Chapter 216
'Su Ye' did it very delicately, as the words of confession blurted out, two lines of tears flowed out.

"Chana, in fact, human beings have potential. If you can stimulate this potential, then your attributes will improve, and maybe you can heal me."

Language logic effect five: Point out a clear method, implying that Hoshino Kanna stimulates potential.

'Su Ye' suddenly turned to look at Tang Yi and said: "(in Chinese) Actually, you are more suitable to survive in this doomsday than her."

"(Chinese) The bomb collar I put on your neck was actually fake."

"(Chinese) How can I have the heart to treat my compatriots in the motherland like this!"

'He' smiled fearlessly and continued: "(Chinese) Tang Yi, promise me to take good care of her."

'He' looked at Hoshino Chana, "The first half of my youth was accompanied by endless loneliness, but now, I have you, Chana, promise me to live a good life."

Language logic effect six: further promote emotions, indicating that the end of death has come.

Tang Yi's face was a little pale, but because of the severe mood swings at the moment, the psychological experts who observed her in the main world could not see her inner thoughts at the moment.

After hearing Su Ye's words, she subconsciously pinched the collar around her neck and pulled it off.

next second.

Everyone in the live broadcast room laughed.

In an instant, several streams of tomato sauce splashed out.

It's really fake!
For a moment, Tang Yi's eyelashes trembled, and tears welled up again.

"(Chinese) Su Ye, I."

Noticed that Su Ye's flesh and blood were melting more and more.

Tang Yi also went all out, ignoring that Hoshino Kannai was by his side.

There is a saying, if you don't say it now, you will never have a chance to say it to him again.

"(Chinese) Su Ye, I like you!"

"(Chinese) You promised me. Woohoo. You promised to send me back. You promised me"

Because what Su Ye said to her in Chinese before.

As a result, she subconsciously said it in Chinese at this moment.

With a heart-wrenching cry.

Tang Yi burst into tears and kept murmuring.

He stretched out his trembling right hand, wanting to touch Su Ye's cheek.

a time.

Zhen Su Ye's face changed drastically.

Chu Wei's expression changed.

Qin Ying's expression changed wildly.

Once touched, the tactile sensation is different, and it will definitely be seen through.

Hoshino Kanna's rushing up already made everyone's faces change drastically, but fortunately, she just hugged Su Ye, unable to reach out to touch Su Ye.

But no one thought of it.

Tang Yi will confess, and even reached out.

According to the analysis of psychological experts in the main world, with Tang Yi's character, how could it be, how could it be possible.

How did you fall in love with Su Ye?
At most, there is a good feeling.

Su Ye thought so too.

Could it be Tiantai's move to save her?

Su Ye thought of the key and sighed inwardly.

No regrets, just a little helpless.

Not just Chu Wei and others.

At this moment, even the audience in the live broadcast room were stunned.

"Damn it, the two girls are really not with Su Ye?"

This is the first thing that shocks the audience.

Originally, after seeing the black screen in the live broadcast room last night and the live broadcast that started after a long time, everyone thought that Su Ye had already captured the two girls.

did not expect.

They are not together yet!
After all, why are we confessing our love together?

In this case, then.
Here comes the key point.

Su Ye confessed to Hoshino Kanna.

As a result, Tang Yi confessed to Su Ye.

A love triangle ensues!

"Fuck, the doomsday emotional drama I mentioned before is really going to be staged?"

"The battle between the two girls is about to start?"

"Striving for the wind and jealousy, fighting openly and secretly, and turning into a large-scale doomsday palace drama?"

"Don't get excited, everyone, please be more careful. Tang Yi's confession is in Chinese, and Hoshino Kanna can't understand Chinese. In addition, she is in a state of being lost at the moment, so it's not sure whether she will hear it or not."

"Damn, from this point of view, doesn't Agent Wolf make a lot of money?"

"Kana Hoshino on the bright side, and Tang Yi in the dark, what the hell, one is a wife and the other is a lover!"

"That's right, as long as Brother Huohua is not stupid, pay attention at ordinary times, and don't be discovered by Hoshino Kanna, you can take everything in the open and in the dark!"

"I'm so envious of Brother Huohua, he's perfectly maneuvering the two boats, the weather is calm, and he's as stable as an old dog."

the other side.

Chanel seemed to have lost her soul, and looked at Su Ye dully.

Listening to Tang Yi's cry that she couldn't understand.

Looking at Tang Yi's right hand stretched towards Su Ye's face.

She kept thinking about what Oni-chan just said.

"Channa, maybe your attribute is higher, and the healing effect you release is stronger, maybe it will be effective for me"

'If you can stimulate this potential, then your attributes will increase, and maybe you can heal me'


Human Potential!
What a potential!

How can I inspire to save Oni-chan! ?
"If Hoshino Channai hasn't triggered the gene lock after Tang Yi's hand touched you, then you can detonate the flash bomb."

"Now we can rush over."

"Be careful, don't be discovered by Chen Dongkui."

Chu Wei's voice rang in Su Ye's ear.

The next moment, Su Ye flapped his wings and rushed to the scene.

in the live room.

"I'm curious how Brother Huohua will end up!"

"That's right, Hoshino Kanna sees Brother Spark as a dummy, but if she really unlocks the gene lock and achieves her goal, how can Brother Spark appear on the scene?"

"Just wait, there are so many smart people in the world, they must all have detailed plans."

One vote of the audience has already understood the plot.

Looking forward to the follow-up.

And on the spot.

Just when Tang Yi's right hand was about to touch Su Ye's cheek.

Just at Su Ye, he wanted to advance the next step of the plan and detonate the flash bomb.

Hoshino Channa broke out!

In an instant.

in the eyes of all.

Hoshino Kanna's hair, a few hairs in the central swirl turned white.

"Quick, Su Ye, quickly release the flash bomb, the goal has been achieved."

Unexpected reversal, reasonable change.

next moment.

Su Ye quickly took out the remote control and pressed the button.

Immediately afterwards, he took out another black and red Rubik's Cube.

It was the Rubik's Cube that Lin Yunxi used when he and Lin Yunxi robbed the fourth-level seven eggs after killing the fourth-level magic vine.

This is harvested from Lee Chanyeol's space watch.

Now it happens to be the key prop for the ending.

on site.

As Su Ye pressed the button.

In an instant.

A flash bomb hidden under the dummy's outer clothing was instantly detonated.

Hoshino Kannai and Tang Yi suddenly fell into a dazed white light and lost their vision.

But Hoshino Chana didn't stop her movements. After entering the first-order state of the gene lock, she quickly put down 'Su Ye' and took out the Holy Light Scepter.

Although she didn't know why the white light appeared, she didn't have time to think about it, she just wanted to heal Oni-chan as soon as possible.

Several powerful holy light balls flew out of her staff and flew towards the location in her memory.

at the same time.

Su Ye also arrived at the grass not far from the scene.

With the black and red Rubik's Cube in his hand, it turned into a stream of light.

In the next second, he appeared in the dummy's place.

The dummy appeared in the grass not far away.

With the white light slowly dissipating.

Hoshino Kannai and Tang Yi recovered their sights one after another.

Watching O'Neill/captain slowly climbing up from the ground, he saw that his limbs were intact.

For a while, the two wept with joy.

(End of this chapter)

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