Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 259 I have something to do with Kim Jong Kook!

Chapter 259 I have something to do with Kim Jong Kook!
Area B1.

A female dormitory building exudes an inexplicable brilliance under the afterglow of the setting sun.

"This is it?" Chen Dongkui confirmed to Tang Chenxuan, looking at the women's clothes and underwear hanging in the aisle of the dormitory building.

"That's right, it's run by a high-ranking person from the Women's Self-Help Association."

Seeing men with superpowers walking in constantly, Tang Chenxuan's heart became more and more itchy, and he took the lead to walk in.

"Handsome guy, are you watching the dance, the one with no clothes~~"

"It's very cheap, just a green crystal nucleus!"

"No, thank you!" Tang Chenxuan quickly walked away from the elder sister, and walked into the dormitory caretaker's room on the left side of the building according to his previous experience.

"How many? What project are you going to do?" An aunt asked quickly when she saw Tang Chenxuan and Chen Dongkui walking in.

"Give me the most expensive one, it seems to be called Emperor Supreme Manxiang, right!?" Tang Chenxuan asked about it last time, and he remembered that the most expensive item was called this.

"what do you need?"

"How many grades do female superpowers need?"

"One or two?"

"How old is the age requirement?"

"Level 2, give me 2, you're almost in your twenties, you must be prettier, or I'll replace you."

"What about you?" The aunt looked at Chen Dongkui and asked after remembering the young boy's request.

"Is there any Tier 3?"

"No, up to level 2!"

"Then level 2, in your thirties, if you want a better figure, give me 2 too."


After the aunt took out the communicator and said a few words, she looked at the two of them and said, "This is your card. You are in room 302 on the third floor, and you are in room 405 on the fourth floor."

"Hey, I haven't given the crystal nucleus yet!"

Tang Chenxuan snatched the cards from Auntie's hand and rushed out impatiently.

But the aunt just yelled, seeing that the two of them didn't look back, she turned around and went back to the room.

Normally, she had to pay first, but she recognized Chen Dongkui as a member of the spark caravan who was famous at the base in the morning.

This caravan has earned so many crystal cores, so there is no need to worry.

In front of the library building, Su Ye, who just came out of it, picked up the communicator.

"Oh, I know, it's okay, just take it with you."

"Okay, pay attention to your own safety, don't drink, and contact me after eating."

"What's wrong!?"

Seeing that Su Ye hung up the communicator, Chu Wei asked curiously.

"It's nothing, Tang Yi met a former classmate who was also a student of Xia Guo, so he wanted me to take her to the embassy."

"I heard from her that there are still eight foreign students. It will be good to arrange a car to follow our RV."

Leaving this aside, Su Ye led Hoshino Kanna towards A1, Su Ye continued the topic just now, "Chu Wei, you said that you were in the Super Canyon just now, so the mid laner is you five years later?"

"King City Swan Song is the ID I often use to play games, and I don't have a twin brother, so it's me if nothing else happens."

"Plus that Qin Ying's assistant on the bottom lane"

After listening, Su Ye was full of regret, "Unfortunately, I can't communicate in the game."

"You can't take your interdimensional communicator in, and you have never seen me, so you still couldn't recognize me at that time, and even if you could communicate, it was useless."

"That's right!" Su Ye thought for a while, the game's matching mechanism is global.

Even if I know this information now, I don't know how much time it will take to match Chu Wei again.

"It's better to hurry back to the embassy, ​​learn about the domestic situation from Tang Guohao, and then leave for home."

From Tang Chenxuan's five people before, Su Ye did not know the most important question.

That is why the motherland can know the outbreak of the end of the world in advance.

"Do you have any plans for that agent?"

"For the upcoming banquet, that Lin Yun'er will definitely attend. If you bring Jiang Yubing with you, you can buy the world's most advanced and advanced monitor in the Points Mall and put it on her."

"First understand the situation, the most important thing is to confirm whether she has been instigated."

"What if it doesn't show up?"

"Then find a way to sneak into her residence."

Hoshino Kanna, who was on the right side of Su Ye, was very strange. Why did Oni-chan turn her head to the left from time to time? She also looked at it a few times, but there was nothing there!

In this way, the two arrived at the entrance of Area A1 all the way.

"Senior Jin, I have been waiting for a long time, this way please."

A person with super powers first glanced at Hoshino Kana in surprise, wondering how could she find such a good-looking female companion with the strength of the other party.

But all of this was a secret guess. On the surface, he led Su Ye with enthusiasm and respect.

Passing through one villa after another, over the undergrowth, the superpower brought Su Ye and the two of them to a stop in front of a villa.

"Senior, President Chen and the others are already waiting for you inside." After the superpower man finished speaking, he greeted and turned to leave.

"Let's go in!"

Seeing the extraordinarily dazzling villa set off by the brilliant lights, Su Ye said something to Chanel, and walked up the steps.

"Hello, please come inside!"

Under the respectful eyes of the maids on both sides of the gate, Su Ye walked in, aiming to enter the luxuriously decorated hall of the villa.

In the magnificent hall, there are women with exquisite makeup and beautiful dresses and men in suits holding wine glasses talking and laughing.

Waitresses in short skirts kept walking back and forth, pouring water and wine for the guests.

At a glance, most of the food on display was bought by myself.

"Handsome guy, long time no see!"

Lin Yun'er immediately noticed Su Ye who came in, she looked very charming in a tube top.

She took a few glances at Hoshino Kanna who was beside Su Ye, but then she didn't pay attention.

"Goddess Lin, you are more beautiful than on the screen!" Su Ye replied politely, glanced at Jiang Yubing who was beside her from the corner of her eye, and then looked at the three people who came over.

It was Chen Zhuxun, Li Chenghuan, Yin Zhixiao and the others.

"Senior, welcome, thank you for coming to my banquet."

As Chen Zhuxun said, he stretched out his right hand.

Su Ye shook hands with him lightly, and said with a smile, "President Chen, you are welcome."

Several people walked forward, and they exchanged business ideas for a while. Su Ye got straight to the point and said, "President Chen, I have something to do later. If there is anything, just talk about it."

Chen Zhuxun was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Senior, since that's the case, then I'll just say it straight."

He put away his smile, and his face looked a little dignified, "Just yesterday, we received news that demonic superpowers are approaching our base, and they are expected to resist in three days."

"They teamed up with the anarchist rebels, and this time the base is at stake."

"Knowing that senior will leave tomorrow, I would like to ask senior to stay and help resist them."

After Chen Zhuxun's eloquence, Su Ye understood.

The cause and effect actually lies in oneself.

Since the establishment of the six major bases, the joint management committee has issued a reward order for Shura's pursuit.

Since the range of the Black Rain game is not far from the base, many superpowers in the base ran out to look for Shura.

Looking forward to obtaining Shura's information and rewards, so as to improve his strength.

As for whether to stay or not
That was caused by Shura, and it has something to do with Jin Zhongguo! ?
(End of this chapter)

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