Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 242 Go to the lottery first

Chapter 242 Go to the lottery first
main world.


On a training ground in the Langya base.

A group of special soldiers are lining up and gathering here.

They are Lone Wolf Special Commando, Red Blood Cell Team, Thunder Commando, Warrior Wolf Special Operations Team, and Fire Phoenix Special Operations Team.

On the opposite side of the five teams of special fighters.

He Zhijun was roaring continuously, his energetic voice was deafening.

"This time, with the guarantee of my future, I won this mission and gave you a chance to save face."

"Tianlei, send them the intelligence document, let each of them read it, take back the document in 3 minutes and destroy it."

"Yes." After receiving the order, Fan Tianlei quickly distributed the stack of documents in his hand one by one.

After a while, He Zhijun yelled again: "In order to obtain this information, we have lost dozens of excellent agents."

"They did not hesitate to pay the price of their lives to pass this information back."

"for what?"

"For the dignity of the country!"

"For the face of the nation!"

"In order for us to restore the honor of the soldiers!"

"The 'devil', the international power organization in the West, dares to extend its hand into our land. You say, can we bear it?"

"Impossible!" At this moment, the soaring momentum exploded with the roar.

"The United States said that they would help us eradicate the devil organization. What do you mean by that?"

He Zhijun scanned the crowd, paused for a second or two, and shouted again: "This is looking down on us, this is insulting us."

"You are the first batch of fighters who take the first genetic enhancement medicine."

"This is the first mission you perform after strengthening your body."

"This is your chance to save your honor."

After the words fell, he was silent for a while, and spoke again in a slightly calm tone.

"Come back alive!"


He raised his right hand and saluted the soldiers in front of him.


Swish swish.
The soldier returned the salute.

Seeing familiar faces, Zhuang Yan, Zheng Sanpao, Qiang Xiaowei, Wang Yanbing, He Chenguang, Li Erniu, Geng Jihui, Ye Cunxin, Lei Zhan, Leng Feng.
Five seconds later, He Zhijun put down his right hand and shouted, "Those who offend China!"

"Even if you are far away, you will be punished!"


Area A3 of the High School Survivors Alliance Base.

While arranging the things in the interspatial ring, Su Ye listened to Tang Chenxuan's inquiring information.

"The thing is, Song Enya, the former president of the Women's Self-Help Association at this base, seems to have died in the Black Rain game."

"Not only that, but a group of elite members brought by Song Enya all died in the Black Rain game and never came back."

"This also caused the strength of the Women's Self-Help Association to drop from second to third."

"So, in order to prevent being annexed by the most powerful Golden Gate organization in the base, the current president of the Women's Self-Help Association, Yin Zhixiao, first reached a joint agreement with the University Mutual Aid Student Association."

"Then I called Lin Yun'er over."

"I heard that she is the woman of a big man at the survivor base in North Korea."

"I just don't know what kind of relationship she has with Yin Zhixiao, and why Yin Zhixiao can call her here again."

"I can't find out about these two points."

Su Ye glanced at him and nodded: "Okay, tell me about the situation of the game console in another dimension in detail."

Hearing his brother-in-law mention this, Tang Chenxuan was immediately in high spirits, "The person with superpowers first enters a space from the game console in another dimension."

"Then superpowers can choose to enter different sessions according to their strength."

"Brother-in-law, have you played Landlords before?"

"Just like that, it is divided into elementary, intermediate, advanced, and top-level fields, and the corresponding tickets consumed are elementary, intermediate, and advanced."

"What level of strength does each level correspond to to enter?"


"It needs to be explained that in the game console, there is no limit to the upward direction, but there is a limit to the downward direction."

"For example, if you are Tier [-], you can play in the primary field, or you can use the intermediate game ticket to play in the intermediate field, and if you have a high-level game ticket, you can also play in the high-level field."

"If you are Tier [-], then you can only start from the intermediate field. You can go to the advanced and top fields, but you can't go back to the primary field to play."

"And so on!"

Su Ye listened to Tang Chenxuan's explanation and checked the number of tickets in his hand.

The number of entry tickets for the primary game is: 203

Primary Time Coins: 97 pieces.

This is the total amount originally owned plus what was just purchased at the stall.

The source of game tickets, in addition to being opened in the colorful eggs, can also be purchased with time coins at the time bank.

One entry-level time coin can buy one entry-level game ticket.

Intermediate time coins can be used to purchase an intermediate game ticket.

And so on.

As for the sources of time coins, one is produced in the Black Rain game, the other is obtained through the secret realm of time and space, and the third is purchased with colorful eggs in the time bank.

Anyway, let's get some mid-level game tickets first.

Through the exchange of dinner yesterday, I learned that entry tickets for primary games can be exchanged for entry tickets for intermediate games at a ratio of 10:1 at the game console.

Primary time coins can also be exchanged for intermediate time coins at the time bank at a ratio of 10:1.

Intermediate time coins increase the lifespan by ten years.

And so on.

But before going to the game machine in another dimension, Su Ye had to go to the egg machine to draw a lottery.

He still has 12 orange crystal nuclei in his hand.

This is harvested from the previous Black Rain game.

You can draw a variable number of four-level seven eggs from the egg machine.

at the same time.

In the main battle room.

Seven slightly aged figures walked in one after another.

"This is the last time, I promise."

Chu Wei looked at the seven scholars in the field of occultism, and said frankly again: "When he has enough time coins, I will ask him to use ten coins to increase your life span."

Not just make up for them.

Because after the time coin is used up, the seven of them can play again!

Hearing the promise of the young man in front of him, the seven scholars looked at each other with ugly expressions.

They feel a very bad feeling in their hearts.

Or the feeling that nothing has been made up at all.

The logic is simple.

If Su Ye sent the time coin over, it would only be used by them.

That can only be that the seven of them have increased their lifespan.

But if Su Ye uses it himself, then not only the lifespan of the seven of them will be increased, but the lifespan of all human beings around the world will also be increased.

On the other hand, if Su Ye were to use it for others, they could also take advantage of it and live to the end of his life.

Alas, very helpless, unwilling and unable to do anything.

"For all mankind!"

"Human civilization will remember your dedication!"

"UNESCO will record your glorious deeds."

"In terms of economy, you can ask for whatever you want."

Chu Wei seemed to know what they were thinking, and quickly comforted them, not to throw away the honor like money.

The seven of them stared at Chu Wei in silence.

Can you stop just catching us wool?
What about the Taoist priest before!
Should it be his turn?
However, the complexions of the seven people changed for a long time, and finally these words were swallowed back in their stomachs.

next time!

Let us next time, we will protest.

After all, if they predicted again, they would really die.

(End of this chapter)

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