Chapter 252 Three kills!

'Once you pass the early stage, if you snowball, the opponent will target you'

'The weakness of the four-raise-one strategy is that you can't make waves. If you have the opportunity, you can counter-ambush'

This is the experience and teaching of a top professional jungler in the main world.

Su Ye is currently in such a situation.

Coming out of the spring again, holding the AKM, he intends to get his own red.

Calculate the time, it should come out.

From the back of the second tower on the lower road, we walked into the wild area and crossed the grass. Su Ye was surprised to find out.

The opponent's jungler is actually playing red.

Good guy, dare to come and steal my family's red.

Su Ye's eyes flashed, and he was about to get out of the grass, but he stopped.

The opponent died in his hands three times, and his level was completely lowered by him by two levels.

If you dare to appear here now, you must be cheating.

Maybe there are several people ambushing behind the rocky cliff behind the other party.

Slowly retreating, Su Ye returned to the next route, then drilled through the grass on the side of the stone man, and then came to the triangular grass on the next road.

Through the gap in the grass, he glanced at the direction of the red buff.

no one! ?
Possibly hiding in the grass! ?

After contemplating for a moment, Su Ye decided not to venture out.

One red, give it to him.

Furthermore, if the opponent's jungler takes the red, he must either go to the middle lane to grab it, or come to the bottom lane to grab it.

Turning around, he planned to see if he had a chance to catch another bot lane.

If there is no chance, the opponent's jungler will come over.

In front of the red buff pit in the second half of the wild, the lone wolf looked at the red buff lying in front of him, and looked around from the corner of his eye.

Didn't come over?
Or is it coming and not showing up?
Drilled into the grass next to the red pit, inside, the song of the empty city was hiding inside.

"Not here, let's go to the bottom lane and see if we can catch the opponent's bottom lane two people in a wave."

Immediately, the two walked towards the triangular grass on the lower road.

the other side.

On the next route, Tang Yi and Hoshino Kannai were making peace with each other.

The other party dared not step forward, and neither did they dare to step forward.

On the opposite side, support Lemon Wuwomeng and ADC Meng Boheliang also saw their jungler and mid laner come out of the opponent's triangle grass at this moment, appearing behind the opponent's bottom lane combination.


Meng Boheliang yelled softly at the assistant beside him, and then rushed forward.

Back and forth pincer attack, if not at this time, wait for more.

On their right, go down the river and into the grass.

Su Ye looked at the opponent's jungler and mid laner who rushed out, and suddenly chuckled. Sure enough, as he thought, the opponent was planning to ambush him in the jungle just now.

Seeing the opponent rushing out, he immediately got out of the grass.

Who to kill first?
Naturally it is the opponent's ADC, Su Ye is the closest to her at this moment

"You deal with the opponent's mid laner behind you, and focus on taking care of the empty city. Their ADC will come over in seconds."

Su Ye yelled at the panicked two girls, and then quickly rushed towards the opponent's ADC.

Before people get close, a storm of bullets from AKM has already struck first.

In just a few seconds, I saw the opponent's ADC's blood volume drop sharply. If it wasn't for the support's frantic pumping of blood, it would have been directly disabled.

At the same time, Su Ye also rushed in front of Meng Boheliang who was retreating fiercely.

next second.

Just as he had just condensed the thunder gun, the opponent's ADC disappeared in an instant, and then appeared in front of the defensive tower behind.

After a few steps, he retreated into the defense tower.

It's a displacement skill!
Su Ye had no choice but to turn around and attack the opponent's support.

A little Lei Mang arrived first, and then the spear shot out like a dragon.

In an instant, the opponent's support was seconded.

In front of the defense tower, Meng Boheliang held a bow and shot at Shura quickly, but the result surprised her very much.

Is the defense so high?
Not much blood loss.

Or is my attack power too low?

But it's only one level behind him!

She couldn't figure it out. Seeing the other party crawling into the grass next to the road, she hesitated when she wanted to chase after him to fly a kite.

In the grass on the lower road, Su Ye didn't care whether the opponent's AD behind him would chase him or not, and was rushing towards his own lower road quickly.

After he got out of the grass, the situation was already very critical.

The opponent's jungler and mid laner were concentrating on the fire and planned to hit Hoshino Kanna in seconds.

As soon as he walked out of the grass, Su Ye appeared in front of Hoshino Kanna with a teleportation, while protecting her from the damage.

Lightning chain!
Thunder net!


In an instant, he threw three skills and threw them at the opponent's mid laner, and then he condensed the thunder gun, and rushed towards the opponent while strengthening his volts.

Behind the two opponents is their own defense tower.

The opponent can only retreat from the direction of the triangular grass.

"Let's gather the swan song of the empty city of fire first."

With Su Ye standing in front of him, Tang Yi, who no longer evaded, aimed his Gauss gun at the empty city.

With dynamic vision and a passive that shoots with precision, she never misses a shot.

"I will block him, and you will retreat while outputting from behind."

The lone wolf stopped Shura who was about to chase towards the empty city, wanting to keep the empty city, but never thought that after a storm of bullets swept by Shura, he would be left with blood in an instant.

What the hell!

What the hell hurts!

Why does his AKM do so much damage?

It can't be platinum quality or S level potential, right?

The lonely wolf couldn't figure it out, and was killed and taken away by Su Ye again with an expression of unwillingness.

The red buff he just got was also handed over.

It was the third shot of the opponent's AD that the empty song had already taken.

Each shot can knock out one-third of his blood volume.

He didn't understand.

Why is it so powerful.

Could it be that her gun is platinum quality?

Or has it been washed to the S-level potential?

The opponent is a player from Xia Kingdom, that's right.

But after the apocalypse broke out, he had never heard of these masters.

You must know that in this super canyon, all the abilities and equipment of the players are brought in by choice in reality.

The other party, who is it?
Xia people from abroad! ?
In addition to the blood volume that was knocked out, the upper limit of his blood volume is also dropping at a rate of one point per second.

He opened the first-order gene lock state.

Go or change one?


Seeing Shura rushing again, Kongcheng waved his hands, and dozens of energy flying swords shot out at Shura in an instant.

Seeing that the other party wanted to dodge, he focused his eyes and used his mental power to use up all the mana in his body in an instant.

Is the defensive equipment on his body so powerful?

Dozens of energy flying swords hit Shura without accident.

But after seeing the slowly rising and falling blood volume on the top of Shura's head.

With the opponent's support pulling blood.

He sighed inwardly.

Kongcheng understands that the situation is over.

However, although he lost the game, it was not all fruitless.

The single-target damage burst is extremely terrifying Shura.

An ADC with a suspected gold-quality and S-level potential sniper rifle.

Naga's nurse with terrifying blood volume.

Su Ye, who took the triple kill again, looked at the blue buff under his feet and the more than 2000 gold coins on his body, and gave up his plan to go home.

Hold the big ones directly.

Get the Starlight Scepter in your hand.

"Come on, let's go fight Xiaolong."

1 minute later.

Under the violent output, Xiaolong let out an unwilling roar and fell into the dragon pit.

"You go back first, I will clear the wild area."

(End of this chapter)

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