Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 249 The first drop of blood

249 The First Drop of Blood
Saibei old man is very strange.

Does the opponent know that his jungler is in the grass next to him?

How does he know that his jungler will come first to catch it?
After coming out of the soldier line, the opponent was very wretched.

Extremely wretched.

Has been behind the knife with the Desert Eagle, never stepped forward.

The key is that the opponent has reached level 2, and the skills have been unlocked.

It's all at the fourth level, so you don't have any temper if you are suppressed by me like this?
Come out!
His home jungler is in the grass on the road, and he is not afraid.

Don't be afraid that the opponent's jungler will come and catch.

Come and fight back!

At this moment, the shouts of his own jungler came from his ears.

"Get out of the way!"

At the same time, Chen Dongkui also charged forward, while the Desert Eagle kept shooting at him.

Behind the Saibei old man, Su Ye directly entered the second-level state of the gene lock.

The intelligence and spiritual attributes have been doubled by 4 times.

He then condensed all the remaining mana output into a thunder gun, and then ruthlessly stabbed at the opponent's top laner.

At the same time, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a figure emerging from the grass on the road not far to the right.

That's the opponent's jungler!
Nickname: Lone Wolf.

No wonder, the opponent's top laner will keep pressing the line and not retreat.

It is estimated that he is squatting himself.

as predicted.

The Saibei old man was only surprised for a second when he heard the roar of his own jungler, then turned around, showed a ferocious smile, and swung his ax at Su Ye.

This situation, he had already expected.

And just after the ax hit, a thunder gun also pierced into his data body.

In the next second, the old Saibei man was horrified to find that his health was only a quarter of his own.

What the hell?

What kind of harm is this?
After detonating the thunder gun, Su Ye quickly took out the Desert Eagle and shot at him.

He didn't care at all about the opponent's jungler who was about to rush forward on the right.

Because Chen Dongkui also rushed up, Su Ye believed that Dongkui would help him block the opponent's jungler's attack.

At such a close range, every bullet from the Desert Eagle hit the old man Saibei.

After five or six shots.

A female voice resounded throughout the canyon.

"Red Fang Shura got the first blood!"

In the middle of the road, when Tang Chenxuan heard the female voice, he immediately shivered, and then shouted: "Brother-in-law is awesome!"

Although the situation was not good and his state was exhausted by the opponent, he was still very excited.

First blood, very inspiring.

Down the road, Tang Yi and Hoshino Kanna also became excited after hearing the female voice.

Opposite the two women, there are also two female players.

On the road, along with the sound, Chen Dongkui just blocked Su Ye's right side and withstood the opponent's jungler's attack.

Although the lone wolf guessed that the opponent's jungler probably didn't have much mana.

But his blood volume is still healthy.

In addition, his top laner is dead.

1 against 2 is impossible.

So the lone wolf quickly retreated to the defense tower.

"Chen Dongkui doesn't need to chase, just go home and replenish."

Seeing the opponent's jungler retreat, Su Ye heaved a sigh of relief while getting out of the gene lock state.

In just ten seconds of the gene lock state, his blood volume limit dropped by one-tenth.

Back under the defensive tower, a white city return circle appeared on the soles of his feet.

At this time, his experience bar was already two-thirds full.

The amount of gold coins reached 834.

"I think this one depends on whether Brother Huohua can get a big enough advantage in the early stage."

"Brother Huohua can explode terrifying single-target damage. If you accumulate a huge advantage in the early stage, you will be safe when you buy the Starlight Scepter."

"It doesn't have to wait until the later stage to buy the starlight scepter, do you know about snowballing? The level-up skill unlocking and equipment suppression are enough."


Ten seconds later, Su Ye appeared in the water spring.

After quickly buying the boots of the secret method and two bottles of healing potions, he rushed to the middle.

Time to catch it.

But before you catch it, go to the river to kill the river crabs below to upgrade to level four.

Level [-] unlocks teleportation, making it easier to catch people.

And the opponent's jungler was in a pretty good state just now, so he made a shot and then retreated, and he should still be playing in the upper jungle.

While thinking about it, he quickly came to the second tower in the middle road, then walked in from the gap on the right, passed F6 and came to the river.

It happened that the river crab was crawling towards him in front of Xiaolong Pit.

In order to save mana, Su Ye has been attacking the river crab with the Desert Eagle.

At the same time, pay attention to the movement of the surrounding grass, and be alert to the sudden appearance of the opponent's jungler.

After a while, he successfully killed the crab and rose to level four.

"Please select the skill you want to unlock."


"One-third of the teleportation skills have been unlocked."

Only one-third of the teleportation is unlocked, which is mainly reflected in the range distance.

The next moment, he got into the river grass under the middle road.

At the same time, the lone wolf just happened to kill the river crab that fell in the upper river, and got into the grass in the middle river.

However, just looking at it, he snorted coldly.

What the hell, why is it pressing the line again?

How can I catch this!
Just as he was about to leave, he immediately counted the time and felt that the opponent's jungler had almost come out.

Moreover, according to the situation in the middle lane, the opponent's jungler is likely to come and grab.

Squat back again, wait for more than ten seconds, if you don't come, I will leave again.

One's own mid laner is one level higher than the opponent's mid laner, and there are still advantages.

On the opposite side of the grass.

Su Ye looked at the situation in the middle through the gap between the grass.

Not surprisingly, the opponent's mid laner stood in the middle of the pawn line, pressing down on Tang Chenxuan.

Tang Chenxuan was in a very miserable situation at this time, with only half of his health left, and his level was lowered by the opponent by a whole level.

He is level five, and the opponent's mid laner is level six.

Opponent ID: Swan Song in the Empty City

He was reluctantly making up his sword, waiting for Su Ye's support.

But what Su Ye didn't know was.

In the main world, in the second perspective.

After seeing clearly the appearance of the opponent's mid laner through Su Ye's perspective.

In an instant, the main battle room.

Everyone was stunned, and then looked at Colonel Chu.

That's right, the opponent's mid laner who appeared in Su Ye's eyes was actually Chu Wei!

Chu Wei from the doomsday world!
What the hell!

Chu Wei was also stunned.

No one thought of it.

The first time I saw that world was actually in the game.

As for why Su Ye didn't know, it was because he had never seen Chu Wei's appearance so far.

Not to mention Chu Wei, he had never seen anyone in the main battle room except those he knew before.

Doomsday world, inside the canyon.

Su Ye went through the actions to be performed next.

After Tang Chenxuan's small whirlwind accumulated, he quickly rushed out from the grass.

After seeing his brother-in-law come out, Tang Chenxuan had been waiting for a long time, and a small whirlwind was released from Tang Dao with his shout.


After seeing the small whirlwind released by the other party, Kongcheng Jueyong's eyes flashed.

Is it finally here?
Dodging the little whirlwind with ease, he turned around as expected.

The next moment, a flying knife appeared around him.

At the same time, on the other side of the grass, a lone wolf also rushed out.

(End of this chapter)

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