Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 263 Hey, eh, wood, have you heard of it?

Chapter 263 Hey, eh, wood, have you heard of it?

inside the room.

Su Ye has already dealt with the matter.

"Just now you told me to keep them alive, what are you going to do?"

In the main battle room, Chu Wei was used to Su Ye ignoring his suggestion again.

"It is mainly used to determine whether the agent Jiang Yubing has been instigated."

Before Su Ye could ask, he said, "After you capture her."

"One is to test whether she can arouse her inner empathy by abusing this group of Xia Guo students and using the psychology of compatriots."

"The second is to conduct a comprehensive observation and analysis of her through behavioral psychologists, micro-expression psychologists, emotional psychologists, criminal psychologists, etc."

"Third, after confirmation by our psychological experts, you can identify yourself and further confirm through verbal conversation."

Su Ye thought for a while, and said without any regret or remorse: "So let's start directly from the second point now?"

"No, from the first point, there is still one compatriot!" Chu Wei showed a smile, and continued: "I think she will accept it."

"This..." Su Ye pondered for a while, "Abusive!?"

"It was originally considered that you might not be able to accept and implement it, so it's okay to abuse these men."

"However, now you have no choice. If you are facing a woman, then act as a bully!"

"In this way, it will be more effective."

"But, I don't know, I have never touched this kind of thing."

Chu Wei glanced at the two top bondage masters and top training and abuse research experts from Neon behind him, and said, "Someone will teach you!"

With the plan in his ear, Su Ye walked out of the room, looked at the two women outside and said, "Let's go back."

Back in the RV, Su Ye left a word to Hoshino Kanna and dragged Tang Yi into the master bedroom.

"Shana, let me comfort her, you go to rest first."

Looking at the closed door of the master bedroom, Hoshino Kanna pursed her lips and walked into her room feeling a little disappointed.

Some things, she has already noticed.

And only less than one meter away, in the room opposite her.

As soon as the door was closed, Tang Yi approached enthusiastically, as if wanting to vent the discomfort in his heart.

It wasn't until they were out of breath that the two separated.

"Times have changed, and human nature and human hearts have become more difficult and complicated"

Before revealing the plan, Su Ye, as her reliance, naturally wanted to comfort her.

"I understand, I don't feel so sad now."

"That's good." Su Ye looked at her and hesitated for a while, but finally managed to organize his words, and said, "I want you to do me a favor."

"what happened?"

"Do you still remember the female superpower next to Lin Yun'er in the morning?"

Tang Yi thought about it for a while, then nodded slowly, and asked curiously: "I have an impression, what are you going to do?"

"She is actually an agent sent by our country to perform tasks here."

Seeing his dignified expression, Tang Yi had a look of surprise on his face.

But when thinking of the identity of the other party's SSS-level super agent, it's normal to be able to recognize one's own agent.

Just don't know how I can help.

Su Ye continued: "I went to the banquet just now and installed a monitor on her, and she will come over after a while."

"Her name is Jiang Yubing, and her code name is Bingyu. She was sent here a few years ago. It stands to reason that she should have gone back long ago, but she is still here."

"After a year or two, seeing her again now, I want to confirm whether she has been instigated by people from Bangguo."

"After confirmation, I will learn from her the reason for her stay here."

"So!?" Tang Yi looked at Su Ye, wondering what he should do.

Su Ye looked at her a little bit hard to say, but still said slowly: "My plan is like this."

"After I capture her, we will play a scene in front of her."

Tang Yi became more and more curious.

I only heard Su Ye continue to speak in a low voice.

"Hey, have you heard of it?"

"The main idea is that during this process, I will observe her facial expressions to conduct a psychological analysis of her, so as to make a preliminary judgment."

"Wait, what is ehsehmu?" Tang Yi blinked his beautiful big eyes, slightly puzzled.

"How should I put it? It's um." Su Ye thought for a while, touched his nose with his hand, and looked around.

main world.

Su Ye closed the live broadcast room, but forgot to turn off the sound.

And after things are over.

He pondered over the plan Chu Wei had mentioned.

and so.

this moment.

"Damn it, brother Huo Hua wants eh, eh, eh? To Tang Yi?"

"My darling, there is a good show to watch this time, and the wonderful show of the year is coming."

"I'm so excited, the live broadcast room is closed!"

"Stupid or not, Brother Huo Hua understands the psychology of shit, and he wants to let the experts from the main world take action, so, do you still need me to say!!"

"Damn it, it makes sense!"

"I've prepared the wastebasket and Depot, and I'm waiting for the super ban in the eighteen bans."

the other side.

After hesitating and thinking for a long time, Su Ye gritted his teeth and said, "The plot is like this."

"I play a twisted psycho."

"You're playing an innocent girl, no, you're acting in your true colors, so you don't need to pretend."

"Then I'll bully you."

"Bully me?" Tang Yi thought for a while, is he going to be beaten! ?
"Okay, then take it easy."

"It can't be helped. She is an agent, so she can't see through it. Therefore, we'd better be more authentic."

"Do you have a healing potion in your watch?"


"That's good, I'll trouble you." Su Ye heaved a sigh of relief, it was best to be able to persuade her so easily.

Then follow the instructions from the main world and start to take out props, such as collars, iron chains, leather whips, and candles.
"Wait, what is this?" Looking at the things that appeared one after another, Tang Yi was stunned.

"The props you need to bully you!"

"Come and change into this set of clothes." Su Ye replied naturally, his hands kept moving.

And at this moment, for a moment, listening to his answer, Tang Yi understood.

I really understand!
In the next second, her face was so red that she could almost drip water.

"It's almost there, let's go early, I'm afraid he will probably drive away tonight."

Lin Yun'er looked worried, and continued to say very uneasy: "With your ability, you won't be discovered, hurry up, and I will pay you extra later."

Seeing that Jiang Yubing was still in motion, she gritted her teeth and said, "Two Level [-] colorful eggs, is that enough?"

"Okay, I'll go right now."

But Jiang Yubing is like this, the other party is a superpower with a fourth-level strength, and the risk of action she said does require additional rewards.

Seeing that Jiang Yubing's figure suddenly turned into a black shadow and melted into the ground, and then disappeared completely, Lin Yuner heaved a sigh of relief.

It's not that she doesn't trust the base's defensive capabilities.

But for the devil with superpowers, she has seen the extremely cruel methods of the other party, leaving a deep shadow in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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