronization, touch synchronization, etc. that we guessed may appear."

"It may not only be the second level, but maybe the third level, when the time comes."

Chu Wei paused for a moment, then continued: "We must be prepared."

"He now has three Rebirth Ankhs in his hand. Remember what I analyzed before. What I most hope to appear is gene synchronization, followed by longevity synchronization."

"Before that, we have to walk on ice, be careful."


Haner, the capital of the country.

It is located on the outskirts of the university town west of Hall.

in a park.

An RV parked here quietly.

In the cab is Chen Dongkui who is half asleep and half awake.

And in the back room.

Su Ye lifted the white quilt, opened the curtains, looked at the bright sunlight coming in, and couldn't help stretching.

And around him.

of course.
(End of this chapter)

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