Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 209 The Glory From the Nation

Chapter 209 The Glory From the Nation
"Is the communicator turned on?"

"They asked us what happened and why we weren't ready."

"Everyone is waiting at the conference hall, let him turn on the communicator quickly."

"How to do it? It's one-way. It can only be dialed from his side. We have nothing to do. Why don't you come?"

Su Ye vaguely felt a voice ringing in his ears.

The next moment, in an instant.

He reacted!

It was the voice from the main world.

He didn't know when the communicator was turned on!
What happened in the main world?
Thinking back to the voice just heard, Su Ye was puzzled, but lost his mood.

On his shoulder, the villain Su Ye was suddenly destroyed by an inexplicable force.

Before leaving, it widened its eyes, full of unwillingness: {No! ! ! }
Su Ye leaned back slightly and separated from Shanna.

Facing her surprised gaze.

He pulled his hand from her blouse.

No, it was pulled out from the quilt.

Then he got up quickly, left the room without saying a word.

"I have something to deal with, so get up quickly."

Watching Su Ye's figure disappear outside the door, Hoshino Kannai and Tang Yi looked at each other dully.

Su Ye, who stepped out of the RV, immediately flapped his wings and searched for a remote place.

Then he opened the live broadcast room, wanting to know what happened.

Immediately after turning on the sound in the live broadcast room, he immediately looked at the barrage.

"Why don't you start the live broadcast!!"

"It's so boring in the classroom. The school requires you to watch it this morning, and you have to write a [-]-word review."

"Who isn't, you're okay, our school is even more extreme, requiring you to write [-] words of experience and experience!"

"What kind of experience can I have! Go to the end of the world for me, and I can be a hero, and I can also get two young ladies to accompany me, how wonderful."

"Look, look, the live broadcast is on!!"

With the final exclamation, Su Ye appeared again in the eyes of people all over the world.

He said with a little embarrassment: "I kept everyone waiting for a long time. I was a little tired yesterday, so I didn't wake up until now."

"Brother Huohua, tell me the truth, what did you do yesterday!?"

"I guess Brother Huohua can beat them both fast!"

"I guess it's flying chess!"

"A group of kids who haven't even grown their hair yet, haha, it's really interesting."

Seeing the strange barrage, Su Ye chuckled, "I said, yesterday I fought with the two of them all night for the landlord, do you believe it?"

main world.

For a moment, the students were dubious, and the adults shook their heads one after another.

"Only children will believe this!"

"Do you believe it?"

"Brother Huohua, how was your luck in fighting the landlord yesterday?"

"How many landlords have you caught?"

"This bullet screen averages primary school students."

Facing a large group of junior high school students, adults quickly lost interest in teasing.

Su Ye laughed indifferently, "Believe it or not, it's up to you!"

He understood that the audience on the barrage was just teasing in a wicked way, and he didn't take it to heart.

At this moment, He Zhengwei's voice came from next to his ear.

"Su Ye, stop chatting, I will give you an honorary title later."

main world.


He Zhengwei had just arrived at the gate of the Great Hall.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Su Ye opened the live broadcast room and resumed the communication.

Otherwise, He Zhengwei still didn't know how to explain to his superiors.

At this moment, he was holding two mobile phones in his hand, one was broadcasting the live broadcast, and the other was Huawei used to communicate with Su Ye.

Standing at the door, he told Su Ye the ins and outs of what was going to happen next.

Then, he tidied up his clothes, adjusted his facial expressions and walked into the great hall.

At this moment, all the participants had just finished singing the national anthem.

Under the gaze of everyone, He Zhengwei came to the head with a very serious expression, and put two mobile phones in front of him.

At the same time, in the conference hall, a huge screen lit up, showing Su Ye's appearance.

"Comrade Su Ye, hello!"


Hearing the thick and familiar voice from beside his ears, Su Ye's expression suddenly became serious.

Immediately, a look of admiration appeared in his eyes.


"Thank you for your hard work these days!"

"Should be!"

"Now, on behalf of the people of the whole country and people from all walks of life, I would like to say thank you!"

"All rise!"

A loud voice sounded.

Su Ye looked at the void in front of him, as if he saw the scene that happened in another world.

He felt a trembling and excitement coming from the depths of his soul.

"I am here to present the honorary title of 'People's Hero' to Comrade Su Ye!"

"5000 years of blood flow, 5000 years of civilization inheritance, you deserve this honor!"

all over the country.

All major platforms, TVs, and mobile phones are broadcasting this historic scene live.

Song Yu stared at the picture on the screen, dazed.

From junior high school to high school, this man studied with his classmates for six years.

However, before the astronomical event, in my own impression, this man had no sense of existence at all.

And it seems that I and this man have never had an intersection.

She recalled what Chu Wei said yesterday in her mind.

"He may have had a crush on you once, and he has feelings for you in his heart. I hope you can convince yourself to try to fall in love with him."

"The young man who pursued you, we have already talked to him, love and affection do not exist at all, he gave up easily."

"This will benefit you and your family greatly. I hope you can think clearly."

She then showed a helpless smile.

Those teachers who had taught Su Ye were extremely excited when they watched the pictures on TV.

They shouted at their wives, children, family and students, "I have taught a people's hero!!!"

Those former classmates of Su Ye, primary school, junior high school, high school.
Someone who had sneered at him before had a complex expression at the moment.

Those who had once dismissed him now looked crazy.

Those who have been friendly to him are sincerely happy at the moment.

At the gate of the school where Su Ye used to study, he often went to a restaurant called Braised Chicken and Rice.

A middle-aged man in an apron trembled as he watched the live broadcast on TV.

It was the thrill of excitement.

The next moment, he quickly ran to the door and pulled up a banner that read: 'Hero's favorite restaurant'!
The entire building of the school dormitory where Su Ye lived was emptied out, and a sign that had been prepared was inserted into the ground by a teacher.

The sign reads: Home of Heroes!
There is also the orphanage where Su Ye grew up, the elementary school, junior high school, and high school he once attended.
Outside the conference venue.

A foreign reporter is reporting to the camera: "It's 9 o'clock, and just now, this ancient country that has been passed down for 5000 years is awarding the highest honor to that man."

"That man, he not only saved his own country, all of us are bearing his efforts and sacrifices."

"He should not just accept this honor from his motherland. I call for him to be awarded the Nobel Prize this year."

(End of this chapter)

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