Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 235 Entering the Base

Chapter 235 Entering the Base
Standing by the bed, Su Ye was full of joy.

Pay attention next time.

What the hell, luckily the two girls slept in silk pajamas.

Otherwise, the two girls would almost be seen by the whole world.

so far so good!
On the bed, Hoshino Kannai and Tang Yi were hugging each other and sleeping.

With the sunlight coming in from the window, it fell on the two women.

For a moment, the picture looked very beautiful.

"Wake up, Chanel, Tang Yi." Su Ye pinched the noses of the two girls.

Hoshino Chana, who was sleeping outside, opened her eyes a little hazyly, when she saw the figure in front of the bed clearly.

In an instant, her face changed drastically.

Fortunately, just when she was about to shout, Su Ye hurriedly covered her mouth, "I'm Su Ye, with makeup on."

After a while.

The two women sat on the bed and looked at Su Ye, "So, we also need to put on makeup?"

"That's right, otherwise if you go out like this, then I don't have to do anything, I guess I can't deal with the troubles alone."

"After all, you are so beautiful!"


The two girls nodded subconsciously, feeling that what Su Ye said made sense.

Especially the second sentence.

"Hey, here are the cosmetics for you, one set for each person, I put it here, you change your clothes and hurry up, you will arrive at the gate of the base soon."

"This is breakfast."

Su Ye put down the cosmetics and breakfast and left the room.

Originally, Chu Wei suggested to Su Ye not to let the two girls go out, so as not to cause trouble.

But Su Ye thought about it, the two girls have been living alone since the end of the world broke out, until they met him.

Humans are social animals after all, and Su Ye was afraid that they would have a bad influence on their psychology, so he decided to let them put on ugly makeup and go out for a stroll.

Qin Ying also agrees with this point.

A few minutes later, Su Ye came to Tang Chenxuan's room.

I don't know what he did yesterday, but he still couldn't wake up after shouting for a while.

Su Ye then tore off his quilt.

Leaning into his ear, "Hurry up, I'll take you to the female ticket."

"It's gone if it's too late."

"I'll count to three."

"one, two"

The next second, the next instant.

Tang Chenxuan jumped up from the bed vigorously, his face was full of excitement, "Go! I'll get up right away."

"Brother-in-law, do you keep your word?"

"However, brother-in-law, it can only be my female ticket, you can't go, you can't be sorry for my sister."

"Also, you can't tell my sister, you can't tell others."

"Also, you can only go secretly, and you can't let Brother Gao and the others know."

Su Ye looked at him speechlessly and kept talking.

But also understand.

Thinking about himself at his age, he was also at the stage of the most vigorous blood.

How many times have you lingered at the intersection of red light alleys, but left because of your lack of money.

"Get dressed quickly, I'll make you up, and then go out."

The makeup is because they have offended the Kinmen gangsters at this base before.

So, to avoid the hassle, come to the door.

As for why he was brought, it was because there were some things to be entrusted to him.

Except for the two daughters and Tang Chenxuan, Su Ye planned to let them stay in the RV and take care of the RV.

After half an hour.

Su Ye smeared it for a long time, and was very satisfied with the completely changed Tang Chenxuan.

By the way, I forgot to turn on the live broadcast room.

The next moment, he opened the live broadcast room and turned on the sound.

"Brother-in-law, are you alright?"

"Okay, time is running out, don't eat breakfast, let's go, see if your sister and the others have put on their makeup."

Su Ye didn't know that after he turned on the live broadcast, at least tens of millions of mobile phones were smashed in an instant.

What the hell!

Who is this naughty ghost?

For a time, the mobile phone industry stood on the top of the wind.

When they came to the living room, the two girls had already packed up, and when they saw Su Ye coming out and Tang Chenxuan following behind him.

In an instant, Hoshino Kanna's face became a little weird, and she couldn't help covering her mouth and giggling.

Tang Yi couldn't help but sneered at first, and then asked, "Who put makeup on you in Chenxuan?"

Tang Chenxuan gestured with his eyes.

Tang Yi immediately gave Su Ye a blank look, and then stepped forward, "Come on, my sister re-transformed it for you, it's too ugly."

At this moment, Chen Dongkui's voice came from the walkie-talkie in Su Ye's hand.

"Captain, we're at the gate, someone is asking, and you need to come forward."

"I'm coming right now!"

Su Ye replied, and then walked out of the RV.

The gate of the base.

Watchtowers with magical elements are distributed on both sides of the gate.

The two young superpowers looked at the huge monster in front of them, their faces were shocked.

When I saw a young man get off the side of the RV.

The two immediately stepped forward and asked in a hurry.

"Are you the owner of this armored caravan?"

"Yes, do you want to register?"

"Well, but your caravan is a bit big, so it may cost more."

"It's okay, hurry up and register, I'm here to start trading."

"The name of the caravan?"

"Spark Chamber of Commerce."

"your name?"

"Kim Jong Kook."

"How long are you going to stay?"


"How many people are there?"


After a while.

"Okay, outsiders have to pay security fees every day at this base, and you will be charged for one day first. There are a total of twenty white crystal nuclei."

"Every day, special staff will come to you to collect the next day's fee. Unless you leave before [-] pm that day, otherwise you will have to pay the next day's fee after [-] pm."

"There is a special place for RVs to be parked. It is in the C3 area. After entering, turn right at the first intersection. Someone will guide you there."

"no problem."

After Su Ye handed him twenty white crystal nuclei, he returned to the RV.

Watching this armored car slowly drive into the base.

A trace of envy flashed across the faces of the two gatekeepers.

I don't know it's the boss of the base force, so young.

Spark Chamber of Commerce?

never heard of that!

The base of the High School Survivors League is very large, and the area covered by the main world analysis is estimated to be as large as [-] football fields.

The whole of the base is constructed around seven teaching buildings and three dormitory buildings.

Outside the ten buildings is a circle of walls made of metal and bluestone, which surrounds the entire base, and only the east gate and west gate are opened.

In addition to the ten more conspicuous buildings, there are also some well-planned bungalows arranged in rows.

The base is divided into three major areas, A, B, and C.

Each area is subdivided into five districts.

On the street, many people are walking up and down.

However, after seeing the armored caravan, they all backed away with shock on their faces.

But in the eyes of everyone in the main world.

The living conditions of the survivors after the doomsday have completely entered their eyes.

"It's like a survivor base in some American biofilms. It's a mess."

"It's not hard to imagine, the post-apocalyptic bottom survivors must have a meal without a meal, look at their sallow and emaciated appearance, tsk tsk tsk."

"Those who look pretty good seem to be superpowers."

"Hey, look, a man got into the tent of that naked woman."

"What do you think they went in for?"

"Fighting the Landlord?"

"Fuck, show me the fight between the two of you?"

"That's playing flying chess. Two people can play it."

Because Su Ye was standing in front of the bulletproof glass of the RV, people in the main world could see it clearly.

At the same time, a team of experts quickly started recording and analyzing research.

This is a precious scene of human civilization in the last days, and it is worth studying and recording.

(End of this chapter)

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