Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 217 The Perfect Ending

Chapter 217 The Perfect Ending
After Hoshino Kana wept with joy, she rushed forward and kissed fiercely.

Tang Yi stood behind Hoshino Channai.

She, who wanted to go forward, stopped for a moment when she saw this scene, and a trace of loneliness flashed in her eyes.

Before the apocalypse broke out, or before meeting Su Ye.

With her family background, arrogant personality, beautiful and elegant appearance, and slim figure.
She never thought about it.

One day I will become a third party.

Just now, she confessed.

But there was no response from Su Ye.

She didn't know whether Su Ye would accept her confession.

And even if Su Ye accepted, she didn't know if she could share her lover with another girl.

After all, the confession just now was made under special circumstances.

She looked lonely and her thoughts were complicated.


While Su Ye and Chanel continued to kiss, they inadvertently turned slowly.

until it turns 180 degrees.

With his back to Tang Yi.

The next moment, he stretched back the right hand that was on Hoshino Kana's back, and held that slender hand.

Tang Yizheng lowered his head in a lost mood and was lost in thought, and immediately realized that Su Ye was holding his right hand.

For a moment, she froze.

The next second, she smiled sweetly.

And Su Ye's actions in this short moment made everyone in the live broadcast room dumbfounded.

"Brother Huohua evolved again, please call him Kao."

"Then what is Kao re-evolution?"

"Of course it's Aquaman!"

"By the way, hasn't he never been in love? Didn't he always act shy and innocent before?"

"Having never been in a relationship doesn't mean you can't talk about it, understand?"

"That's right, this is a man. It's your instinct to be playful, and your innate skill to be on two feet. Su Ye proved this very well."

"It's possible, no, there are also dedicated men, okay?"

"Specialization is just a bargaining chip for temptation is not enough!"

"He should close the live broadcast room. There are still many teenagers watching the live broadcast. Su Ye will spoil them."

"That's right, it's going to change the way teens think about love."

After reacting, a group of audience immediately started a fierce quarrel and protest.

The quarrel is only relative to the country, because of the moral code of love.

And abroad.

Quite a few foreign girls looked at the oriental young man's daring behavior in the live broadcast room, and their eyes lit up immediately.

They just feel that this moment is very romantic.

"YeSu really came back to our world, I want to have a wonderful dinner with him."

The tweet from internationally renowned actress Kristen Stewart caused an immediate uproar.

Talk about a wonderful dinner!
But Western people naturally understand the underlying meaning, isn't it a wonderful night after dinner!
"I want to say thank you to YeSu face to face, he cured my illness." The internationally renowned actress Avril Lavigne immediately tweeted.

Avril Lavigne is more tactful, but according to the interpretation of the public, the meaning is not the same as the tweet that Christine said.

Then, it wasn't just Kristen Good and Avril Lavigne.

On Twitter, more and more international female stars have spoken out.

For a moment, the Western people looked at the figure in the live broadcast room with envy and jealousy.

In the main battle room.

He Zhengwei walked in hastily with a somewhat helpless expression.

"Why didn't you ask him to turn off the live broadcast, it would have a bad influence."

"He's become an idol for a lot of teens now."

Facing Minister He's accusation, Chu Wei shrugged helplessly.

"I didn't know he would do this suddenly, and it was too late when I wanted to remind him."

Hearing this, He Zhengwei let out a long sigh, then looked at Qin Ying and said, "Hurry up and analyze his recent psychological fluctuations."

"If it becomes more and more troublesome, you should report it in time."

"Chu Wei, if you have a chance to talk to him, two people can still be love, but if there are more than two people, it's lust."

"And lust will make him gradually lose himself and fall into it."

"I hope he can control himself and control his desires."

He Zhengwei sighed again, then left.

"Do you believe him?" Chu Wei asked Qin Ying calmly.

"If Chu Wei is senior, I will definitely believe it, but I don't know about Su Ye."

Qin Ying shook her head, a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

Senior wood!

It's been so long since we broke up with Lin Xia.

Still indifferent.

"I believe him." Chu Wei turned his head and folded his arms around his chest.

There is only one skill that comes with the Thunder Mage profession.

He doesn't believe it.

Confirmation is also very simple.

Just wait for Hoshino Kanna and the three to perform a second turn.

Then it can be confirmed whether Su Ye has concealed a professional skill.

If so what skills need to be concealed?

It wasn't until they couldn't breathe that the two separated.

Hoshino Kanna was panting slightly, her eyes were full of tears, she was pitiful, "Oni-chan, promise Channa, don't do this in the future, okay?"

She didn't want Su Ye to hide from her when facing risks in the future.

On the lens of Su Ye's left eye, the data displayed shows that she has already escaped from the first-order gene lock state at some point.

I'm afraid, she doesn't even know what happened in her body just now, right?
"I promise you!" Withdrawing his right hand without leaving any trace, Su Ye wiped away the tears on her face.

Then he turned around and hugged Tang Yi, "(Korean) made you worry, sorry!"

When Tang Yi's head rested on Su Ye's left shoulder.

With his back turned to Hoshino Kanna, Su Ye leaned into her ear and whispered: "There are some things (in Chinese), let's talk later."

The next moment, the two parted and embraced.

And in this very moment.

At this time, the three of them formed a straight line, and Su Ye in the middle just blocked Hoshino Kanna's sight.

At this moment, Tang Yi quickly leaned forward and kissed him.

Until Tang Yi retracted and left with both hands.

Only then did Su Ye come to his senses, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he blinked his right eye at her.

"Go to the RV and wait for me first."

"I'll go find the space ring."

Su Ye stretched out his right hand for a moment, then flapped his wings and took off.

After a while, he landed in the grass not far away, first took out the space ring from his pocket, put it on, and then put the dummy away.

So far, the only flaw has completely disappeared.

Lifting off again, he saw Chen Dongkui's figure, which landed in front of him one after another.

"Uncle, I'm fine"

In the main battle room.

A mobilization plan targeting Tang Yi and Chen Dongkui's genetic locks was hastily revised and sent to Chu Wei.

"The plan has only changed slightly."

“By and large it’s still about incentives.”

"Look at it."

Qin Ying briefly explained to Chu Wei, waiting for him to read the plan document.

"The language logic can be improved a bit, especially for Tang Yi."

"The relationship between her and Su Ye is different now, and it must be targeted to be effective."

After handing the document to Qin Ying and asking her to take it back to revise, Chu Wei began to think about Tang Yi and Chen Dongkui's second career choices.

(End of this chapter)

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