Chapter 229 Destiny
Considering that the picture was a little uncomfortable, Su Ye closed the live broadcast room.

After dismantling the bomb in Chen Dongkui's body, facing the middle-aged man's tearful thank you, Su Ye was also a little melancholy.

This damned end of the world!

"Dongkui, it's time for us to set off. Besides, the combat strategy document I gave you should be read and pondered more when you have nothing to do."

"Don't worry, Captain."

The battle strategy document was formulated by the main world based on the equipment and skills possessed by Chen Dongkui.

Including how to use which skills in various situations, how to deal with them, etc.

Just like playing a game, once you have mastered a hero, you have to keep practicing and playing to get a thorough understanding of the hero.

In addition to Chen Dongkui, Tang Yi naturally also has a share.

Call Hoshino Kannai and Tang Yi to get in the car.

The hideous-looking armored car suddenly let out an angry roar.

Then it crushed the ground and galloped away.

Just as he was about to open the live broadcast room.

Chu Wei's voice rang in his ears.

Su Ye asked Hoshino Kannai and Tang Yi to stay in the room, and he came to the terrace of the RV.

"what happened?"

"Someone wants to talk to you."

As soon as the calm tone fell, a strange yet familiar voice sounded immediately.

"Xiaoye, I'm Su Mei, do you remember me?"

When he heard this voice, Su Ye suddenly panicked.

Immediately, a series of related memories flooded into my mind.

"Dad, why did you bring him home? Doesn't the orphanage have a canteen?"

"This child is different, very spiritual. I look very kind and like it very much. What, is it hindering you?"
"Dad, look at this kid. He has no manners at all. He plays with Menghan's toys without saying hello."

"That's what I gave him to play with, why, can't bear these toys?"
"It's Aunt Su, of course I remember."

After recovering for a long time, Su Ye took a long breath and said calmly.

Because the live broadcast room was not open, everyone couldn't see Su Ye's expression.

"Aunt Su misses you very much. When you come back, come to Aunt Su's house for dinner."

"Thank you, no need!" Su Ye sneered and responded immediately.


After chatting for a few words, Qin Ying quickly sensed something wrong in Su Ye's tone, so she quickly cast a glance at Su Mei.

"Let's put it this way, don't forget to visit grandpa when you come back."

"it is good!"

After Su Mei came down, Qin Ying's complexion changed slightly and she arranged for Su Menghan to come forward.

Then, she anxiously came to Chu Wei's side, whispering BB: "She told me at the beginning that she and Su Ye had a very good relationship."

"Tell me how much she took care of him when I was a child, and seeing her candid expression, I believed it was true."

"did not expect"

Before finishing speaking, Qin Ying stuck out her tongue after being glared at by Chu Wei, and stopped explaining.

There is nothing to talk about with Su Menghan and Su Ye, just a superficial relationship.

As for why her surname is Su, because Su Mei's husband is married.

After a while, Su Menghan came down.

Then came Wang Wei.

"Should I call you Xiaoyezi or brother Huohua?"

"I'm still calling you, the boy who is the powerless Huohua special agent who just eats alone?"

Wang Wei didn't care about it at all. When he spoke, the playful tone and familiar voice immediately made Su Ye's eyes brighten.

"Damn it, is it you who lead the rhythm in Lao Tzu's live broadcast room?"

"Back then you were the one who gave me the nickname, motherfucker, how are you doing lately?"

"Shit, I don't care about giving you a nickname."

"As soon as something happened to you, I was taken away immediately."

"It didn't do anything to you, did it?"

"If anyone is rude to you or has bullied you, you can tell me directly now, and I will let Chu Wei get him."

"Hey, don't worry, I don't know if it's going to be there or not. I don't know how comfortable it is with delicious food and drink."


Chatted with Wang Wei and Su Ye for a long time.

It seems that they have returned to that time, the two were playing and playing, bickering from time to time.

In the main battle room, Su Mei and Su Menghan have been taken away.

Wait for Wang Wei to come down.

Only then did Song Yu come to the phone a little uneasy.

"Su Ye, I'm Song Yu!"

Su Ye was taken aback for a moment by the light voice.

"Uh, why are you here?"

Hearing this tone, Qin Ying's eyes lit up in an instant.

What a story!
Astronomical Command Center.

No.20 on the seventh floor, in a hotel-style suite.

"It's all your responsibility. You didn't teach the child well, Axi, you don't know anything when you're busy."

"You only earn that little money a month, so I'm forced to go out to work by you?"

"Drinking every day, and going home so late after drinking, I told my parents to bring the child, but you refused. Now it's all over, and everyone in the country is scolding us."

"What can I do, work and entertainment, what can I do, Siba!"

"Those people are all blind. What does this have to do with our Zheng'en? It was Su Ye who was so ruthless back then. He killed her with a single shot and blamed our family's Zheng'en."

Inside the room.

Xiao Han Zhengen listened to the quarrel outside, and Lihua kept crying with rain.

Looking at the words cursing myself on the phone.

She kept murmuring.

"What does it have to do with me... woo woo woo... I'm not wrong, why do you scold me woo woo woo."

"It's all caused by him. Woohoo.. I didn't do anything. Why are you scolding me?"

"It was me in that world, who provoked him"

Xiao Han Zhengen wept and put his phone on the bed, then opened the drawer with absent-minded eyes, and took out a pencil sharpener.

Wiping the tears all over her face, she put the pencil sharpener on her right wrist.

He turned his head to look at his parents who were still arguing behind him, and then looked at the bright screen of the mobile phone on the bed.

The next moment, the green meridian in her left hand tensed up, and then she swiped hard.

In an instant, blood gushed out wildly, continuously flowing on the clothes and bed.

Slowly fell down on the bed, staring at the ceiling with wide eyes, her eyes gradually lost focus.

After a few minutes.

Two figures walked in.

Immediately afterwards, heart-piercing cries of pain echoed in the room.

"What did you say?"

Chu Wei looked at Qin Ying solemnly, looking a little incredulous.

"She committed suicide by cutting her wrist with a knife!"

Qin Ying's expression was a little heavy.

When she heard the news and looked at the crying parents, she was very worried.

"Should I tell him?" Qin Ying asked Chu Wei nervously.

"No need." Chu Wei regained his composure and shook his head, "We were negligent and didn't pay too much attention to this family."

"But this is the end of the matter, let's take care of the aftermath."

"I remember that woman was only about forty years old. Find a way to make them have another one."

"If it doesn't work, go and adopt one for them."

"You have to remember that it has nothing to do with Su Ye, and don't mention it to him."

"Over there, I will ask people to control the public opinion and arrange it properly."

(End of this chapter)

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