Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 230 Death is like the wind, always with me

Chapter 230 Death is like the wind, always with me

Stick Country Hall.

It is located on the street near Maronie Park, which is just east of Naksan Park.

"We have now arrived at Maronie Park, and going forward is the Sanrong Building."

"The left is towards Naksan Park, and the right is towards Xuanren Gate."

"Chenxuan, how do we go?"

A man in his thirties was holding a paper map. After staring at it and whispering a few words, he asked the young man beside him.

"Let the Holy Light guide your path."

The young man raised his right hand, stretched out his index finger, and then stopped on the left.

"Don't make trouble, the ambassador asked you to come out because of a mission, not to let you visit the mountains and rivers."

When the man saw Chen Xuan's appearance, he immediately looked very helpless.

Beside the two, there are three young people.

"Chenxuan, is it in that direction?"

"We just offended that group of people at the base, and they won't let it go. Let's get to the destination quickly and find someone to go back."

"That's right, Chenxuan, it's not too late to play after you want to play."

The three youths tried to persuade them.

Chenxuan suddenly seemed a little impatient, "It's really that direction, Xiushan Community is over there, I'm not joking with you."

"It's so helpless. After the apocalypse broke out, I was imprisoned for three months and was finally released. The result"

Hearing Chen Xuan's words, the rest of the people looked at each other.

Who is more helpless?

You just pointed in the direction like you were serious?

How many times did you get it wrong the first few times?

After wandering around in a daze for a long time, and then returning to the original place, do you think we didn't find out?

However, due to the identity of this person, they are very wise to only complain in their hearts.

Seeing that they were silent, Chen Xuan drew out his Tang saber and walked to the left.

Facing a group of rushing zombies, Chen Xuan stabbed the first zombie with his sword.

In the next second, his figure quickly floated in front of the second zombie, and immediately stabbed out with a sword.

Immediately, he shouted, "Haza!"

I saw a small whirlwind swing out from his Tang Dao, blowing the remaining zombies high, and then falling down, smashing them into meat paste.

"Chenxuan, I told you not to use this move on zombies, you will get scratched easily."

Chen Xuan stood still, looked at his companion who had just come behind him, and said lightly: "Death is like the wind, always with me."


The four were speechless, ignored him, and began to search for the crystal nucleus in the zombie's head.

After a while, the five continued on their way.

It's just that not long after I left,

Accompanied by a rumbling sound, the five people froze for a moment.

"what sound?"

"It seems to be the sound of an engine, not far ahead."

"Go and see."

"Look, everyone, there is a big car coming over there."

"Fuck, trough!!"

"Awesome, such a big car."

Chen Xuan looked at the big metal car that reflected the dazzling light in the sun.

Look at that hideous appearance.

Look at that growling sound.

Look at that cool look.

Immediately, his eyes lit up, and his expression was very excited.

"Quick, find a way to stop it, I want this car."

"Don't, don't, Chenxuan, to be able to drive this car, at least someone with extraordinary superpowers, don't cause trouble."

"Yes, it's been three months. To be able to modify the car like this is definitely not an ordinary superpower. Let's keep a low profile."

"Chenxuan, don't forget our mission and purpose. If something happens that leads to death, what do you think about your sister!?"

Just as Chen Xuan yelled out, the four companions beside him immediately tried to persuade him.

Chen Xuan was silent.

Watching the metal carts ravage the road and push those abandoned vehicles away.

He sighed deeply.

The damn end.

According to the past, you can buy any car you want with money.

Now alas.
The five quietly hid aside, watching the metal cart leave.

Then, the five of them continued on the road towards Xiushan Community.

It just hasn't gotten very far yet.

The movement from behind immediately made several people turn around and look back.

Inside the cab of an armored caravan.

Chen Dongkui looked at the surveillance screen on the far right.

Seeing that the five people left without causing trouble, they calmly looked back at the surveillance screen in the middle.

In the next second, when he saw dozens of figures rushing aggressively in the surveillance screen in the middle, he frowned slightly.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of figures in the surveillance screen took out thermal weapons and started shooting at the armored caravan.

"Captain, enemy attack, enemy attack."

Chen Dongkui didn't slow down, he just picked up the walkie-talkie and informed Su Ye.

"I saw it, hit it."

"Their heat weapons are useless."


On the outside of the armored motorhome.

On the street, dozens of superpowers hiding behind the abandoned cars saw the RV crashing towards them at an unabated speed, and immediately ran towards the buildings on both sides.

And behind them.

Three superpowers are planting bombs on the ground.

"Stupid, it really hit me, and it will blow up your car later."

The power user who planted the bomb sneered and hid aside.

Soon, the armored caravan forcefully pushed away several abandoned cars.

Then it drove to the top of the cloth with bombs.

With the button pressed.

In an instant, flames spewed out from the bottom of the armored caravan.

Seeing that the armored car continued to look forward without any harm, a group of superpowers were stunned.

"Did you take the wrong quality?"

"Didn't you use black iron quality bombs?"

"Why is there nothing wrong?"

Someone questioned the psychic who planted the bomb.

It's just that this superpower has not yet had time to respond.

next second.

The armored caravan stopped suddenly.

Then I saw a beautiful figure appearing on the roof terrace of the caravan.

In the live broadcast room, a group of viewers laughed loudly.

Physical transcendence begins.

The six barrels began to spin rapidly, faster and faster.

With the blue fire ignited.

A metal storm swept across the field just now.


The five members of Chenxuan were approaching quietly.

When they saw Gatlin rising from the roof of the caravan, the five of them were overjoyed in an instant.

"Fortunately, I didn't provoke them just now, Chen Xuan, let me just talk."

"It's too scary. Looking at the power of the bullets shot by Gatling, I'm afraid the quality is not low."

"That's right, look carefully, there are two more on the left and right."

"It seems to be a woman. Generally speaking, she has a good figure, quite slender."

"Get out the binoculars and take a look."


"Quick, show me."


"What did you see?"


Tang Chenxuan couldn't bear it any longer when he heard the three shits next to him, and hurriedly snatched his companion's binoculars to look.

next second.



"What!?" After hearing Tang Chenxuan call out the word cousin, the other four were stunned.

"It's my cousin Tang Yi, that's right, it's her, damn it, life is going well, she's so cleanly dressed, and so beautifully dressed."

Tang Chenxuan looked at it several times in disbelief, and after confirming it again and again, he immediately shouted excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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