Chapter 210 Waiting for you to go home
"People's Hero!"

"People's Hero!"

"Brother Huohua is mighty!"


In the live broadcast room, a screen full of bullet screens kept floating by.

Su Ye stared at the void in front of him, at the thousands of Chinese children of the motherland.

Similarly, thousands of people in the motherland are looking at him.

Watching the heroes of another world clothed in glory.

"Su Ye, the motherland is waiting for you to come back, waiting for you to go home!"

"Wait for you to come back and take this medal of honor with your own hands."

at the same time.

In a kindergarten.

A preschool teacher said to several children in the small class: "Baby, please tell the teacher, 'Su Ye, we are waiting for you to go home!'"

A primary school.

In the classroom, the teacher pointed to the LCD TV on the wall and said to the students below: "Students, when the hero comes back, do you want to present flowers to the hero?"

A chorus of shouts immediately echoed in the classroom: "Think!"

In a university dormitory.

Deafening shouts erupted from more than a dozen rooms at the same time, "Brother Huohua, we are waiting for you to go home."

The frontiers of the motherland.

More than 4000 meters above sea level on the snow-capped mountains.

In the frontier defense fighter company, more than a dozen soldiers with snow-covered faces sat in front of the satellite TV and shouted passionately, "Su Ye, we will wait for you to go home!"

In a big city, cars flow on the streets like water.

In a taxi, the driver stuck his head out of the window and shouted towards the sky, as if he felt that he could hear him in another world, "Su Ye, we will wait for you to go home."

A construction site.

A worker in a white vest with a towel around his neck wiped the sweat off his face, looked at his phone and shouted, "Su Ye, we'll wait for you to go home."

On the Internet, a well-known celebrity tweeted, "Su Ye, we are waiting for you to go home."

At this moment, all over the country.

No matter where you are.

No matter what your identity is.

Drivers, teachers, students, doctors, nurses, migrant workers, businessmen, deliverymen, soldiers.

They also burst into endless shouts: "Su Ye, we are waiting for you to go home!"


in the park.

Listening to the anticipation ringing in my ears.

Tears remained on Su Ye's face.

In my mind, memories of the past flashed up in an instant.

'Do you have a home?Little brat, get out of the way, go where you like, don't be in front of Lao Tzu's shop. '

'Hey, why is there a kid who hasn't left yet! ? '

'Go and have a look, kids, where are your parents?Why didn't I come to pick you up? '

'He doesn't seem to be from our kindergarten. '

'Su Ye, grandpa is only a few days away, and you have to walk the road ahead by yourself. '

'In the future, at the crossroads of your life, no one will guide you, no one will help you advise, no one will cheer for you, no one will share your success, and no one will lead you out when you are decadent . '

'You have to think more, think about life, think about our society, you have to work harder than others, don't be afraid of falling, get up and keep going. '

'Grandpa believes in you and believes that you too can have a wonderful life. '

Sitting on the ground, Su Ye burst into tears and kept muttering, "I'll be back, I'll be back."

"I will definitely be back."

Not far away, behind a big tree.

Hoshino Kannai and Tang Yi are secretly observing Su Ye.

"What's wrong with the captain?" Tang Yi asked Chanel beside him with some confusion.

"Unnie sauce him."

"He must have been alone for too long trying to survive."

"Now that we have us, it may be too touching."

"Sister Tang, let me tell you, O'Neill often talked to herself before."

"It's so pitiful, Sister Tang, we both lived in the same room for three months, and neither of us talked to ourselves like O'Nijiang."

"Sister Tang, we need to show him more love in the future!"

Hoshino Kanna said to Tang Yi seriously, confident in her analysis and reasoning.

Tang Yi looked at her and blinked.

An SSS-level super agent.

Mental quality will be so poor?

Is there no one left in my great motherland?

She didn't believe Hoshino Kanna's analysis, but she didn't refute it either.

For one thing, Chanel probably didn't know the captain's identity as an agent.

Secondly, she doesn't know what happened to the captain now.

It was very sudden, there was no sign at all, and tears streamed down my face like this.

Who can guess it!
"Channa, should we go over and have a look?"

Tang Yi wanted to go over and have a look, but he couldn't figure it out, so he just went to ask and he would know.

Besides, if there is something sad to say, it will make you feel better.

"Well, let's go!"

"I've told Oni-chan before, if you have anything on your mind, you can tell me, and I will be his best listener."

"Oni-chan is still the same." Hoshino Channa pouted, feeling helpless.

Just when the two women were about to walk out from behind the big tree, they suddenly found Chen Dongkui standing behind them.

"Adasi, why don't you." Hoshino Kanna exclaimed, looking at the tearful Chen Dongkui, wondering what happened to him.

Facing the curious gazes of the two women, Chen Dongkui wiped away the tears on his face, and pretended to be relaxed and said, "It's nothing, just thinking of my wife and children."

"Captain, he...he must have thought of the deceased relatives, right?"

A word to awaken the dreamer.

Tang Yi and Hoshino Kanna suddenly realized.

So, in bed in the morning, I mentioned about my mother, which reminded Oni-chan of her.

It seems that Oni-chan's mother also passed away unfortunately.

Otherwise, Oni-chan wouldn't cry so sadly!
The next moment, Tang Yi and Chen Dongkui hadn't reacted yet.

Hoshino Kanna rushed out instantly.

In the eyes of the two, she quickly hugged Su Ye.

For a moment, Su Ye was stunned.

The people of the whole country were stunned!
People all over the world were stunned.

"Oni-chan, Chanel will be your family from now on!"

She said with a serious face.

In the next second, under the eyes of the whole world, she took the initiative to move closer and pressed Su Ye's mouth.

After a while, the two separated.

Behind the two, Tang Yi and Chen Dongkui walked over slowly.

"Oni-chan, we are a team and a family, aren't we?"

Hoshino Kana let go of her hug, and said again to Su Ye who was stupefied.

"Chana, I'm fine. You go to the RV and wait for me first. I need to think about some problems quietly."

Su Ye looked at the three of them, and when he realized it, his heart immediately warmed up. After calming down, he said with a gentle expression.

"Oni-chan, come on!" Hoshino Kanna nodded, and raised her small fist to signal Su Ye.

"Captain, come on!"

(End of this chapter)

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