Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 227 This House Is A Little Big!

Chapter 227 This House Is A Little Big!

main world.

14:22 noon.

Tianxiang Command Center issued an announcement: After the unremitting efforts of Xia Guo's elite special soldiers, Xiao Shannai and Xiao Tang Yi were successfully rescued and killed all the enemies.
When the news came out, for a while, the foreign people were overjoyed, running to tell each other, with tears of happiness from the rest of their lives all over their faces
In the main battle room.

When Tang Guohao and Miyazaki Tianye saw their little daughters rushing in safe and sound, they immediately relaxed and quickly hugged their daughters.

"It's okay, it's okay"

The two middle-aged fathers were also teary at the moment, patting their daughter's back lightly, and muttering in their mouths.

For them, this moment is also the rest of their lives.

"Ado-san, can I have a few words with Oni-chan?"

Fleeing in his father's arms for a while, little Hoshino Kana suddenly looked up at her father and said.

When Miyazaki Tianye heard it, he looked at Chu Wei who was on the sidelines.

Seeing this, Xiao Channai also looked over, and her eyes couldn't help drifting to the very special mobile phone and the figure on the screen.

Seeing Chu Wei nodding, little Hoshino Kana's eyes turned into crescent buds in an instant, and she rushed to the phone alive and kicking.

However, when she was actually standing in front of the mobile phone, Xiao Channai's face gradually turned red, and she couldn't help but take a deep breath a little shyly and nervously.

In the eyes of everyone, it took seven or eight seconds before Xiao Chanai said softly: O'Neill sauce!

the other side.

When he heard the slightly immature familiar voice coming from his ear, Su Ye was stunned for a while before quickly reacting.

"(Japanese) It's Xiao Channa, it's great to hear from Chu Wei that you are not injured."

"I'm sorry, because of me, you have encountered this crisis."

Su Ye looked at the void in front of him, first showed a bright smile, and then apologized with guilt all over his face.

"Channa understands that it can't be blamed on Oni-chan, it's because those bad guys are too bad."

"It's Chanel who wants to thank Oni-chan for coming forward."

"You're welcome, this is what I should."

"Oni-chan, Chanel is here waiting for your return."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Chanai paid attention to the people beside her from the corner of her eye.

Then she put her hands around her mouth and bent over to the phone and said softly, "When Oni-chan comes back, Chanel will give you Chuyue."

Standing upright behind her, Xiao Channai quickly adjusted her emotions, and when she felt that her little face was not so hot, she turned and returned to her father's side.

Looking at the dull-faced Su Ye on the screen, everyone was very curious about what Xiao Channai just bent over and said.

Miyazaki Tianye looked at the little daughter who returned to him with a little surprise, but he respected the little daughter very much and didn't ask any more questions.

On the side, Tang Yi also kept wandering between the screen and Xiao Chanai's with curious eyes.

Seeing this, Tang Guohao said softly, "Do you want to talk to him?"

"Go if you want, it's okay."

Tang Yi, who was wearing a ponytail, looked at his father when he heard about it. Facing his encouraging eyes, he hesitated for a second or two before walking slowly to the phone.

Seeing his little daughter walking past, Tang Guohao was relieved.

The main reason is that the eldest daughter fell in love with him, which indirectly caused the younger daughter to also fall in love with him.

Otherwise, with Su Ye's status and influence in the main world.

Who would dare to get close to his little daughter among the elite youths and the children of the rich and powerful in the country?

Who dares to marry his youngest daughter?

Marrying is equivalent to directly cuckolding Su Ye.

Who knows, will this encounter a devastating blow and revenge from Su Ye?
Not to mention Su Ye, the country probably won't allow it!
No one dares to touch this minefield.

This is what Tang Guohao learned from looking for someone to keep inquiring about the rumors in the circle.

Especially when I heard that many powerful families have ordered their sons to say that no one can like Tang Yi.

Tang Guohao was even more helpless.

Therefore, the husband of the youngest daughter in this life can only be Su Ye.

I can't, just watch my little daughter stay single for the rest of her life! ?

Little Tang Yi came to the phone, stared at Su Ye on the screen, and said in a slightly cute voice: "(Chinese) brother, thank you!"

Hearing the second childish and familiar voice, Su Ye suddenly recovered from the tiger-wolf sentence that Xiao Chanai said just now.

Immediately afterwards, he showed a warm smile, "(Chinese) Xiao Tang Yi, there should be no crisis in the future, please rest assured."

"Believe in the country, believe that I will protect you well."

"You have to study hard over there, be independent and strong, come on!"

"The you five years later have not let me down, and I believe the you now will not let everyone down either!"

"Brother, you have to work hard, I'll wait for you to come back here!"

From behind, with Tang Guohao's experienced experience, he could clearly hear the politeness in Su Ye's words.

However, this is also normal.

He is not a womanizer, and his character is also very good.

Presumably, in his heart, when facing Xiao Tang Yi, he didn't have any feelings for Da Tang Yi.

It was this normality that immediately troubled Tang Guohao.

In that world, by chance, the eldest daughter could only be the third party.

In the main world, no matter what, we can no longer let that neon girl take the lead.

The proper wife of a national hero, at least in this world, is a native of Xia.

Otherwise, in terms of what happened in the Xia Kingdom and the Neon Kingdom in the last century.

If Su Ye puts Chanel in the right seat when he comes back, then Xia Guo will lose face.

Not to mention the younger generation, anyway, the senior officials of the older generation of the Xia Kingdom all meant this, and they also talked to Tang Guohao many times.

Recalling these words of the old leader and some old friends, Tang Guohao felt very reasonable.

Judging from the current situation, the two women are on the same starting line.

After returning home, let the wife guide the youngest daughter to be more proactive and enlightened.

I will make use of my relationship again, bring my little daughter over here as often as I can, and chat with Su Ye more.

Looking at the little daughter who came back, Tang Guohao immediately put away his complicated eyes.

On the side, a smile appeared on the corner of Chu Wei's mouth, and he teased, "Do you two prospective father-in-laws want to have a chat?"

Miyazaki Tianye and Tang Guohao also had this plan, but they were polite about who would go first.

In the end, it was Miyazaki Tano who came to the phone first.

"Su Ye, hello!"

"Hello, you are?"

"I am Hoshino Kanna's father."

"Oh, it's uncle, hello, hello!"

"The Chanel on your side has lost her parents. I hope you can take good care of her. For me, she is also my daughter in a sense."

"Don't worry about this, uncle, I will take good care of her."


After the two chatted politely, Tang Guohao came to the phone.

"Xiaoye, I'm Tang Guohao, thank you for your contribution to the motherland, thank you for your hard work!"

"It is my duty, uncle."


The communication with Tang Guohao obviously had a more official flavor.

After the end.

Su Ye calculated.

There are two elders on Hoshino Kanna's side.

For Tang Yi, there are two in the last world and two in the main world.

That adds up to six.

Oh my God!
This one is a bit big! .
(End of this chapter)

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