Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 257 Tang Chenxuan's Careful Thoughts

Chapter 257 Tang Chenxuan's Careful Thoughts

The entrance on the first floor of the library building with a very literary and artistic atmosphere.

Taking out his Spark Chamber of Commerce registration card and handing it to her, Su Ye asked, "Is it the organization forces that claim to be new humans?"

The female administrator took the registration card and looked at it.

"That's right, they are infected with the virus, but they are asymptomatic. If they sneak into the base without paying attention and infect ordinary humans with the virus and cause damage, they are really abhorrent beasts Smecta who are not as good as pigs and dogs."

The female administrator kept uttering vicious words, and from the corner of her eye, she secretly noticed the demeanor of the man and woman.

Seeing that the two looked calm, she handed back the registration card, "If it's your first time here, I can find someone to be your guide, which can save you a lot of time."

"However, you need to pay a certain fee as a paid service, just a few white crystal nuclei. The specific amount depends on the actual guide time."

The library is huge, and without computer management, we can only rely on familiar people as guides.

But before Su Ye refused, Hoshino Kana smiled and said, "No need, I come here often, I'm familiar with it, thank you!"

"Oni-chan, Chanel was a good student before, and she came here to study by herself every day, so please tell Channa what information you want to find!"

Walking into the library, Hoshino Kanna said with a sweet smile on her face.

"I am also very familiar with it, so I just look around and reminisce about the past study time."

"Channai, you should also find some books to read, throw away everything outside and indulge in the sea of ​​books, this is a very comfortable state!"

"Okay, let's indulge in the sea of ​​books together!"

Pushing Hoshino Kanna aside, looking at the rows of bookcases, Chu Wei's voice rang in Su Ye's ears.

"If it has not been changed, this Kyung Hee University library has a total collection of more than 254 million volumes. We mainly need to find those dissertations and academic journals."

"Go to the science and technology reference room on the third floor first, and check the research progress in the field of mathematics first."

"Mathematics, as the foundation of all disciplines, determines the upper limit of the development of other disciplines. We must know whether there have been major breakthroughs in mathematics in the past five years."

"Followed by physics, biochemistry, engineering, materials science, and energy science"

Under the instructions of the main world, Su Ye came to the reference room full of academic papers and periodicals with ease.

After finding the bookcase where the mathematical periodicals were classified, he took out one from it and opened it one after another.

Su Ye was watching. At this time, the world's top mathematicians were watching.

They not only want to know which math problems will be solved five years later, but also who will solve them.

It can be said that if a certain conjecture or problem is displayed in the eyes of all mankind.

And learn who the scholar who solved the conjecture problem is through the journal.

Then, the corresponding scholars on the side of the main world will easily gain a huge reputation without any effort.

Xia Guo Mathematics World.

Jinling Institute of Mathematics.

When several students who are proficient in Korean in the foreign language department handed the translated journal content to several old men.
"What? Goldbach's conjecture has been solved?"

"Lu Zhou? Are you from our country?"

"The ABC conjecture was also solved, and it was Lu Zhou who solved it!!!"

"My God, who is he? Hodge's conjecture, NP complete problem, and Riemann hypothesis are all solved by him."

"Won the Fields Medal and the Nobel Prize, monstrous!!!"

"Hurry up and call the higher-ups. Be sure to confirm Lu Zhou's identity. If it belongs to our country, you must protect it as soon as possible."

Su Ye upgraded the technology tree of the main world in the library.

And the other side.

"Cousin, I'll take you to meet someone." Tang Chenxuan said mysteriously, intending to surprise my cousin.

"Say it or not? If you don't, I'll strangle you to death."

"It'll be there soon, don't worry!"

Behind the two siblings was Chen Dongkui.

Originally, he planned to go shopping by himself.

Three months after the apocalypse broke out, he came to the human gathering place for the first time, intending to see if he could meet some old friends.

But when he was about to leave, he was stopped by Tang Chenxuan.

In this way, the three of them came to the B3 area all the way.

"This seems to be the place where first-order superpowers live, why did you bring me here?"

Tang Yi looked around curiously, and his goal was a slightly dilapidated building.

"We'll be there soon." Tang Chenxuan continued to lead the way, and soon the three of them passed through several alleys and alleys, and came to a house.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Chenxuan stepped forward and knocked on the door.

And when the door opened, Tang Yi's expression changed instantly when a woman appeared.

"Who are you?" The woman looked at the three strangers in front of her very strangely.

After a few glances, she recognized it. Isn't this the caravan that sold department stores in the morning?
"What do you want from me?" The woman also went in the morning, but she remembered that she didn't mess with these people.

At the same time, Tang Chenxuan first took a look at the surrounding situation, then immediately took out a few wet wipes and wiped his face.

A moment later, when Tang Chenxuan's original face was revealed.

"Chenxuan?" The woman's tone revealed surprise.

"Sister Meng, it's me, how about it? Surprised or not!" Tang Chenxuan continued with a smile, "We'll talk after we go in."

After the three of them walked into the room, they closed the door with the woman.

Tang Yi also took out a wet towel to remove the makeup on his face.

"Tang Yi!"

"Qingqing, I really didn't expect that you are still alive."

"Me too!"

Tang Yihong hugged her best friend who met again with eyes red.

After a while, the two women who were hugging separated.

At the side, Tang Chenxuan saw this and said, "Cousin, we won't bother you by the side to reminisce about the past, uncle and I will go out for a stroll."

"go quickly!"

Hearing this, Tang Chenxuan's eyes flashed with joy.

Winking at Uncle Chen, the two quickly got out of the room.

"Boy, you can talk about it now, you won't let me go, what's the matter!?"

In the alley outside the room, Tang Chenxuan said softly with an inexplicable smile on his face, "Uncle, I know there is a dormitory building in B1 area."

"There's a female superpower inside."

"I went to see them before, and they are all pretty good-looking, with good figures, and they seem to be female college students."

With that said, Tang Chenxuan took out two boxes of Okabooks.

This is the second time he bought it at a high price from a superpower user who bought it from his brother-in-law in the morning.

For this reason, he spent the last few crystal nuclei on his body.

After successfully getting rid of my cousin, my brother-in-law is in the library again.

Brother Gao and Brother Nie are not here again.

Now it's just a matter of convincing Uncle Chen.

So, as long as Chen Dongkui doesn't leak his words when he goes whoring this time, he will definitely get rid of the virgin and start his first time.

(End of this chapter)

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