Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 251 Chu Wei and Qin Ying

Chapter 251 Chu Wei and Qin Ying

In the main battle room.

Looking at the screen, after Su Ye rushed out of the grass, the opponent's bottom lane combination was exposed.

After seeing the appearance of the other two women clearly.

Chu Wei looked at Qin Ying beside him in shock.

That's right.

The opponent's bottom laner's support, nicknamed: Lemon is not my cute female player is Qin Ying.

As for another ADC whose nickname is Meng Bo He Liang, he doesn't know him.

At least not the women in his current circle of friends.

"Five years later, aren't we already together!?"

Qin Ying looked at Chu Wei with a happy face and said.

In the game, he actually played the game with Senior Colonel Chu.

And with his incredible game level and talent.

Apart from being together, she couldn't figure out why Colonel Chu would take her to play games.

After all, a game consumes an intermediate entry ticket.

But her reason made Chu Wei think of no other reason to refute for a while.

It is really!
Apart from this, Chu Wei couldn't think of any other possibility.

He knows himself best.

He also knows Qin Ying's game level.

Occasionally played a king with her before, it was a desperate game level and game understanding.

So, the game console in the doomsday world, if you are willing to bring Qin Ying, what else can you have besides emotions?
Plus Su Ye's lineup of four belts and one, four fourth ranks, and one Tang Chenxuan third rank.

Matching the mechanism with the same strength of the game, then, no surprises, the third level of 'my' is Qin Ying, and it happens to be a support.

For the first time, Qin Ying did not refute when she saw Senior Colonel Chu.

Suddenly, with a thought, she grabbed Chu Wei's right hand.

After noticing that the big hand struggled for a while, he calmed down.

Qin Ying looked at the screen, thanking herself five years later for providing herself with this opportunity.

However, the next moment, after seeing Su Ye ruthlessly killed 'herself', she curled her lips again.

in the live room.

"Damn it, Brother Huohua no longer treats the other person as a human being."

"The snowball is getting bigger and bigger. So far, the opponent's mid laner has not been killed. The other four have been killed by Su Ye, and the jungler has been killed twice."

"Be careful, as long as you don't mess around, Brother Huohua probably won't, and I don't know what kind of evaluation you will get later."

Inside the game canyon.

"You go back to supply first, I will eat the line of soldiers."

In fact, unlike Su Ye, the two girls also planned to go back.

The game is now 7 minutes old.

Tang Yi accumulated a lot of gold coins, and Hoshino Kanna's mana was almost consumed.

And Su Ye once again got the soldier line and experience.

However, this time he didn't clean up the pawn line, he just controlled the pawn line and made up the knife.

The opponent's bot lane and jungler died back, but the opponent's mid laner is likely to come and grab.

And with his current state, he definitely can't beat the opponent's mid laner.

So he never goes out of the range line of the bottom defense tower.

These are the experiences and teachings from the top professional players in the main world in the game preparation room.

He kept them all in mind.

In the bushes of the river on the next road, the empty city Juesong who had rushed over for a while saw that Shura still did not come out, and a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

Prudent enough!
It's just weird to understand each other's game.

Why did I see it for the first time in the middle class.

He also often plays in the intermediate field, and he is very familiar with the game nicknames and appearances of some masters.

Whether domestic or foreign.

In this period of time, there are actually not many fourth-tier masters in the world who can enter the intermediate field.

Unlike the primary field, there are a lot of players at Tier [-] and below.

After seeing the city return circle lit up under Shura's feet, Kongcheng Juechang turned and left and returned to the middle route.

And in the water spring.

Su Ye looked at Tang Chenxuan suspiciously, "Did you get killed by the opponent's mid laner?"

"Otherwise, you returned to the city in such a short time?"

"No!" Tang Chenxuan responded with a frank look and shook his head.

After Su Ye bought the metal armor, he planned to blow him up.

"Young people, you have to admit your mistakes, and you have to stand at attention when you are beaten. I have seen it all."

"Brother-in-law, really not, I saw him go down the road, and I followed after clearing the pawn line, but the other party actually ambushed me in the grass."

"I fled back to the tower with the remaining blood, so I was not killed by him!"

Su Ye looked at him for a while, then nodded, "You just stay under the middle tower, then don't go there, you will be meritorious if you defend the tower."

If this brother-in-law is dishonest, then I will change my opinion of him.

Compared with liking Chanel, dishonesty, deceit, concealment and other bad behaviors, Su Ye cares more.

After all, the former is justifiable, a young man with a fresh blood.

And the latter will not work.

As long as there is a trace of such a sign, then Su Ye cannot trust him.

If you don't trust him, then you can't stay by your side, and leave it to Tang Guohao when you arrive at the embassy.

As for whether he was killed or not, we will know when the game is over.

At this moment, the game time is about ten minutes.

Su Ye also basically determined the next game strategy.

That is to first target the enemy's jungler, secondly focus on the top lane, and finally go to the bottom lane if there is a chance.

As for the enemy mid laner, Su Ye didn't care.

Can you develop better than me?

With the digitized metal armor, the defense and blood volume can be improved.

The weakness of the lower upper blood limit due to the previous gene lock has been made up for.

Su Ye first came to the upper half of the opponent's jungle area. After wandering around, he couldn't write about the enemy's jungler, and then walked along the big dragon pit to the triangle grass where the opponent was on the road.

After observing for a while, the next moment, he rushed out directly.

After controlling the mana, he restrained the old man Saibei with a thunder net.

Chen Dongkui immediately received the control skill with the super alloy sword, and then started a burst of output.

Su Ye kept shooting with the Desert Eagle.

After a while, Chen Dongkui stopped, and the captain knocked out the last trace of blood from Saibei old man.

Then Su Ye went to the opponent's upper field, intending to see if he would encounter the enemy's jungler.

The canyon game that has been modified by magic is not like League of Legends. It can see the small map and communicate by typing.

The enemy's top laner died, and their teammates didn't know unless they happened to meet in the water spring.

Vision, news, cannot be shared in real time!

Upper field.

The lone wolf looked at the empty red pit in front of him, with despair in his eyes.

The entire first half of the wild area is barren!
What the hell!

It was the first time that he was beaten so badly by the opponent in the intermediate field.

Shura, I remember you!
While talking fiercely in secret, a thunder gun suddenly shot out from the grass beside the red buff pit.

Facing the extremely fast and sudden attack, the lone wolf was shot by the thunder gun before he could react in time.

Thirty seconds later, his figure appeared in the water spring again.

At this time, the song of the empty city returned to the water spring.

"You died again?"

Looking at the figure suddenly appearing in the water spring, the song of the empty city frowned slightly.

"Kongcheng, my mentality is cracked!"

"Let's make a group, if it doesn't work, just 20 shots."

"Are you sure? With 20 votes, the opponent can directly get an S-level evaluation, and the MVP can even get an SS-level evaluation."

"No, I can't give Shura this evaluation. Let's delay it for a while, and see if there is a chance."

"So far, none of the five opponents has died once. We must take their heads."

"We must also find a way to kill Shura once, otherwise, the opponent will have zero deaths, and with Shura's current record, he is likely to get a 3S rating in the end."

Kong Cheng Jue Sing thought for a while, "I already have a way to deal with Shura, even if I can't kill him, the opponent's mid laner is a breakthrough point."

"As long as you kill the opponent's mid laner a few times, Shura won't be able to get a 3S evaluation."

(End of this chapter)

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