Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 248 Entering the Canyon

Chapter 248 Entering the Canyon
On the bluestone steps, five rays of light flashed across.

Su Ye and the other five looked at the canyon scene curiously.

The most conspicuous thing is a huge oval crystal not far in front of them.

Then there are two stone towers in front of the crystal, which are eight or nine meters high.

"Is this the canyon in the game? I'm really not used to seeing the canyon from this perspective."

"Only in the game will there be occasional second-person perspective images."

"I am used to seeing it from the perspective of God, and I feel uncomfortable, but the environment is good, similar to the map of S10."

"I can't tell whether we are above or below!"

"Look at the tops of the five of them's heads. There are blood volumes and levels displayed, as well as nicknames."

"Haha, I'm dying of laughter, Tang Chenxuan is actually called 'handsome enough to be hunted down'."

"Live broadcast system, you are more humane, show us a third perspective, it's 2025, brother."

In the live broadcast room, all the young people who love to play games complained about the discomfort of the second perspective.

on the steps.

"The environment is quite beautiful, Oni-chan."

A beautiful environment can always make people feel happy, Hoshino Kana subconsciously walked forward, but was blocked by a transparent wall.

"The wall will disappear 20 seconds after we appear," Tang Chenxuan explained.

"Why is there no one in this store?" Tang Yi looked at the empty store next to him, and walked forward curiously.

"You can open the virtual interface to purchase equipment in front of the store."

"Let's do some quick shopping and go out, it's like 20 seconds."

Tang Chenxuan followed his cousin to the store, and immediately an old Tang knife and two bottles of healing potions appeared in his hands.

After Su Ye and the others spent [-] gold coins to purchase outfits for going out, the transparent wall disappeared.

"We are on the red side below, Papa Blue is on top, and Papa Red is on the bottom."

"In 1 minute, troops will be dispatched."

"Let's go online quickly. Cousin, you help the captain become popular. I'll go first."

Tang Chenxuan couldn't wait to finish speaking and rushed to the middle road in a hurry.

Su Ye touched the different-dimensional communicator that disappeared beside his ear.

I took a look at the top version of the silenced Desert Eagle in my hand,
He then looked at Chen Dongkui and said, "Uncle, you can go."

"Okay, captain." Chen Dongkui recalled the rules and modes of the game that the captain told him before, walking up the road.

"Remember, stay vigilant when you hit red later, the opponent may come and attack you."

"Also, be safe online. After all, it's your first time participating. Wait until I come to catch people."

"Development first, with replenishment as the core, you can't miss anything"

Talking to the two girls about the main points of the game for the Nth time, Su Ye led the two girls around the mud wall and through the grass to the place where the red buff was born.

While waiting, he tried to unlock the gene lock.

In the perception, the first-order gene lock was successfully opened, the source of healing appeared, and a powerful force gushed out.

Not surprisingly, the attribute value of the body doubled.

However, that feeling of life force was also present.

Su Ye subconsciously looked up at his blood volume.

I saw that the upper limit of 475 points of blood volume was actually decreasing at a rate of one point per second.

474, 473, 472.

In the next second, he was out of the genetic lock state.

It turned out to be the case.

Entering the gene lock state will reduce the upper limit of blood volume

If it enters the second-order state of the gene lock, it is estimated that it will not only be a little bit per second.

1 minutes passed quickly.

Immediately afterwards, a female voice echoed in the ears of the five people.

"The enemy has 30 seconds to reach the battlefield, crush them!"

Following the sound, Su Ye took out the Desert Eagle and walked out of the grass to see if the other party came over to turn red.

Immediately behind Su Ye was Tang Yi holding a double crossbow gun.

Only Hoshino Channa hid in the grass with a laser sword.

After wandering around, as time passed, Su Ye returned to the grass next to the red BUFF pit.

At the same time, six cloaked soldiers in the middle arrived on the battlefield and began to slash.

Tang Chenxuan returned to the long-lost game with a Tang Dao in his hand, looking very excited.

After looking at the player on the opposite side, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He was actually a player from Xia Kingdom.

But it's not unusual, the game's matching mechanism is global, and he occasionally matches players from Xia Kingdom in the primary field.

I looked at his nickname in the game on his blood volume, 'Sweet Song in the Empty City'.

What the hell name, it's not as nice as mine.

"The momentum of this sword is getting stronger and stronger."

He wandered back and forth behind the soldier, always observing the soldier's blood volume, and prepared to go up to make up the knife.

On the other side of him, a young man holding a pistol was quietly standing behind the soldier, observing this young opponent.

Is it a player from Xia Kingdom?
13 seconds later.

In front of Su Ye's eyes, a huge creature more than two meters tall jumped out compared to him.


After he drew the aggro with his first shot, he kept firing while walking back and forth in front of Hong.

Beside him is Hoshino Kanna holding a laser sword.

Behind him is Tang Yi.

Seven or eight seconds later.

"Channai, it's almost time, let's go online." Tang Yi greeted and walked down the road quickly.

After the two girls left, Su Ye drank a bottle of healing potion to recover his blood.

Not long after, amidst the continuous gunfire, Hong fell to the ground and made a loud noise.

In an instant, Su Ye's level rose to level 2.

At the same time, a red halo appeared on the bottom of his feet.

"Please select the skill you want to unlock."

The voice in my head sounded immediately.

"Thunder Gun!"

"One-third of the thunder gun skills have been unlocked."

The voice disappeared, and Su Ye had come to F6.

In an instant, a thunder gun was condensed, and he quickly stabbed the leader of F6, and then detonated.

After a few more shots, the F6 leader was successfully killed.

Immediately afterwards, he passed through the second tower in the middle road and came to the front of the three wolves.

After a while, he came to the blue BUFF vigilantly.

After drinking the last potion of healing.

Ten seconds later, Blue Buff fell to the ground successfully.

Su Ye successfully promoted to level 3.

"Please select the skill you want to unlock."

"Thunder net!"

"One-third of Thunder Net skills have been unlocked."

Su Ye checked his condition while walking towards the river.

There is still a third of the mana.

The life value is almost full.

Coming to the river, a river crab just got out of the river and began to swim back and forth aimlessly.

Su Ye did not act in a hurry.

After all, the opposing jungler is likely to ambush him secretly.

After observing for a while, he thought for a while, and got into the river grass on the road.

Hit the road at this time.

Chen Dongkui was strict with the captain's instructions, and played very wretchedly, controlling the line of soldiers not far from the tower.

The one facing him was a middle-aged man, nicknamed Saibei Old Man.

This person is holding a small axe, wandering among a group of soldiers.

He couldn't understand the characters of the nickname, but he saw the figure of the captain, appearing behind this person.

(End of this chapter)

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