Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 261 The Calculation of Foreign Students

Chapter 261 The Calculation of Foreign Students
Just when Su Ye had just entered the villa.

Area B.

In a bungalow, in a relatively large room.

On a large long table, plates of exquisite dishes were arranged in an orderly manner.

"Miss Tang, thank you for the hospitality. Really, you don't know how difficult it is for us to live here."

"Thank you again for your delicious food, I haven't eaten such a meal for a long time."

"I offer you a toast, thank you!"

A handsome young man picked up a cup full of drinks with both hands, looked at Tang Yi, and the cup touched Tang Yi.

Tang Yi drank his drink with a smile and put down his cup, "You're welcome, you take good care of Qingqing."

After the introduction just now, she remembered that the young man was Cheng Hao, who was Qingqing's boyfriend.

"What we should really be grateful for is that Miss Tang can take us back to the embassy tomorrow."

"I heard some superpowers who came back today talking, this base will soon face the attack of demon superpowers."

The person who spoke was Wan Taobo, who was also a student studying in Korea.

"What? Tao Bo, don't tell me it's fake? Those beasts are extremely vicious." Someone exclaimed suddenly, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Didn't many superpowers go out to find Shura recently? Some people saw many demon superpowers appearing in the Black Rain game area, and many of them were killed."

"Fuck, it's okay, we can leave here tomorrow."

"That's right, otherwise, when we face the attack of demonic superpowers, our group of people will definitely be dragged into cannon fodder by the Bang people."

"That's right, come on, let's all respect Miss Tang together. Thanks to Miss Tang, she brought us and brought us back to the embassy."

Seeing a group of people standing up, Tang Yi smiled and waved for them to sit down.

"You don't have to do this. We are all compatriots. I am very happy to be able to help you."

After drinking the prediction, Tang Yi put down the cup, "I'm going to the bathroom."

The bathroom is downstairs, waiting for Tang Yi's figure to disappear at the corner of the stairs.

At the dinner table, a young man wearing glasses suddenly broke the atmosphere and said, "Brother Hao, are we really going to do this?"

"Actually, it's not necessary"

Just before the dinner started, Cheng Hao and the others came back to meet Tang Yi.

Especially after learning about Tang Yi's identity and the fact that he will be able to return to the embassy tomorrow.

As the leader of the small group, Cheng Hao proposed a plan.

That is to find a way to bring Wan Taobo and Tang Yi together.

Through tonight's dinner, let's get on the train first and make up for the ticket.

"Don't forget her identity." Cheng Hao looked at the man with eyes coldly and continued: "After the end of the world broke out, how many times have we asked the embassy for help?"

"The results of it?"

"They didn't even care about us, and they didn't send anyone to rescue us. They just didn't care about us."

"That's just one of them."

"We don't know what's going on at the embassy right now, but with the seven-egg strengthening system revealed in the end of the day, with our strength, even if we go there, we'll still be living at the bottom, facing danger at any time."

"This is no longer the era when money was the most important thing. Now strength is the most important thing."

"And the process of improving strength and obtaining colorful eggs is full of life and death crises."

"We can only find a way to get Tao Bo to take her down, so that when we get there, with her father's status, we will definitely be able to live a good life."

"With some colorful eggs, we can strengthen ourselves without taking risks."

"Tao Bo, you will definitely be the happiest at that time."

"When the time comes, don't forget that our brothers are trying so hard to help you now."

Cheng Hao said, took out a bag of powder and poured it into Tang Yi's cup, then winked at Meng Qingqing beside him.

With a complicated expression, Meng Qingqing picked up the coconut juice and poured it into Tang Yi's forehead cup, blending the powder.

Sitting directly opposite Tang Yi was Wan Taobo. When he saw the powder was dissolved by the white coconut milk, a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes.

Seeing this, the rest looked at Wan Taobo enviously, but there was nothing they could do.

Who made Wan Taobo the only guy who looked like a little milk dog among the big guys, not to mention being handsome, the key point is that this guy often plays with women, he is a veritable king of the sea.

The rhetoric can be said to come casually, and countless beauties in the circle of foreign students are fascinated by him to death.

This is also the main reason why Cheng Hao chose Wan Taobo.

After getting in the car, the most important thing is to rely on Wan Taobo's verbal offensive to make Tang Yi accept it helplessly.

In this way, they are much less likely to face Tang Yi's revenge.

In his opinion, if such a thing, such an opportunity, is not given a chance, he will be a laborer in the last days forever, facing death at any time, and will never recover!

"Brother Bo, don't forget brother after this is done!" A young man next to Wan Taobo touched his arm and said enviously.

"Don't worry, don't worry, everyone has known me for so long, I am one thing to women, but I have nothing to say to brothers."

"So Brother Hao said to let Brother Bo come, and I was the first to agree. I have known Brother Bo for the longest time, and I know what he is like best."

"Cough cough!"

After Cheng Hao coughed, Tang Yi walked up the stairs.

Seeing her take a seat, Cheng Hao immediately said, "Miss Tang, do you know what's going on at the embassy?"

"I don't know, I'm just going there."

"Oh, I thought I was buried in a foreign country, but I didn't expect to be able to return to the embassy. When we return to the embassy, ​​we will have the hope of returning home."

"That's right, come on, everyone respect Miss Tang, she is the one who gave us the chance to go home."

"Come, come, touch one!"

After a while, I saw Tang Yi drinking a drink.

Suddenly, Cheng Hao and Wan Taobo's eyes flashed with excitement.

After that, everyone didn't pay any more respect, and just chatted like a family and waited for the effect of the medicine to take effect.

After a few minutes.

Meng Qingqing held Tang Yi's left hand, "Tang Yi, are you sleepy? Yes, after eating for so long, it's getting late. Let me help you go to bed."

Tang Yi looked at the crowd with blurred eyes, only feeling that
"Why are there two people?"

"Qingqing, Cheng Hao, why did you become two?"

"What's wrong with me. What time is it... Ah, I...why do I want to sleep so much?"

Seeing that Tang Yi was drowsy, Cheng Hao and Wan Taobo looked at each other and stood up. Then, the rest of them stood up and made way.

Meng Qingqing supported Tang Yi to stand up, and on the other side, Wan Taobo also came to support Tang Yi.

Just like that, the three of them walked towards the next bedroom.

"Brother Hao, after her captain finds out, he won't take action against us, will he?"

"I heard that her captain's strength is very powerful, and she may have reached the fourth level."

The young man with glasses was still a little anxious. Seeing the figures of the three disappear into the corner of the bedroom, he quickly looked at Cheng Hao and asked.

"It's okay, I heard from what Qingqing learned, she has nothing to do with that Korean, she's just an ordinary team member."

Cheng Hao waved his hand and said, and began to eat the dishes on the table.

I have been holding my heart just now, and now I am in the mood to enjoy the food.

(End of this chapter)

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