Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 224 Chu Wei's Plan

Chapter 224 Chu Wei's Plan

Astronomical Command Center.

Tang Guohao and his wife Tan Xiuyun walked into the building in a hurry.

In the elevator, Tan Xiuyun was still crying into tears.

"Old Tang, what can I do, I am just such a daughter, you have to think of a way, and you must rescue Tang Yi."

"They are really serious. They insist on putting their daughter in a special warfare base. I said at the beginning that it would be better to keep my daughter with me."

"At the beginning, you agreed with them, and the responsibility is all on you."

"Stop arguing!" Tang Guohao got a little annoyed and shouted, "Isn't there another one in the world over there?"

For a moment, Tan Xiuyun was stunned.

Not long after the two entered the elevator.

A couple came next, it was Hoshino Kanna's parents.

"Mr. Tian Ye, I want to respond to the domestic media. The Xia people don't care about our daughter at all. Woooooo."

"I'm going to tell the United Nations, my Chanel is only too old, and it's gone like this."

"We still have to trust them. We don't know whether we are alive or dead. Even if they don't take our Chanel to heart, that Su Ye will definitely not sit idly by."

"Anyway, the eldest daughter has just established a relationship with him, so I will be his father."

Miyazaki Tanno said with a helpless sigh.


Hearing the news in his ears, Su Ye came to a remote corner alone, and yelled angrily.

"How the hell did you do it?"

"I can't even look at two girls!"

In the main battle room.

Facing Su Ye's scolding, Chu Wei gave a dry cough, and then said: "This is the end, you should turn off the live broadcast room first, and turn off the sound."

"I have already thought of a way here, calm down and listen to me."

There were two other people beside Chu Wei.

One is Tang Yi's father, Tang Guohao, and the other is Hoshino Kanna's father, Miyazaki Tano.

Qin Ying took the two mothers to comfort them.

Hearing Su Ye's tone, the two of them felt warm in their hearts.

It's not unreasonable for the eldest daughter to fall in love with him.

Not mistaken.

It is not in vain to teach my daughter painstakingly.

In the hearts of the two, the eldest daughter naturally refers to Tang Yi and Hoshino Kanna in Su Ye's world.

Chu Wei continued: "The core of my plan lies in your performance."

"Finally scare the gang out."

"Since they didn't kill Xiao Tangyi and Xiao Xiangnai on the spot, it means that they want to use them to threaten you to achieve a certain purpose."

"So, for now, the two of them are safe."

"As for whether it will be successful, I can't guarantee it."


in the eyes of everyone in the world.

Seeing that the live broadcast room suddenly went dark, and there was no sound coming out, everyone was stunned.

"what happened?"

"Why do you just shut it down?"

"It's broad daylight, I just bought a luxury car, do I want to drive?"

"Driving? Driving will not turn off the live broadcast!"

"Go, go, go, kid, if you don't understand, go back and ask your parents."

Right in the middle of everyone's hot discussion.

Just when many people wanted to quit the live broadcast room.

The live broadcast room was lit up, and Su Ye's figure appeared.

What immediately rang in everyone's ears was fluent English.

"I know you guys are watching the live broadcast, watching me."

"Congratulations first of all, you guessed right, I care about them both."

"But unfortunately, your calculations are wrong."

"Do you think I'm in this world, and if I can't come back, I can't do anything with you?"

Su Ye sneered, and continued: "After I took the evolution potion and broke through to the second-order gene lock state, the system has actually updated more than three functions."

"It's just that because the fourth function is irrelevant to me, it's a bit tasteless, so I didn't say it."

"Now, let me tell you what the fourth function is."

this moment.

In the live broadcast room, accompanied by countless question marks, the subtitle team quickly translated what Su Ye said on the barrage.

However, as far as this is concerned, many people still half-understand, staring at the live broadcast room and paying attention to the follow-up.

And in the tropical forest not far from the Spike Base.

More and more soldiers entered the woods and began to search.

But what surprised them was that the enemy seemed to have evaporated out of thin air, without any clues.

At the bottom of a big mountain.

Inside a tunnel that was obviously dug by hand.

In a relatively wide field in the tunnel.

Xiao Xiangnai and Xiao Tang Yi were being tied up, blindfolded, and their mouths sealed.

Beside the two women, there were five foreign faces wearing camouflage uniforms similar to those of Spike Fang.

One of the captains was listening to what Su Ye said in the live broadcast room with his mobile phone.

"Fourth function?"

The bearded foreign man flashed a look of surprise, and then he heard Su Ye's voice continue to come from the phone.

"The fourth function is the optional unbinding of countries."

"That is to say, I can now unbind all the bindings of a certain country, and undo the three synchronization functions including injury synchronization, healing synchronization, and lifespan synchronization."

"What do you think this means?"

Su Ye was not in a hurry to continue to express his specific thoughts, but looked at the void in front of him with a playful smile.

Speaking directly, it is better to let them think clearly by themselves to scare the enemy even more.

This is the plan Chu Wei conceived, the reverse threat.

Of course, the fourth function isn't really true.

As for whether it will appear in the future, that is another matter.

Time continued to pass.

The first is the audience in the live broadcast room.

After heated discussions, more and more people understood.

First of all, I understand the first point, someone has kidnapped two people who are very important to Su Ye from the main world.

Who else could it be?

It can only be Xiao Channai and Xiao Tang Yi.

Then, they understood the second point, Su Ye's plan.

That is to use the injury synchronization function to reverse threats and force the enemy to surrender the two women.

At this moment, the same is true abroad.

"That is to say, as long as he releases the synchronous binding with his own country's injuries, then he can deal with us with confidence."

"At that time, as long as he releases the synchronous binding with the injuries of the motherland and the synchronous binding with the life span increase of other countries, then relying on the 30 time coins in his hand, he can enter the gene lock state and consume us to death."

Some experts and professors posted tweets immediately, which immediately caused an uproar.

After reacting.

a time.

The complexion of all the people in foreign countries has changed drastically, and everyone feels insecure and terrified.

The west.

Some high-ranking and powerful figures, big figures at the top of the human pyramid were also stunned, and then their faces turned livid.

Falk, once he does.

Except for the people of Xia Kingdom, the rest of the people on the earth have to die?

At that time, there will be only Xia Kingdom left on the earth!
Dominate the earth in disguise?

(End of this chapter)

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