Chapter 234

Walk into the room, close the live broadcast room, and turn off the sound.

Su Ye looked at the two people who were stunned, and walked slowly to Tang Yi.

Then, in front of Tang Chenxuan, he hugged Tang Yi and kissed passionately.

Watching this scene, I saw my cousin's cooperative appearance, and my cousin's expression of enjoyment.

For a moment, Tang Chenxuan froze.

After a while, Su Ye separated from Tang Yi, looked at Tang Chenxuan and said, "I didn't threaten your sister, we are sincere."

"Then what happened to that young lady?"

Tang Chenxuan asked in disbelief.

"You said Chanel, she and I are sincere."

"What's wrong with that?"

Su Ye maintained a faint smile, looked at him and continued, "It's the end of the world. Is there a law that says you can't like two people? You can't be with two people?"

In the previous meal conversation, Su Ye learned that this brother-in-law has been staying in the embassy since the outbreak of the apocalypse.

He was restrained and guarded by his uncle Tang Guohao.

What an enviable experience!
However, it also keeps his world view from before the end of the world.

"But. But"

"How can you do this?"

In front of Su Ye, Tang Chenxuan became a little apprehensive again, without any bold words.

After all, maybe the strength of Tier [-]
Su Ye let go of Tang Yi and came to him, "Do you know that you dare to have thoughts about Chanel? If you weren't Tang Yi's cousin, you would have been saved by me just like the group of superpowers who died just now." gone."


"Ashes disappear, leaving no trace in this world."

Tang Chenxuan was frightened for an instant, his heart was awe-inspiring, he was sweating coldly, and subconsciously looked at his cousin.

However, Tang Yi looked at him calmly, without any fluctuations.

Just at the moment when the passionate kiss separated, she heard Su Ye's soft words: just let me scare him.

"If you feel unconvinced and believe in your own strength, then challenge me."

"No, you have to challenge my driver first, otherwise any cat or dog can challenge me, so why would I die of exhaustion?"

"what do you think?"

"If you don't have that self-confidence, then call me brother-in-law!"

Facing Su Ye, he looked at himself with a smile and listened to these indifferent words.

Tang Chenxuan couldn't help but took a step back.

He is young and vigorous.

He is frivolous.

But he is not stupid.


After hesitating for a long time, Tang Chenxuan gave in.

"Very good." Su Ye also heaved a sigh of relief.

It is best for a brother-in-law who has thoughts about his eldest wife to be soft, otherwise it will take a lot of trouble.

"This is a gift from your brother-in-law, take it."

Su Ye made his plans just outside the door.

Seven or eight [Fruit Cards]!
According to the information collected before, it is a gift of high value to him.

Tang Chenxuan was shocked when he received the message sent from the card to his brain.

What the hell! ! !

It turned out to be a luxurious fruit card.

How long has it been since I ate fruit!

There are even silver quality ones.

Apples, bananas, plows, pears, sugar cane, and even my favorite dragon fruit.

This is worth at least two or three Level [-] colorful eggs!

When he came back to his senses, surprise appeared in his eyes.

"Brother-in-law is grand!" Tang Chenxuan was completely convinced as he stroked the fruit card with great joy.

"How about it, brother-in-law is not bad, right?"

"No loss, no loss."

"Okay, you can sleep in this room tonight!"


After his cousin and brother-in-law left, Tang Chenxuan couldn't help but use a fruit card.

Then he took out the Tang knife and started cutting the dragon fruit.


"Actually, I, Chenxuan, are not bad, so don't mind."

"It's okay, I like you, not him."

"Then I go to Chanel's room to sleep at night?"


Inside the master bedroom.

Su Ye, who was alone, took out the Gauss electromagnetic sniper rifle and the starlight scepter and said, "Let's get started!"

main world.

In the main battle room, there were seven figures standing quietly beside Chu Wei.

They are diviners, tarot card masters, astrologers, prophets, etc. who were "invited" from all over the world in the field of Western mysticism.

next moment.

With the rapid decline of the account amount of Su Ye Doomsday Currency Mall.

One after another, the star power enhancement scrolls kept hitting the starlight scepter.

hours later.

"It's almost there." Su Ye spoke out the information in his mind.

【Starlight Scepter】

22 star enhancement: +410%
Quality: Platinum

Equipment Requirements: One turn of the magician

Attributes: The user's casting speed is increased by 1100%, magic power is increased by 330%, and intelligence and spirit are increased by 70%.

I spent 1.5 doomsday coins, and I have 1 left.

As for the starlight scepter and the Gauss gun, Su Ye focused on strengthening the former.

After all, the enhancement efficiency of the starlight scepter is improved, and all the lightning skills he has mastered are also improved.

Compared with the Gauss gun, the cost performance of the former is undoubtedly greater.

But the Gauss gun can't be ignored.

They can't all be used to strengthen the Starlight Scepter.

Because the Gauss gun is Su Ye's only attack method in terms of ultra-long-range physical single-target attack capabilities.

Deduct the remaining 5000 as a spare.

You can also buy 5 Star Force Enhancement Scrolls to enhance the Gauss Gun.

Another hour later, the strengthening of the Gauss gun was completed.

【Gauss Electromagnetic Sniper Rifle】

13-star enhancement: shooting power +150%, shooting distance +150%, warhead hardness +150%.

Quality: Platinum

In the main battle room.

Chu Wei smiled lightly and thanked the seven elders: "Thank you for your contributions to all mankind. You will be remembered in the history of human civilization."

Hearing these words, the corners of the mouths of the seven occultists couldn't help twitching.

"Should be!"

Very helpless, but there is no way.

In the end, it still came to the door.

After the Daoist strengthened that time, they had actually expected it.

However, on this planet, facing a global joint search, where can they escape?Where to hide?
Early the next morning.

The Sun Also Rises.

The bright sun shone into the base of the High School Survivors Alliance.

At the east gate of the base.

An armored car slowly approached the gate of the base.

Inside the RV.

Su Ye stood in front of the mirror, looked at the face in the mirror that had changed drastically, and said, "Is this okay?"

"Okay, it's a world of difference."

"Maybe you can go out and let them see if they can recognize you."

The speaker was a top makeup artist in the world.

Su Ye nodded, put away a pile of cosmetics on the stage, and opened the door of Hoshino Kanna's room.

However, the next moment, he quickly closed the door and closed the live broadcast room.

"Did you see that?"

"Do you have any screenshots from the boss!? Please share."

"Fuck, the quilt has been kicked up on the floor, and I can vaguely see a piece of white flowers."

"My brother was up in no time, really."

"I'm wiping my nosebleeds, shit, let me watch this early in the morning."

"Early riser perk, Oye!"

"Staying up all night can only look at blurry screenshots, haha!"

(End of this chapter)

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