Chapter 218
ninth day.

10:40 am.

Inside Haner Luoshan Park.

Under the scorching sun, not far in front of the RV.

Tang Yi and Chen Dongkui changed into camouflage uniforms and stood side by side.

On the opposite side of the two was Su Ye who was also in camouflage uniform.

As for Hoshino Kanna, it was arranged by Su Ye to go back to the RV to rest.

"From this moment on, you will call me instructor."

"There is no captain, no Su Ye, at this moment, here, only the instructor."

"I will start military training for you."

"Through military training, you will also become full-time members!"

"Now start the first subject, stand in a military posture."

Wearing a camouflage cap, Su Ye yelled at the two of them like the instructors in the special forces TV series he had watched.

Maintaining a majestic expression, he stepped forward and adjusted the postures of the two of them.

At the same time, insert playing cards on the shoulders of the two people, on the hands next to the legs, and between the two legs.

After doing all this, Su Ye stood in front of the two of them.

Looking at Chen Dongkui's puzzled expression and Tang Yi's aggrieved appearance.

Su Ye said with an unchanged face: "You have strengthened your body and acquired extraordinary power, but you have not fully grasped this power, and you can't even exert half of your strength."

"This world is very dangerous, just like what happened just now, even I may face the crisis of death at any time, let alone you."

"You can't have a trace of dependence on me in your heart."

"In this way, we can face all dangers and fight alone without my presence."

After speaking, he walked around behind the two of them.

The plan provided by Chu Wei to force the two to activate the gene lock is very simple.

That is the ultimate physical exhaustion, coupled with language stimulation.

Although the bodies of the two have been strengthened, surpassing ordinary people.

But that is only to a limited extent.

Just increase the amount of physical training at most.

Walk in two steps, the first step exhausts physical energy, and the second step uses verbal stimulation to force the two to activate the gene lock under extreme circumstances.

in the live room.

"It's interesting to see Miss Tang Yi's grievance. Just now, I paid you back and cheated on me, but I was trained in the military in a blink of an eye, haha."

"Uncle Chen: Ah Xi, my tears were shed in vain just now!"

"Tang Yi: You don't want to touch me in the future."

"Please ask the two people's current psychological shadow area, haha!"

"As the saying goes, beating is kissing and scolding is love. This is for the benefit of both of them!"


The audience in the live broadcast room is watching the excitement.

And Tang Yi, who was under the scorching sun, really felt like everyone said at this moment, he couldn't figure it out.

Damn Su Ye!
How long has it been, how can it change? ?

Also, why doesn't Hoshino Kana train?
Is this the treatment of a third party! ? .
She was wronged.

Just like that, half an hour passed gradually.

"Almost ready for the next subject?"

"Hurry up and finish it, finish eating!"

Su Ye asked in a low voice.

With the sound in his ears, he came in front of the two of them.

"Okay, the first subject is over, now we start the second subject."

"One thousand push-ups per person, time limit is 15 minutes, start now!"

15 minutes, which means that one will be completed in less than a second.

It looks like 0.75.

After Su Ye finished speaking, he first demonstrated the standard push-ups to the two of them, and then signaled with his eyes that they could start.

The two obediently began to get down on the ground.

At first, the two felt very relaxed.

As time passed and they reached the 500th place, the two began to feel a little bit of difficulty.

In the eyes of everyone in the world.

The two went slower and slower.

Seeing this, Su Ye knelt down and looked at the two of them and said, "By the way, I forgot to tell you the punishment for overtime."

"If you don't hurry, you will lose the chance to taste such a sumptuous lunch."

"Whoever exceeds the time limit will end up waiting and watching the rest of the people eat."

Hearing this, the two moved quickly again.

Su Ye got up and left after speaking.

After a while, he called Hoshino Kanna.

Then he opened the Points Mall and bought a large round table not far in front of the two of them.

Immediately afterwards, on the big round table, plates of exquisite dishes appeared one after another.

Realizing that the food might not be delicious enough, Su Ye thought about it and bought a hot pot.

Then light the fire and put the vegetables.

As the bottom of the pot rolled away, the alluring aroma immediately overflowed.

"Kana, I leave this to you."

After explaining to her, Su Ye returned to the two of them.

The two were always on camera in the live broadcast room.

It can be said that there are hundreds of millions of people helping Su Ye count the number of push-ups the two of them did.

After smelling the scent that floated.

Suddenly, Tang Yi and Chen Dongkui trembled.

Sweat poured down like rain, and the two moved faster.

"It's this trick again, but it works! Haha"

"The two have only been with Su Ye for a few days, and they haven't actually enjoyed the food a few times. They are still eager for it in their hearts."

"That's right, it's tough enough for two people."

In the main war room.

One is from the domestic ace special forces.

An instructor named Gao Shenghan was looking at the screen of the live broadcast room with a solemn expression.

He once single-handedly formed and trained the special forces known as Spikes.

"Gaotou Gao, can you see the current physical consumption of the two?"

Chu Wei asked Gao Shenghan.

He had also been trained by Lao Gao, and the two knew each other very well.

"It looks like it's just warming up, but it's enough."

"The most critical subject can be carried out."

With years of experience, as well as from the facial expressions and body muscle tremors of the two, Lao Gao concluded in one sentence.

the other side.

"time up."

With a sound of Su Ye falling, Tang Yi and Chen Dongkui, who were drenched in sweat, immediately lay down on the ground.

"Get up, there is no rest time."

With a loud shout, Su Ye continued to shout: "Whoever doesn't get up within five seconds, whoever waits will watch me and Chanel eat."

Listening to these harsh words, Tang Yi and Chen Dongkui immediately flew into action.

In just three seconds, the two gasped and stood up looking at Su Ye.

Su Ye stepped forward and stretched out his hand to measure the heart rate of Tang Yi and Chen Dongkui's necks for a while.

Then he turned his back to the two of them and told the result to the main world with a word of mouth.

"It was just a warm-up, you guys did a great job."

"Next, let's start the next subject, combining movements with bare hands on the spot."

This is the most critical subject.

This subject is a combination of the five most tiring, most difficult, and most energy-consuming movements.

The whole set of five movements can be used in one cycle to mobilize every muscle in the body.

And the consumption of physical energy is cumulatively doubled.

It was specially formulated for the two of them in the main world.

Have you used keep?
The lowest training action rating in keep is K1.

And this set of movements formulated for the two of them has reached the terrifying K18 level.

According to the analysis and deduction from the main world, it is very likely that even Su Ye's fourth-order attributes cannot go through ten cycles.

(End of this chapter)

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