Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 219 Military Training Begins

Chapter 219 Military Training Begins

After Su Ye finished speaking, he began to demonstrate to the two of them.

After demonstrating all five actions.

He went on to say, "You guys do it first and let me see."

After speaking, two strips of pure black cloth appeared in his hand.

under the watchful eye of all mankind.

The two did it again according to the gourd painting.

"It's not up to standard, come again."

Next, as the two did it again, Su Ye also stepped forward to correct the posture of the two.

in the live room.

"Brother Huohua, what are you doing with the pure black cloth in your hand?"

"Fuck, I understand, I may have guessed what Jiulang is planning."

"Kurou wants the two of them to focus all their attention on the five movements."

"Look, Brother Huohua took out a stereo, what is this for?"

inside the screen.

After Su Ye corrected it once, the two of them did the five movements again, and when they saw that they had reached the standard, they took out a stereo and put it beside them.

"I get it, I really get it."

"Say it quickly, say it quickly, don't make a fool of yourself."

"Brother Huohua is trying to interfere with the two of them, so that they don't know how many times they have done."

"That's right, I also understand, Brother Huohua is about to start motivating."

Tang Yi and Chen Dongkui are very worried now.

The movements just now, after just demonstrating the five movements, they felt very tired.

The camouflage uniform he was wearing was already wet with sweat.

Su Ye first tied the pure black cloth strips around the eyes of the two people under their bewildered eyes.

Then he took out a music disc and squeezed it in his hand, yelling at the two of them.

"The first movement is repeated 20 times, the second is repeated 30 times, the third is repeated 40 times, and the fifth is repeated 50 times."

"With this sequentially superimposed frequency, after a set of movements is completed, there is no rest, and continue to start from the first movement."

"The time limit is three to 10 minutes. If the overtime and whoever stops and rests for more than two seconds without authorization, then you will be hungry for lunch!"

"3.2.1, start!"

With an order, Su Ye inserted the music disc into the stereo, and after the music played, he started walking around the two of them and roaring.

"Move, hurry up.. hurry up.. hurry up, move faster."

"GOGOGOGO, speed up, use all your strength, use all your strength, speed up, speed up."

Not far away, Hoshino Kanna sat at the dinner table, looking at the two alive and kicking, she didn't understand what Oni-chan was going to do.

Hearing the roar from over there, he didn't pay attention to this side when he saw Oni-chan.

She couldn't help but secretly took out a beef ball from the hot pot, and then hurriedly stuffed it into her mouth.

Immediately afterwards, she breathed out quickly again, she was too hot.

Accompanied by the sound of music, Su Ye's roar was mixed.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them had completed a set of movements.

"Very well, you guys did a great job, move on to the second cycle."

"No rest, no stop, start with the first movement, fast!"

"GOGOGO, hurry up, speed up, it's been 2 minutes."

Listening to the hysterical roar, Tang Yi and Chen Dongkui quickly started the second cycle of movements.

In this way, Su Ye continued to shout with full confidence, encouraging the two of them.

Two 10 minutes later.

In the eyes of everyone, the movements of the two slowed down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Tang Yi, don't you want to have lunch?"

"Chen Dongkui, move faster, and if you slow down, your lunch will be cancelled."

Under the severe drinking, a man and a woman whose muscles were already trembling broke out again.

in the live room.

"What cycle is it?"

"The sixth one."

"It's horrible. I just learned to do it. The first movement was okay twenty times, but the second movement was exhausted at the beginning."

"Didn't you read Weibo?"

"A sportsman released a video. After doing a whole set of movements, he passed out directly."

"It's not just athletes, some fitness instructors can't do it. The most powerful person also stopped at the fifth movement and passed out."

Just in these two 10 minutes.

The whole people began to try to imitate the movements taught by Su Ye.

In this internet celebrity era.

Some people saw how simple these five movements are, so they wanted to take a video and do the complete set of movements to become famous.

As a result, all the people naturally experienced the horror of the five movements.

For a while, everyone called this set of actions Death Purgatory.

5 minutes later.

Tang Yi is now in the third movement of the seventh set.

Chen Dongkui is in the fourth movement of the seventh set.

The two of them have completely lost their energy.

No matter how loudly Su Ye yelled and how encouraging he was, the movements of the two were more than twice as slow as the first one.

"Instructor, is the time almost up?"

Tang Yi didn't even know how many moves he had done now.

There is no way to time it at all, and it is very difficult to even count the number of movements.

She only felt roughly, as if ten or twenty minutes had passed.

"It's still early!" Su Ye snorted coldly, and continued to shout at the two of them: "According to the current attributes of the two of you."

"Three and 10 minutes, you can stick to it."

"And there's still room to spare."

"My purpose is just to exercise your willpower."

"I won't make demands that you can't do."

"I don't need to come up with a request that makes you unable to do so that you can't eat lunch."

"You should trust me!"

"You should also believe in yourself and believe that you can do it."

Hear what Su Ye said.

Tang Yi and Chen Dongkui frowned suddenly.

The captain was right.

He doesn't have to and won't mess with us.

Since he said that we can do it in three to 10 minutes, it must be possible.

It is because my willpower is not enough that I feel that my body is exhausted and has no strength.

The next moment, the two of them yelled loudly, bursting out with strength again, and the movements that had slowed down became a little faster again.

main battle room.

"According to our calculations, three to 10 minutes can just exhaust the physical energy of two people."

"Whether the gene lock can be activated depends on the time period after three or 10 minutes."

Gao Shenghan frowned and said to Chu Wei beside him.

Another 5 minutes passed.

in the park.

Su Ye raised his hand and looked at the stopwatch in his hand.

The time displayed above just jumped to 10 minutes.

"There are still 5 minutes, 5 minutes, and it will be over."

Looking at the two, he yelled again.

At the same time, a passionate BGM sounded from the sound system on the side.

After hearing the instructor's timing, the movements of the two who had slowed down one after another suddenly sped up.

in the live room.

"Isn't it time?"

"Why are there still fools who don't understand? Su Ye is trying to make the two of them break through the limit."

"I know that Brother Huohua wants to activate the genetic locks of the two of them."

5 minute later.

"Instructor, is it time?"

Chen Dongkui asked weakly.

At this moment, he really wanted to lie down and sleep.

Tang Yi was speechless, the world was pitch black.

She gritted her teeth and continued to hold on with tears in her eyes.

A wave of tired and sleepy thoughts kept coming.

Her mechanical hold continued, but very slowly, very slowly.

Live like a year.

(End of this chapter)

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