Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 226 We Are Not Afraid

Chapter 226 We Are Not Afraid

Western Hemisphere.

In a luxurious villa.

An elderly sixty-year-old man was listening to the content on the phone next to his ear.

"Mr. Locke, I'm sorry, the matter is beyond control."

"It doesn't matter whether what he said is true or false. The important thing is that after the analysis of our psychological experts, he is likely to do so."

"This fourth function, even if he said it to scare us, it may appear in the future."

"Stop it now, you can still get out, and when you are found out, then I don't need to say more about the consequences, right?"

On the other end of the phone is the leader of the most powerful and mysterious underground organization 'Devil' in the West.

An international organization force that makes people feel discolored.

35% of the world's killers, 20% of agents, and 10% of the bodyguards of politicians and rich people come from here.

The sixtieth old man calmly looked at the flowers and plants outside the villa, and said, "I never thought that the devil who is famous in the underground world would be afraid."

"It's not fear, Mr. Locke, it's a wise decision."

"Okay, let's figure it out."

"Okay, Mr. Locke, please also help us cover up the investigation from the FBI and the international joint police."

"Do not worry!"

hang up the phone.

The old man came to a portrait of Jesus, stood quietly, and looked at the portrait in a trance.

Behind the old man, a middle-aged man stepped forward, "Father, three years' lifespan is actually quite a lot."

"Why should you"

The middle-aged man discovered afterwards that it was his father who planned this incident.

Otherwise, I knew he would stop my father from doing this.

"So what about three years? After three years, am I still going to die?"

"Only by finding a way to continuously obtain time coins from him can we live forever."

The old man turned around, and at this moment, his eyes were bright.

Facing the chance of a lifespan of hundreds of years or immortality, he has become obsessed and crazy.

Inside the tunnel under the tropical rainforest.

The five foreign camouflage men looked very anxious.

2 minutes have passed.

They are waiting for notification from the people behind them.

"Captain, if the devil tells us to surrender and hand them over, shall we do so?"

One of the team members, who was walking back and forth, was very disturbed and asked.

"If we surrender and fall into the hands of those Xia soldiers, our life will be worse than death."

Another player spoke up.

"But there are devil's bomb watches. If we don't obey their orders, we will also be killed by them."

"We shouldn't have taken on this mission in the first place."

"Fuck, what's the use of regretting now?"

"At that time, they thought that with these two women kidnapped in their hands, they didn't dare to treat us like this. With our strength, we can hide for ten days and a half months according to the plan, and then we can leave easily."

"Fack, who knew he had a fourth function."

"Who knows what he said is true or not."

"Don't you understand? Only when he makes a move can we determine whether it's true or false before we die, just like Schrödinger's cat, OK?"

"It doesn't matter if it's true or not, OK?"

Bet what he says is false.

But if it is true, then everyone is dead.

As for betting on whether he dares to do so.

A few days ago, they did not forget the scene of Su Ye stabbing his heart with a knife.

He dared to do this with his own motherland, let alone now.

Listening to the arguments of several team members.

The bearded captain was even more irritable.

"Fack, stop arguing!"

With a loud shout, he then frowns and regrets.

"Fack, he came out with a knife!"

With an exclamation, the five of them gathered in front of the mobile phone in an instant, looking at the screen in the live broadcast room.

When they saw Su Ye took out the sword and waved it a few times, their expressions suddenly changed.

"There are 2 minutes left, if you don't let the two of them go, are you really going to drag everyone to be buried with you?"

On the other side, Su Ye's face was indifferent at the moment, as stable as an old dog, but in fact, he was panicking in his heart.

The palms are also full of sweat.

He didn't know which country did all this, so he could only carry out a comprehensive strike against all countries outside Xia and Neon.

Also, not to mention that the fourth function is fake.

Even if it were true.

This is not thousands of people, nor tens of thousands.

One hundred thousand, one million, ten million, one hundred million, one billion, four five billion?
Excluding the number of people in the Xia Kingdom and the Neon Kingdom, he didn't know the exact number.

But these are billions of human lives.

Disappeared between talking and laughing?

Su Ye's psychological level is not so strong yet, and he is not facing monsters such as zombies and monsters.

in the live room.

Female audience: "I really envy them. If anyone does this for me, I will marry him right away."

Male audience 1: "I suddenly feel that it's better for Brother Huohua not to do this."

Male Audience 2: "Why?"

Male audience 1: "If all foreign women die, domestic women won't take off yet?"

Male audience 1: "When the time comes, the dowry money will not be increased by ten times or a hundred times? When the time comes, every princess will be sick, and everyone will be their ancestors. Can you bear it?"

Male audience 2: "That makes sense, but isn't there a neon woman!?"

Male audience 1: "Nine out of ten have crossed the sea, do you dare to ask for it?"

Male audience 2: "."

the other side.

The command of the leader of the devil organization sounded in the ears of the bearded captain.

"The two girls are placed here. If you escape from the other end of the tunnel, I will find a way to inform them of Xia Guo's military."

"The tunnel can lead directly to the outside world, so you can go at ease!"

The sound fell and fell into silence.

The bearded captain breathed a sigh of relief, and then told the team members the order.

"This tunnel has been exposed, and the devil has suffered heavy losses. I really don't understand why the devil wants to do this."

"The devil must have prepared this tunnel for decades, and it certainly wasn't prepared for this operation. There must be other plans."

"Stop making noise, let's go."

The bearded captain glanced at the two girls tied up in the corner, then took out a map and looked at it for a while, and the five of them left quickly.

It's just that the five of them didn't go far.

As the watches on their wrists exploded, five people fell to the ground and died in an instant.

Only death can erase all traces.

As for tracing the identities of the five to the devil?
This aspect had been considered in the selection of five people at the beginning, and the devil had already reserved a back step.

10 minute later.

A group of special forces members of Brigade A rushed into the wide field in the tunnel.

For the first time, they saw the two girls tied up in the corner.

"Wu Zhe, untie them."

"Sanduo, Qi Huan stays on guard."

"The rest follow me."

Yuan Lang's face did not relax at all, and after quickly giving the order, he led the remaining team members towards the footprints on the ground with a solemn killing intent and chased after them.

"Are you all right!"

After taking off the black cloth strips covering the two girls, Wu Zhe asked kindly, and kept looking at the two girls to see if there were any injuries.

When he noticed the tear-filled eyes of the two women, his heart felt extremely distressed.

"Sankiu, ankou!"

"Thank you uncle!"

Two traces of tears rolled down their faces, and the two girls stood up and thanked the uncle in front of them, then looked at each other and smiled slightly.

"Don't cry, you are safe!"

After Wu Zhe roughly confirmed that there were no injuries on the two girls, he immediately comforted them.

"No, we're not afraid, we're just very moved, so we can't help it!" Tang Yi responded with a slightly blushing face.

In fact, after Su Ye said that sentence, they felt as if they had taken a reassurance in their hearts, and they were no longer afraid.

This is an experience that is countless levels higher than the hero saving the beauty.

In the hearts of the two women, a seed was quietly planted.

(End of this chapter)

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