Chapter 225 Global Shock

Dozens of phone calls have already been hung up.

Calls from all over the world.

"It's a pity, the fourth function is just a paper tiger at present."

If true.

"Since he mentioned the fourth function, there must be related public opinion in the country, and you must control it."

"Okay, let's go down and deal with it right away."

In the live broadcast room.

Relevant public opinion has actually been fermenting.

"Do you feel it? Did Brother Huanhua undo the synchronous binding with our injuries?"

"I don't feel anything, either it was lifted quietly, or Brother Huohua hasn't lifted it yet."

Some people are more concerned about this, the injury synchronization function is like a rope hanging them, making them very uncomfortable.

"I really don't know what you guys are worried about. Could Brother Huohua still harm us?"

Some people said indifferently that they believed in Brother Huohua very much.

"That's right, don't worry about this, let's just watch the fun, foreign people are in dire straits right now, haha."

"Have you read Twitter? In fact, that professor only thought of one thing, not just that one method."

"For example, Brother Huohua only needs to disable the healing synchronization function, and then crazily self-mutilate, and Hoshino Kanna crazily adds blood to him. Isn't this a waste of time coins?"

"Fuck, it's wonderful! Brothers are talented."

"What I just said is the most cost-effective method. There is another method that cancels the synchronization of wound healing, commits suicide directly, and then resurrects with the Ankh of Rebirth."

"Fuck, hurry up and be ruthless, brother is a medical student, right?"

"So far, plus what the professor said on Twitter, there are three ways."

Xia Guo audience can think of these three methods.

How can foreign people not think of it?
Not to mention a large number of foreigners crying and begging to become a Xia nationality.

In addition to Xia Guo, there are also many foreigners with keen thoughts who went to join the Neon Kingdom.

It is thanks to Hoshino Channa.

In the world, at present, apart from the Xia Kingdom, the people of the Neon Country are the least worried.

After all, Kona Hoshino's nationality is still from the Neon Country.

In Tokyo, Prime Minister Neon firmly held the nationality documents of Hoshino Kana's family in his hands, and then locked them in the safe.

Outside the safe, there are layers of safes that are bigger than each other.

After locking more than a dozen of them, Prime Minister Nihong stopped.

Kneeling on the tatami, he said, "Starting today, this safe will be strictly guarded, and all irrelevant personnel within 50 meters will be directly shot to death."

"Hi!" Hearing the unanimous response behind him, Prime Minister Ni Hong wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, his face full of joy.

And in stick country.

All the people are now angrily scolding Han Zhengen.

He scolded her for not performing well enough to stay by Su Ye's side.

If they stay, then this crisis will not bring them.


Su Ye waited for a while, then continued with a sneer: "You must have already thought of it."

"As long as the healing synchronization is canceled, I can easily take you all away."

"How many knives can you bear? One knives? Two knives? Three knives?."

"For them, do you want to gamble to see if I can do it or not!"

"I'll give you 5 minutes to release the two girls safe and sound."

"Beyond this time, see if I dare to slaughter hundreds of millions of people to be buried with them!"

The sneer disappeared, and at this moment, his expression was indifferent, his eyes full of fear.

As Su Ye's words spread to the ears of everyone in the world.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were filled with fear, and their bodies felt chilly. Many people's bodies were trembling uncontrollably due to fright.

Some people recalled Su Ye's stabbing in the heart with a knife a few days ago.

On that day, at that moment, human civilization will be gone by just a little bit.

And at that time, Su Ye still brought his own motherland with him.

He dared to do this with his motherland. Now, the motherland has been relieved by him. What does it mean?
It means that death is coming soon!

"Fack, who did it? Are you honestly planning to do this?"

I saw the two bureau chiefs shaking their heads with loveless faces.

Why do you have nothing to love?
Because it really wasn't what they did.

They are not stupid.

It is also like this, unable to control everything, they have nothing to love.

We can only pin our hopes on those unknown forces.

"Fack, then why are you still standing there, as the most powerful country on this planet, go check it out!"

"Fake, unite all countries to investigate for me, at all costs, investigate for me, find out who did it, Fake, I will kill him."

At this moment, everything abroad is paralyzed.

No one is still working, the heart is horrified, and everyone who loses their minds is crazy.

Only a small number of people still expect the powerful enemy who captured the two women to surrender obediently.

On Twitter, there are countless messages urging the enemy to surrender every second.

A female celebrity frantically posted bullet screens in the live broadcast room, begging for mercy, saying that she could do so and so.

Every second, countless foreign tyrants tipped in the live broadcast room, and Su Ye's points jumped exponentially.

At this moment, except for Xia Guo and Neon, the whole world is in shock.

Panic such as beating, smashing, looting and burning continued to spread.

in the live room.

"I have a foreign girlfriend who just broke up the day before yesterday, but now she is crying and begging me to get back with her. The most important thing is that she wants to join our Xia Kingdom nationality, haha."

"Me too, but my ex-girlfriend is a Chinese American who joined the American nationality. I just hung up the phone and said a word, get out, the American who loves you, go, that's cool!"

"Although I'm in the United States, I'm an overseas Chinese. Hehe, but now many foreigners see us in a bad mood. I'm afraid they want to give up when they die. I'm so worried."

"It's possible. I heard that there is a lot of chaos in your place. You buy it for zero yuan every day, and everyone has a gun in their hand. Please pray for yourself, brother!"

"This brother will sacrifice a bit to achieve the great self and let our country enter the era of great development of the universe."

"I'm of mixed race, will I be okay?"

"Me too, Brother Huohua, don't do this, okay?"

Inside the underground tunnel of the tropical rainforest.

When Xiao Chanai and Xiao Tang Yi heard Su Ye's words from beside them: Do you think I dare to slaughter hundreds of millions of people to be buried with them!
next second.

The two girls settled down, no longer struggled, no longer made trouble, and there was a smile on the corner of their mouths.

(End of this chapter)

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