Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 243 Perfect Results

Chapter 243 Perfect Results
"The sparks caravan seems to be going to the egg machine to draw a lottery. Go over and have a look."

"They're already there, but they haven't smoked yet, so I don't know what they're waiting for."

"I heard that the strength of their caravan captain is suspected to be at the fourth level, so they may use the orange crystal nucleus to draw a lottery."

Outside a teaching building in Area A3.

Many people with superpowers rushed to this teaching building upon hearing the news.

On the first floor of this teaching building, there is the easter egg machine.

The second floor is the time bank.

The third floor is a different dimension game machine.

The fourth floor is the space-time secret realm.

This building is also called the Hope Building by the superpowers in the base.

Because what exists on each floor of this building can enable human beings to strengthen and be on the way to strengthening.

Therefore, it also means to bring hope to mankind.

"Brother-in-law, what are you waiting for?"

Tang Chenxuan was a little puzzled. After following his brother-in-law to the egg machine, he had been waiting for more than ten minutes.

At the same time, he discovered why this young lady named Hoshino Chana suddenly became clingy.

All of a sudden.

She was very active in front of several people and went to hold her brother-in-law's hand.

He also took the initiative to get close to his brother-in-law and hugged his arm.

Are you trying to tell me that she is already married?

Let me not have an idea?
Are you still expressing your opinion to your cousin?
Doesn't Hoshino Kana know about her cousin and brother-in-law being together?

After thinking about it, he found that it seemed true that his brother-in-law did not have any more intimate and ambiguous behaviors with his cousin in front of Hoshino Chana.

It seems that I have to find an opportunity to let my brother-in-law break up with her, and then let my cousin take over smoothly.

"Our Chanel was jealous, and she took the initiative to hold hands and got close to her side."

"Brother Huohua's boat is about to capsize, hahaha."

"Young King should have found out. It is estimated that emotional experts are trying to find a way."

"You are wrong, not an emotional expert, it should be Neptune."

"Based on my many years of experience and countless experiences, I am on my way to Shanghai, and I can let Brother Huohua stand firmly on both boats."

In the main battle room.

Chu Wei quietly watched the seven scholars operate.

Some take tarot cards, some take crystal balls, and some take weird things
According to the information about the Easter egg machine.

Not to mention the level, the highest record, and the luckiest superpowers can draw three colorful eggs,
Under normal circumstances, one to two is the norm.

Not one of them happens occasionally.

In front of the huge easter egg machine that is as tall as two people.

on the screen where it appears.

There is a roulette wheel divided into five grids.

The contents of the five grids are: 0, 1, 2, 3, ? ,?
In the middle of the wheel is a pointer.

What is the question mark!
Nobody knows.

Among the information that Su Ye had learned, no one had ever been drawn.

The highest is nothing more than drawing the number 3.

Correspondingly, there are three colorful eggs.

Tang Chenxuan was ignored.

Su Ye waited until the voice in his ear finally sounded.

Then he took out ten orange crystal nuclei and put them into the crystal injection port of the Easter egg machine.

He looked calm.

But the surrounding group of superpowers were already shocked.

It was actually an orange crystal nucleus.

So, is he really at the fourth level?

Otherwise, unless it is a trade income.

However, even if the trade income is not too bad, as long as the luck is not too bad this time, and the fourth-level seven eggs are drawn, then it will become a fourth-level if it is not a fourth-level.

in the base.

The fourth-level seven eggs are the breakthrough bottleneck for large groups of third-level and fourth-time enhanced superpowers.

"The easter egg machine is running and started."

"I don't know how many fourth-level seven eggs he can draw this time."

"One to keep capital, two to make small profits, and three to make big profits."

"It's interesting not to have one, hehe!"

Under the sound of discussions among the superpowers around.

At this moment, Tang Chenxuan, Hoshino Kannai, Tang Yi, and Chen Dongkui all stared at the egg machine.

'Amaterasu, please bless Oni-chan to get three colorful eggs. '

'No matter how bad it is, don't have any. '

Hoshino Kana kept murmuring in her mouth, hoping that nothing disappointing would happen.

'Tathagata Buddha, Jade Emperor, Taishang Laojun, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva'

"Please show your spirit, let Su Ye draw three fourth-level seven eggs, it is best to break the record, four is not too much, five is not too little, six is ​​the best"

Tang Yi softly called out all the gods he knew, clasped his hands together, and kept praying.

In the main war room.

The seven scholars also stared at the screen tightly.

Compared to before they walked in, the expressions of the seven of them were obviously much older.

Outside Hope Building.

The leaders of the three groups of forces who got the news are leading a group of superpowers to come here quickly.

President of Golden Gate Club: Chen Zhuxun.

Chairman of the University Mutual Aid Student Association: Li Chenghuan.

President of the Women's Self-Help Association: Yoon Ji-hyo.

The four-level colorful egg is what they need to break through the bottleneck.

Let's not talk about the result of that person's lottery.

They came here just to see if there was a chance to buy a fourth-level colorful egg from Su Ye.

on site.

On the display screen of the Easter Egg Machine.

The five-grid roulette is spinning rapidly.

But the speed has started to slow down.

Slowly, gradually.

The speed of the roulette is getting slower and slower, so slow that people can clearly see the grid numbers on the roulette.

"The results are coming soon."

"so excited!"

"Who isn't, but I want the pointer to stay on the question mark, curious to see what can come up."

"It's still the grid with the number 3. Who knows if the question mark is good or bad!"

"Steady, I will play again when I have a chance."

"Crossed 1, damn it!"

"Don't stay at 2!"

"You go to the phone and look at it. The pointer is still moving, but very slowly."

"Over 2, over 2!"


The main world is exclaiming.

In the lobby on the first floor of the Hope Building, there were also uproars and exclamations.

The pointer has stopped moving.


Actually got three four-level seven eggs.

Ah Xi, this man has made a lot of money!
A group of people with superpowers stared wide-eyed, and kept looking at the five-grid roulette over and over again.

At this moment, the leaders of the three major forces pushed through the crowd and walked in.

Stay with the pointer.

The huge easter egg machine suddenly burst into BGM sound.

Immediately afterwards, three fourth-level colorful eggs fell from the mouth below it.

Seeing the three fourth-level colorful eggs falling out of the egg outlet, which were as tall as half a person, Su Ye quickly put them away.

The intended purpose was perfectly achieved.

He was very happy, turned around, and saw three extraordinary superpowers standing in front of him at the next glance.

"I am the president of the branch of the Golden Gate Society in this base, and my name is Chen Zhuxun."

"Senior Jin Zhongguo, it's my first meeting, it's an honor to meet you!"

The first to speak was Chen Zhuxun, a middle-aged man in a black suit.

He had a smile on his face and a very enthusiastic attitude.

"I am Li Chenghuan, the chairman of the Mutual Aid Student Association of the University, senior, hello!"

"I'm Yoon Ji-hyo, the president of the Women's Self-Help Association. It's an honor to meet seniors!"

Senior, it is a respectful name in Bang Country.

Facing Su Ye, a fourth-level superpower, they had no choice but to do so, let alone they wanted to buy a fourth-level seven egg from the opponent.

As for why so sure.

Because in their silver quality strength evaluator.

In the data displayed on the left eye lens.

All the attributes of this person are actually question marks.

suffice it to say.

(End of this chapter)

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