Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 258 My name is Daniel Wu

Chapter 258 My name is Daniel Wu

Tang Chenxuan kept talking, seeing Chen Dongkui's complexion constantly changing, he was overjoyed.

This shows what?
It shows that the other party also has an idea.

It is estimated that there are some concerns, so I am still considering it.

"How about it, Uncle Chen, hurry up and tell me, do you want to go?"

Opposite him.

Chen Dongkui wanted to go because he wanted to go.

As for whether Captain Su Ye would say anything or have any opinions, he wasn't worried.

After all, as a middle-aged widowed man, isn't it normal to have physical needs!
Besides, the captain himself brought the two girls around in front of him every day, and he had already accumulated a lot of dog food.

The only concern was that going with Tang Chenxuan made him a little worried.

This kid is Tang Yi's cousin.

Judging from his behavior and words just now, it seems that he has planned for a long time.

And this kind of thing needs to be planned for a long time, which means that someone is controlling him.

So he was worried that if things were revealed, he would be blamed in the end.

After all, he is a little older.

Seeing that Uncle Chen still didn't respond, Tang Chenxuan's heart sank.

It's over, he won't backhandedly come to report, right?

Facing the long-awaited event, at this moment his mind was possessed by Chu Wei, and he quickly came up with a plan.

It is likely that what I said just now was not enticing enough.

At Uncle Chen's age, he probably isn't interested in female college students.

"Uncle Chen, besides the female college students, there are also young women who still have charm. They are all quite beautiful, and their figure is like a ripe peach."

Sure enough, when Tang Chenxuan saw the change in Chen Dongkui's eyes, he was instantly overjoyed.

"Uncle Chen, I heard from my brother-in-law that we are leaving tomorrow. Think about it, when we arrive at our embassy, ​​there will never be such a red light building."

"That is to say, after this village, there will be no such shop!"

"What do you mean?" Chen Dongkui was a little confused. Isn't this a base? How did it become a village?

"Anyway, after leaving this base, it will be very difficult for you to meet such female superpowers who come out to sell in the future. Even if you do, you don't know how long it will take."

"Give me a sweet word, uncle, I've been talking for so long."

"Are you going or not?"

"Don't worry, I took you there!"

"You said it yourself!"

"I said!"

"Okay, let's go!" Chen Dongkui stopped hesitating after making a decision, and immediately moved forward.

"and many more!"

Chen Dongkui turned around and looked, "What's wrong?"

"To be more on the safe side, I'll put on makeup first, and then we can't use our real names."

"From now on, my name is Wu Yanzu, and your name is Edison Chen."

Tang Chenxuan took out the cosmetics that he secretly brought from his cousin in the morning, and smeared it on his face for a while in front of the small mirror.

"Can you still see my real face?"

Seeing the uncle shaking his head, he immediately grinned: "Let's go!"

In the room behind the two.

After listening to Tang Yi, Meng Qingqing talked about the experience after the doomsday broke out with a happy face.

For a while, she was silent.

Think back to the suffering you experienced after the doomsday broke out.

She was suddenly dazed.

In high school, Meng Qingqing and Tang Yi were classmates.

However, at that time, the relationship between her and Tang Yi was not that good, and it was just a superficial classmate relationship.

Because Tang Yi is so beautiful, she is the class flower in the class, and it can also be said to be the school flower.

She is average in appearance.

Among women, there is always jealousy.

But that's just something deep inside her that didn't show on the surface during high school.

After graduating from high school, she learned that Tang Yi also went to Bangguo to study together, and they were still in the same school.

In this way, the two of them started to get in touch with each other more, their relationship gradually deepened, and they became good girlfriends.

"Qingqing, what's wrong with you!" Tang Yi reached out and shook Meng Qingqing's eyes.

She went on to say: "Don't worry, I will say hello to the captain later, we will go to the embassy together, and when we arrive at the embassy, ​​we will be completely safe."

"In addition, due to my father's warning, I have not revealed my father's identity to you."

"Actually, my father is the head of the embassy in the baseball country."

"So, when you arrive at the embassy, ​​no one will bully you anymore."

In the circle of foreign students, Tang Yi never revealed the identity of his father.

Because I'm afraid of trouble!
Summer country students are very discriminated against and rejected by the students in Bang country.

This also caused Xia Guo's overseas students to either have nothing to do, and if something happened, it would be very troublesome and difficult to deal with.

So Tang Yi didn't even mention Meng Qingqing, his best friend.

It's not that I don't believe her, it's that I'm afraid that she will reveal it to others, or that she caused some trouble to find me, or that her boyfriend is in trouble, etc.

Once this identity is revealed, Tang Yi has only two situations, either leave the trouble to his father to solve, or it is difficult to get along in the circle of foreign students.

And when Meng Qingqing heard about it.

She was dazed again.

No wonder.
It was very troublesome for me to apply for any documents at the beginning, but she went very smoothly.

and also
For a moment, Meng Qingqing, who was a little out of balance, concealed the disappointment on her face, forced a smile and said, "When are you leaving?"

Seeing her like this, Tang Yi thought she was recalling the bad experience she had encountered after the outbreak of the doomsday.

"We will leave tomorrow, the captain is very powerful, so you can rest assured."

"Is the captain also from Xia Guo?" Meng Qingqing noticed the look in Tang Yi's eyes and asked curiously.

"No, he is Korean!"

Thinking of Su Ye's identity as an agent, Tang Yi thought for a while but still did not reveal Su Ye's true identity.

"By the way, how many foreign students from our country are there in this base?"

"There are eight people, probably unknown to you, from other universities."

Tang Yi nodded, "I'll just tell him, he won't mind."

After finishing speaking, she took out the communicator, "Captain (Korean), I have eight Xia Guo students here, can you take them to the embassy together?"

After a while, she put down the communicator and looked at Meng Qingqing, "He agreed."

"Let's have a good night together."

"But." Meng Qingqing hesitated for a while and continued: "We don't have many food jams, and we've been living on compressed rations recently."

"It's okay, I have a lot of delicious food here, you can eat it without worry."

Seeing what Tang Yi said, Meng Qingqing realized that the one who sold department stores and gourmet food in the morning was her captain.

She was out of balance again.

"Do you want to call them together?" On the surface, Meng Qingqing was still smiling, "It's probably almost back."

Tang Yi struggled for a while, and then thought that Meng Qingqing was likely to be taken care of by this group of foreign students, so he said, "Let's go together, it will be more lively if there are more people."

"Anyway, we are all overseas students, so we can chat."

Just then, the door opened and a man walked in.

"Hey, who is this beauty?"

A young man came in, looking at the pure and pretty Tang Yi, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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