Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 208 Subject 1 perfect score kind

Chapter 208

"Oni-chan, morning~~"

On the left of Su Ye, with the sunlight coming in from the window on the right.

The shot on Hoshino Chana's face made her eyelashes tremble a few times, and then she opened her eyes and muttered good morning.

And on Su Ye's right.

Hearing the movement and sound, Tang Yi also moved his eyelids, opened his eyes, and his small face looked a little dazed.

"Captain, good morning!" After seeing the situation clearly, she said good morning to Su Ye with a slightly red face.

Of course, two women and one man are fully clothed.

Last night, nothing happened.

After evacuating from the dust and smoke.

Su Ye felt a deep exhaustion from the depths of his soul.

A week of nerve-wracking, fighting experiences.

It made him feel very tired. . .

So, after landing on the ground, he bought a RV casually and arranged for Chen Dongkui to drive.

He brought Hoshino Kannai and Tang Yi into the RV impatiently.

Just can't wait to sleep.

After entering, Su Ye was surprised to find that there was only one bed.

Already exhausted, he had no choice but to casually drop a word, then lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

"Let's all squeeze together, let's sleep all night!"

In this way, until Su Ye woke up again, he found the two girls lying beside him.

After hearing the good morning from the left and right sides, Su Ye turned left and right in a daze.

"What did you do to me yesterday!?"

He blurted out subconsciously, but it was the first time that the two women were confused.

Hoshino Channa: Nani!
Tang Yi:? ? ?
"Why are you sleeping next to me!?"

Su Ye was a little strange and began to think about yesterday.

He vaguely remembered that yesterday, before he completely fell asleep, he seemed to have turned off the live broadcast room.

also turned off the sound
Also shut down the communication with the main world
The idea at the time was: Even if the sky falls, I will sleep first, and don't bother me.

Immediately afterwards, he remembered that he seemed to have said: Everyone huddled together. We will sleep all night.
Somewhat relieved, embarrassment flashed across Su Ye's face, and then he pretended to be calm, "Well, get up, a new day has begun."

So much to do today!

Su Ye's consciousness became more and more clear, and he completely lifted the quilt, trying to get out of bed over Hoshino Kanna.

The next moment, as the quilt was lifted, two pairs of white and delicate thighs came into view, causing him to pause again for an instant.

{It's still early, why are you getting up in such a hurry? }
{It's a rare opportunity to embrace two girls, don't you want something to happen? }
{Everyone lay in bed from night to morning, can't you explain something? }
{As long as you are brave, little sparks will come out! }
The villain Su Ye with the devil's horns on his head was appearing on his shoulder, with a wicked smile on his face and he kept talking.

{They actually like you too, even if they don't like you, they must have a good impression, or they will share the same bed with you? }
{You fight so hard, you should enjoy it, otherwise you will still be a virgin when you die, is it a pity or not? }
{Since you came to this world, this is your own time, do you really want to end this time quickly? }
{Lie down, put back the quilt, talk to them about life, talk about ideals, and do something you love.}
The villain Su Ye jumped onto Su Ye's other shoulder and continued to bewitch.


In the surprised eyes of the two women.

I saw Su Ye moving very slowly, and slowly sat back on the bed.

And on his right hand, the pinched quilt was also covered back.

See here.

next second.

Hoshino Kannai and Tang Yi blushed instantly.

The two women are theoretical drivers who have never eaten pork, but have seen pigs running.

At least the one with full marks in subject one!

Then don't you understand that Ernie sauce/captain may, will, seem, seem to be revealing something embarrassing.

For a moment, the two women felt a little embarrassed and blushed.

"Shanai, Tang Yi, what kind of life do you want to pursue?"

The weird atmosphere was quiet for a while, and the somewhat cute Su Ye broke the calm.

And on his shoulder, the villain Su Ye did not disappear.

Hearing such words, the villain Su Ye was so angry that his eyes burst into smoke, and then he poked Su Ye fiercely at Su Ye's ear with his trident.

{You're actually talking about life, shit, shit! ! ! }
Suddenly, Su Ye felt a sudden itching in his ears.

Subconsciously, he quickly reached out and scratched his ear.

But he inadvertently turned on the switch of the communicator next to his ear.

At the same time, Tang Yi was still thinking wildly.

Hoshino Kanna heard Oni-chan's question, and answered first: "Kana wants to change our country."

"As the flu pandemic hit a few years ago, Mom was laid off from her job."

"After the flu, in the neon country, a large number of businesses and shops closed down, and it became more and more difficult for women to find a job. As a last resort, my mother could only do some odd jobs."

"With the tiring and dirty work and the money subsidized by the government after my father passed away, I was sent here by my mother to study abroad."

"Mum said, tell me never to go back."

"But how can I just watch my mother have such a difficult life for the rest of my life and ignore it."

Hoshino Kanna's eyes were a little red, "I want to study hard, and then make money to take my mother over."

"Who would have thought that the apocalypse broke out, and my mother must be dead now, Chanel"

"Where are your relatives?" Aside, Tang Yi couldn't help asking.

"With the earthquake gone, only our mother and daughter survived in our family."

This is Hoshino Kanna's original life goal.

But now with the apocalypse, the target is no more.

Seeing that Tang Yi only knew the consequences but not the cause, Su Ye briefly told her about Chanel's father.

"Oni-chan, I want to go back and see my mother."

"Look for my mother's relics and keep them as a souvenir."

Hoshino Kanna turned her head to look at Su Ye and said.

Eyes flushed red, tears gleaming, under the sunlight, seeing this scene, Su Ye's heart almost softened.

"I promise you, I will take you to see the neon lights."

He solemnly made a promise, but rationally did not say when.

next moment.

Su Ye only felt a little softness on his lips.

On the side, Tang Yi saw that the heads of the two were getting together, and his flushed face suddenly showed a little embarrassment.

So redundant.
Damn Chanel, although I understand how you feel right now, I did this because I was moved by your Oni-chan.

But why can't you control it! !
It's really like rumors on the Internet that the girls in the Neon Country are indeed quite open.

At least, Tang Yi felt that she would definitely not be able to do such a move in the presence of a third party.

(End of this chapter)

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