Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 260 What a coincidence!

Chapter 260 What a coincidence!

"Through the analysis conclusions of our psychological experts, coupled with their various signs at the moment."

"They must have hidden tricks."

"It may be a powerful special item, it may be a hidden fourth-order superpower, or it may be reinforcements that are coming."

"They have one purpose, to keep you as cannon fodder!"

Actually, Su Ye knew without Chu Wei's detailed analysis.

Although he doesn't have Chu Wei's mind.


It's all at stake, and you still have the mind to hold a banquet!

Doesn't this explain something!

Don't say it was done for me.

Even if this banquet is specially organized, it is to let me stay and help them resist.

Furthermore, it will take three days.

I have nothing to do?

Very simple logic.

Su Ye didn't wait for Chen Zhuxun to say the reward, and said directly: "I'm sorry, I still have something to do, so I can't stay and help the base!"

"Senior, the three of us are willing to spend [-] game points to buy potential scrolls or chaos cubes, or other things you specify, senior."

"Senior, do you think about it again?"

This is the reward after the three of them discussed carefully.

With Jin Zhongguo's fourth-level strength, he must need the scroll of potential and the magic cube of chaos to wash his equipment.

After all, the higher the potential of washing, the safer it is to break into the secret realm of time and space.

If it was an ordinary fourth-order superpower user, they might be really tempted by this kind of reward.

But, unfortunately, Su Ye did not.

"No, I have a schedule and I'm in a hurry."

The three of Chen Zhuxun looked at each other, looking a little surprised.

The other party is not tempted by this kind of reward, it seems that something is really urgent.

Chen Zhuxun was still thinking about his words, thinking about persuading him again.


Li Chenghuan, the chairman of the student union, sternly accused: "Senior, everyone is a Korean citizen, are you so cold-blooded?"

Hearing this, Su Ye's eyes froze immediately.

"Interesting, this buddy is still too young to hold his breath, and he actually blamed Brother Huo Hua, he is about to be saved, haha."

"It's normal, the student council president. After the apocalypse broke out, he reached the third level at a young age. He was so arrogant that he didn't dare to say anything."

"Young people should not be too arrogant."

"If you are not arrogant, you are still called a young man?"

"Then you also have to be strong and vigorous. If you don't have strength, you're stupid."


on site.

"Senior, we have a call-up order issued by the joint management committee here. When the base is facing a crisis, any superpower with a big stick from the Republic of China is obliged to participate in defending the base."

"If someone with superpowers refuses, they will face a nationwide S-level wanted reward order, and they will be hunted down forever until the target dies."

The more he said, the more arrogant Li Chenghuan's expression became.

Beside him, Chen Zhuxun's eyes flickered a few times, but he didn't interrupt him and remained silent.

Yin Zhixiao, the president of the Self-Help Association, was also the same, and did not speak.

And there was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, whether she was laughing at Li Chenghuan or Su Ye.

"Have you said enough?" Su Ye looked at him, and his eyes met his.

In an instant, facing the eyes of Kim Jong Kook, Lee Seung Hwan's face changed suddenly.

"Haha, you were scared by our brother Huohua!!"

"Brother Huohua is awesome, I was taken aback when I saw those eyes."

"You don't even think about it. In the past few days, Brother Huohua has killed a lot of people. The murderous intent is a bit mysterious, but the murderous intent can still be seen in his eyes."

"makes sense"

Su Ye glanced at the three of them and snorted softly, "Tell me about the honor of the family and the country?"

"In my opinion, the Big Stick Republic of China has long since died, under the rule of the chaebol."

"They just changed a form and continued to maintain their high feudal rule."

"As for you, you are just the sorrow of a group of vested interests."

"It's just a tool in their hands!"

This is Su Ye's view on Bangguo.

But after the words fell, the expressions of Chen Zhuxun and the others changed instantly.

"You're an anarchist!?"

"You say yes, I will leave here according to the schedule tomorrow, if any of you have the courage to make a move, then give it a try!"

Su Ye, who was expressionless, pushed away Li Chenghuan who was in front of him, came to the table, picked up a goblet and took a sip, then walked outside.

And in this process, when passing Lin Yun'er.

No one noticed that a small monitor landed on Jiang Yubing's shoulder and was covered by her shawl.

Seeing Jin Zhongguo's back disappearing outside the gate of the villa, Chen Zhuxun looked at each other again and remained silent.

"I'll go and persuade him again." Lin Yun'er dropped a sentence suddenly and rushed out, Jiang Yubing followed closely.

Seeing Lin Yun'er chasing after him, Li Chenghuan's expression became extremely ugly in an instant.

"Senior, please wait a moment."

Hearing Qingling shouting behind him, Su Ye stopped and turned to look.

Lin Yuner trotted up to Su Ye with her skirt in hand, "Senior, I would like to ask, which direction are you going tomorrow?"

"Senior, I want to ask you to escort me to the North Korean base for a fee, what do you think!?"

"I can take out 2 game points and five third-level colorful eggs."

"After arriving at the North Korean base, I will give you five third-level seven-eggs."

She leaned very close, and the fragrance was revealed in her words.

Seeing this, Hoshino Kanna frowned slightly and pulled Raoni back a little.

"Sorry, I'm not in the same direction as you."

The embassy that Su Ye is going to and her base in North Korea are in the northeast and the other is in the north.

"Senior, don't think about it anymore!" After hearing Su Ye's refusal, Lin Yun'er was a little anxious.

Su Ye shook his head, "There's no need to say any more, I've made up my mind!"

"In addition, as a citizen of the Big Stick Republic of China, are you so cold-blooded? Choose to leave alone?"

"Anyway, you are also a third-order strength!"

Taking a deep look at her, Su Ye turned and left without hesitation.

He is a fake, but Lin Yuner is a real Chinese.

This nation!

Ha ha!

Hearing these words, Lin Yun'er was stunned for a while, and when she regained her senses, Su Ye's figure had disappeared.

After being silent for a while, she turned sideways and said, "Go to his armored caravan at night to install a positioning device. Be careful. With your strength and ability, you should not be discovered by him."

"Tomorrow, we will follow him."

"Otherwise, if the base north demon superpower breaks through and falls into the hands of those people, life will be worse than death!"

Jiang Yubing nodded, "Okay, I'll go there later in the night."

On the way to C3 area, Su Ye couldn't help showing a smile when he heard Lin Yuner's words in his ears.

that's nice!

Come here and let me know what you, an agent, have been doing for the past few years.

However, to plan well, you must first find a way to confirm whether she has been instigated.

(End of this chapter)

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